module 'thinc_gpu_ops' has no attribute 'hash'
See original GitHub issueOn Win10, thinc 6.12.0, spacy 2.0.16, cupy 4.1.0
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-2432a7701a48> in <module>()
1 # defining doc
----> 2 doc = nlp("Jill laughed at John Johnson.")
3 spacy.displacy.render(doc, style='dep', options={'distance' : 140}, jupyter=True)
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\spacy\ in __call__(self, text, disable)
344 if not hasattr(proc, '__call__'):
345 raise ValueError(Errors.E003.format(component=type(proc), name=name))
--> 346 doc = proc(doc)
347 if doc is None:
348 raise ValueError(Errors.E005.format(name=name))
pipeline.pyx in spacy.pipeline.Tagger.__call__()
pipeline.pyx in spacy.pipeline.Tagger.predict()
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\neural\_classes\ in __call__(self, x)
159 Must match expected shape
160 '''
--> 161 return self.predict(x)
163 def pipe(self, stream, batch_size=128):
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in predict(self, X)
53 def predict(self, X):
54 for layer in self._layers:
---> 55 X = layer(X)
56 return X
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\neural\_classes\ in __call__(self, x)
159 Must match expected shape
160 '''
--> 161 return self.predict(x)
163 def pipe(self, stream, batch_size=128):
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in predict(seqs_in)
291 def predict(seqs_in):
292 lengths = layer.ops.asarray([len(seq) for seq in seqs_in])
--> 293 X = layer(layer.ops.flatten(seqs_in, pad=pad))
294 return layer.ops.unflatten(X, lengths, pad=pad)
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\neural\_classes\ in __call__(self, x)
159 Must match expected shape
160 '''
--> 161 return self.predict(x)
163 def pipe(self, stream, batch_size=128):
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in predict(self, X)
53 def predict(self, X):
54 for layer in self._layers:
---> 55 X = layer(X)
56 return X
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\neural\_classes\ in __call__(self, x)
159 Must match expected shape
160 '''
--> 161 return self.predict(x)
163 def pipe(self, stream, batch_size=128):
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\neural\_classes\ in predict(self, X)
124 def predict(self, X):
--> 125 y, _ = self.begin_update(X)
126 return y
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in uniqued_fwd(X, drop)
372 return_counts=True)
373 X_uniq = layer.ops.xp.ascontiguousarray(X[ind])
--> 374 Y_uniq, bp_Y_uniq = layer.begin_update(X_uniq, drop=drop)
375 Y = Y_uniq[inv].reshape((X.shape[0],) + Y_uniq.shape[1:])
376 def uniqued_bwd(dY, sgd=None):
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in begin_update(self, X, drop)
59 callbacks = []
60 for layer in self._layers:
---> 61 X, inc_layer_grad = layer.begin_update(X, drop=drop)
62 callbacks.append(inc_layer_grad)
63 def continue_update(gradient, sgd=None):
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in begin_update(X, *a, **k)
174 def begin_update(X, *a, **k):
175 forward, backward = split_backward(layers)
--> 176 values = [fwd(X, *a, **k) for fwd in forward]
178 output = ops.xp.hstack(values)
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in <listcomp>(.0)
174 def begin_update(X, *a, **k):
175 forward, backward = split_backward(layers)
--> 176 values = [fwd(X, *a, **k) for fwd in forward]
178 output = ops.xp.hstack(values)
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in wrap(*args, **kwargs)
256 '''
257 def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
--> 258 output = func(*args, **kwargs)
259 if splitter is None:
260 to_keep, to_sink = output
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in begin_update(X, *a, **k)
174 def begin_update(X, *a, **k):
175 forward, backward = split_backward(layers)
--> 176 values = [fwd(X, *a, **k) for fwd in forward]
178 output = ops.xp.hstack(values)
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in <listcomp>(.0)
174 def begin_update(X, *a, **k):
175 forward, backward = split_backward(layers)
--> 176 values = [fwd(X, *a, **k) for fwd in forward]
178 output = ops.xp.hstack(values)
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in wrap(*args, **kwargs)
256 '''
257 def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
--> 258 output = func(*args, **kwargs)
259 if splitter is None:
260 to_keep, to_sink = output
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in begin_update(X, *a, **k)
174 def begin_update(X, *a, **k):
175 forward, backward = split_backward(layers)
--> 176 values = [fwd(X, *a, **k) for fwd in forward]
178 output = ops.xp.hstack(values)
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in <listcomp>(.0)
174 def begin_update(X, *a, **k):
175 forward, backward = split_backward(layers)
--> 176 values = [fwd(X, *a, **k) for fwd in forward]
178 output = ops.xp.hstack(values)
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in wrap(*args, **kwargs)
256 '''
257 def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
--> 258 output = func(*args, **kwargs)
259 if splitter is None:
260 to_keep, to_sink = output
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in begin_update(X, *a, **k)
174 def begin_update(X, *a, **k):
175 forward, backward = split_backward(layers)
--> 176 values = [fwd(X, *a, **k) for fwd in forward]
178 output = ops.xp.hstack(values)
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in <listcomp>(.0)
174 def begin_update(X, *a, **k):
175 forward, backward = split_backward(layers)
--> 176 values = [fwd(X, *a, **k) for fwd in forward]
178 output = ops.xp.hstack(values)
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\ in wrap(*args, **kwargs)
256 '''
257 def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
--> 258 output = func(*args, **kwargs)
259 if splitter is None:
260 to_keep, to_sink = output
E:\Anaconda3python\lib\site-packages\thinc\neural\_classes\ in begin_update(self, ids, drop)
49 if ids.ndim >= 2:
50 ids = self.ops.xp.ascontiguousarray(ids[:, self.column], dtype='uint64')
---> 51 keys = self.ops.hash(ids, self.seed) % self.nV
52 vectors = self.vectors[keys].sum(axis=1)
53 mask = self.ops.get_dropout_mask((vectors.shape[1],), drop)
ops.pyx in thinc.neural.ops.CupyOps.hash()
AttributeError: module 'thinc_gpu_ops' has no attribute 'hash'
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- Created 5 years ago
- Reactions:4
- Comments:32 (6 by maintainers)
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Have the same error on Ubuntu with latest pip version of spaCy. There are some references on how to solve it but none of them helps to fix my case. Other GPU-dependant libraries work well (i.e. PyTorch, TensorFlow, Catboost, etc.).
Could you please create some README with the most recent recommendations on how to enable GPU training? Right now it is a bit difficult to make spaCy work with GPU.
Has anyone resolved this? I first filed this issue in October but this thread is more lively.