A WARNING from ax.storage.sqa_store.save when saving an Experiment with MapData
See original GitHub issueI’m trying to save an experiment with a freshly ‘attached’ MapData object created by .fetch_trial_data_multi. The new data is supposed to replace the existing data, stored in the data_v2 table, because overwrite_existing_data is set to True on all the metrics involved. I’m getting the following warning:
[WARNING 07-18 13:34:38] ax.storage.sqa_store.save: Error encountered when copying db_ids from Experiment(ExperimentName) back to user-facing object Experiment(ExperimentName). This might cause issues if you re-save this experiment. Exception: Error encountered while traversing source ['_data_by_trial', 0, 1658169130577, '_map_key_infos', '[<ax.core.map_data.MapKeyInfo object at 0x7faf05656be0>, <ax.core.map_data.MapKeyInfo object at 0x7faf05656d30>]'] and target ['_data_by_trial', 0, 1658169130577, '_map_key_infos', '[<ax.core.map_data.MapKeyInfo object at 0x7faf062a5fd0>, <ax.core.map_data.MapKeyInfo object at 0x7faf059580d0>]']: TypeError encountered during sorting: '<' not supported between instances of 'method' and 'method'
Do I understand it right that the phrase “TypeError encountered during sorting: ‘<’ not supported between instances of ‘method’ and ‘method’” signifies that your software tried to compare incomparable and this is a bug? Or is this because I should have used the same map_key_infos list on every MapData that I’m attaching to the experiment? … on every MapData object from every MapMetric combined into a resulting MapData object for the trial? Please explain.
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- Created a year ago
- Comments:8 (5 by maintainers)
Alex, we’re having some trouble reproducing this error on our end. Could we ask you for a minimal reproduction of this error and a full stack trace?
Yes. On any version ( included) when I’m trying to save MapData in the SQA store the WARNING is raised.