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IOS testID does not create an accessibility id if Views are nested too deep.

See original GitHub issue


If you nest <View>s too deeply adding the code ...{ testID: 'idValue'} to the <View> does not produce an accessibility id on the element. For example, I placed the following code in my App.js file

import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';

const style = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#007DBA',
    flex: 1,
    flexDirection: 'row',
    justifyContent: 'center',

export default class App extends PureComponent {
  render() {
    return (
      <View { ...{ testID: 'outer' } } style={ style.container }>
        <Text { ...{ testID: 'text1' } } >text1</Text>
        <View { ...{ testID: 'inner1' } } >
          <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner1_text' } }>inner1 text</Text>
          <View { ...{ testID: 'inner2' } } >
            <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner2_text' } }>inner2 text</Text>
            <View { ...{ testID: 'inner3' } } >
              <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner3_text' } }>inner3 text</Text>
              <View { ...{ testID: 'inner4' } } >
                <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner4_text' } }>inner4 text</Text>
                <View { ...{ testID: 'inner5' } } >
                  <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner5_text' } }>inner5 text</Text>
                  <View { ...{ testID: 'inner6' } } >
                    <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner6_text' } }>inner6 text</Text>
                    <View { ...{ testID: 'inner7' } } >
                      <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner7_text' } }>inner7 text</Text>
                      <View { ...{ testID: 'inner8' } } >
                        <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner8_text' } }>inner8 text</Text>
                        <View { ...{ testID: 'inner9' } } >
                          <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner9_text' } }>inner9 text</Text>
                          <View { ...{ testID: 'inner10' } } >
                            <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner10_text' } }>inner10 text</Text>
                            <View { ...{ testID: 'inner11' } } >
                              <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner11_text' } }>inner11 text</Text>
                              <View { ...{ testID: 'inner12' } } >
                                <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner12_text' } }>inner12 text</Text>
                                <View { ...{ testID: 'inner13' } } >
                                  <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner13_text' } }>inner13 text</Text>
                                  <View { ...{ testID: 'inner14' } } >
                                    <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner14_text' } }>inner14 text</Text>
                                    <View { ...{ testID: 'inner15' } } >
                                      <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner15_text' } }>inner15 text</Text>
                                      <View { ...{ testID: 'inner16' } } >
                                        <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner16_text' } }>inner16 text</Text>
                                        <View { ...{ testID: 'inner17' } } >
                                          <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner17_text' } }>inner17 text</Text>
                                          <View { ...{ testID: 'inner18' } } >
                                            <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner18_text' } }>inner18 text</Text>
                                            <View { ...{ testID: 'inner19' } } >
                                              <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner19_text' } }>inner19 text</Text>
                                              <View { ...{ testID: 'inner20' } } >
                                                <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner20_text' } }>inner20 text</Text>
                                                <View { ...{ testID: 'inner21' } } >
                                                  <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner21_text' } }>inner21 text</Text>
                                                  <View { ...{ testID: 'inner22' } } >
                                                    <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner22_text' } }>inner22 text</Text>
                                                    <View { ...{ testID: 'inner23' } } >
                                                      <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner23_text' } }>inner23 text</Text>
                                                      <View { ...{ testID: 'inner24' } } >
                                                        <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner24_text' } }>inner24 text</Text>
                                                        <View { ...{ testID: 'inner25' } } >
                                                          <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner25_text' } }>inner25 text</Text>
                                                          <View { ...{ testID: 'inner26' } } >
                                                            <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner26_text' } }>inner26 text</Text>
                                                            <View { ...{ testID: 'inner27' } } >
                                                              <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner27_text' } }>inner27 text</Text>
                                                              <View { ...{ testID: 'inner28' } } >
                                                                <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner28_text' } }>inner28 text</Text>
                                                                <View { ...{ testID: 'inner29' } } >
                                                                  <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner29_text' } }>inner29 text</Text>
                                                                  <View { ...{ testID: 'inner30' } } >
                                                                    <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner30_text' } }>inner30 text</Text>
                                                                    <View { ...{ testID: 'inner31' } } >
                                                                      <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner31_text' } }>inner31 text</Text>
                                                                      <View { ...{ testID: 'inner32' } } >
                                                                        <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner32_text' } }>inner32 text</Text>
                                                                        <View { ...{ testID: 'inner33' } } >
                                                                          <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner33_text' } }>inner33 text</Text>
                                                                          <View { ...{ testID: 'inner34' } } >
                                                                            <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner34_text' } }>inner34 text</Text>
                                                                            <View { ...{ testID: 'inner35' } } >
                                                                              <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner35_text' } }>inner35 text</Text>
                                                                              <View { ...{ testID: 'inner36' } } >
                                                                                <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner36_text' } }>inner36 text</Text>
                                                                                <View { ...{ testID: 'inner37' } } >
                                                                                  <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner37_text' } }>inner37 text</Text>
                                                                                  <View { ...{ testID: 'inner38' } } >
                                                                                    <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner38_text' } }>inner38 text</Text>
                                                                                    <View { ...{ testID: 'inner39' } } >
                                                                                      <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner39_text' } }>inner39 text</Text>
                                                                                      <View { ...{ testID: 'inner40' } } >
                                                                                        <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner40_text' } }>inner40 text</Text>
                                                                                        <View { ...{ testID: 'inner41' } } >
                                                                                          <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner41_text' } }>inner41 text</Text>
                                                                                          <View { ...{ testID: 'inner42' } } >
                                                                                            <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner42_text' } }>inner42 text</Text>
                                                                                            <View { ...{ testID: 'inner43' } } >
                                                                                              <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner43_text' } }>inner43 text</Text>
                                                                                              <View { ...{ testID: 'inner44' } } >
                                                                                                <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner44_text' } }>inner44 text</Text>
                                                                                                <View { ...{ testID: 'inner45' } } >
                                                                                                  <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner45_text' } }>inner45 text</Text>
                                                                                                  <View { ...{ testID: 'inner46' } } >
                                                                                                    <Text{ ...{ testID: 'inner46_text' } }>inner46 text</Text>

When I examine the code with the Appium inspector, the last <View> with a working accessibility id is the <View> with testID “inner41”. image

The <View> with testID “inner42” shows an accessibility id but the id is not accessible and an “Interactions are not available for this element” message appears.


None of the other <View>s nested under the <View> with testId “inner42” display.

React Native version:

System: OS: macOS 10.15.7 CPU: (12) x64 Intel® Core™ i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz Memory: 42.29 MB / 16.00 GB Shell: 5.7.1 - /bin/zsh Binaries: Node: 12.18.4 - /usr/local/bin/node npm: 6.14.6 - /usr/local/bin/npm Watchman: 4.9.0 - /usr/local/bin/watchman SDKs: iOS SDK: Platforms: iOS 14.0, DriverKit 19.0, macOS 10.15, tvOS 14.0, watchOS 7.0 Android SDK: API Levels: 28, 29, 30 Build Tools: 28.0.3, 29.0.2, 30.0.2 System Images: android-28 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom, android-29 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom, android-30 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom IDEs: Android Studio: 4.0 AI-193.6911.18.40.6626763 Xcode: 12.0.1/12A7300 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild npmPackages: react: 16.8.6 => 16.8.6 react-native: 0.60.6 => 0.60.6 npmGlobalPackages: react-native-cli: 2.0.1

Steps To Reproduce

Provide a detailed list of steps that reproduce the issue.

  1. Create a page of nested <View>s nested 50 deep.
  2. Examine the page with Appium inspector.

Expected Results

We need the nesting limit to be deeper. We are bumping up against the limit in our Appium tests. This does not effect normal app usage by a person.

Snack, code example, screenshot, or link to a repository:

A code example and screenshot are presented above.

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Reactions:6
  • Comments:18

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

NnikKcommented, Mar 9, 2021

Adding snapshotMaxDepth to capabilities helps: "settings[snapshotMaxDepth]": 60

OneHatRepocommented, Sep 26, 2022

I wish there was a way to bump this ticket. My guess is that it’s been forgotten and/or ignored for so long, it won’t ever get addressed.

Read more comments on GitHub >

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