See original GitHub issueOSError: Model file not found: C
python generate.py data-bin/writingPrompts --path C:/Users/Richard/Documents/story_creation/fairseq-master/fairseq/models/pretrained_checkpoint.pt --batch-size 32 --beam 1 --sampling --sampling-topk 10 --sampling-temperature 0.8 --nbest 1 --model-overrides "{'pretrained_checkpoint':'C:/Users/Richard/Documents/story_creation/fairseq-master/fairseq/models/fusion_checkpoint.pt'}"
I am trying to use the pre-trained models, which I have saved to this directory: C:/Users/Richard/Documents/story_creation/fairseq-master/fairseq/models/fusion_checkpoint.pt
Full command/error:
PS C:\Users\Richard\Documents\story_creation\fairseq-master> python generate.py data-bin/writingPrompts --path C:/Users/Richard/Documents/story_creation/fairseq-master/fairseq/mod
els/pretrained_checkpoint.pt --batch-size 32 --beam 1 --sampling --sampling-topk 10 --sampling-temperature 0.8 --nbest 1 --model-overrides "{'pretrained_checkpoint':'C:/Users/Rich
Namespace(beam=1, cpu=False, data='data-bin/writingPrompts', fp16=False, gen_subset='test', left_pad_source='True', left_pad_target='False', lenpen=1, log_format=None, log_interval=1000, max_len_a=0, max_len_b=200, max_sentences=32, max_source_positions=1024, max_target_positions=1024, max_tokens=None, min_len=1, model_overrides="{'pretrained_checkpoint':'C:/Users/Richard/Documents/story_creation/fairseq-master/fairseq/models/'}", nbest=1, no_beamable_mm=False, no_early_stop=False, no_progress_bar=False, num_shards=1, path='C:/Users/Richard/Documents/story_creation/fairseq-master/fairseq/models/pretrained_checkpoint.pt', prefix_size=0, print_alignment=False, quiet=False, raw_text=False, remove_bpe=None, replace_unk=None, sampling=True, sampling_temperature=0.8, sampling_topk=10, score_reference=False, seed=1, shard_id=0, skip_invalid_size_inputs_valid_test=False, source_lang=None, target_lang=None, task='translation', unkpen=0, unnormalized=False)
| [wp_source] dictionary: 19025 types
| [wp_target] dictionary: 112832 types
| data-bin/writingPrompts test 15138 examples
| data-bin/writingPrompts test 15138 examples
| loading model(s) from C:/Users/Richard/Documents/story_creation/fairseq-master/fairseq/models/pretrained_checkpoint.pt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "generate.py", line 164, in <module>
File "generate.py", line 41, in main
models, _ = utils.load_ensemble_for_inference(args.path.split(':'), task, model_arg_overrides=eval(args.model_overrides))
File "C:\Users\Richard\Documents\story_creation\fairseq-master\fairseq\utils.py", line 145, in load_ensemble_for_inference
raise IOError('Model file not found: {}'.format(filename))
OSError: Model file not found: C
I have had issues training thats why I thought I should just generate from pretrained models, do I maybe need to get training to work to be able to use the pretrained models?
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- State:
- Created 5 years ago
- Comments:10 (8 by maintainers)
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@myleott @elfsmelf @vanhuyz I pushed a change to the readme to clarify how the data should be preprocessed.
The issue is that the data you download is the full dataset, but in the paper I only model the first 1k tokens of each story (as the full stories are quite long). I wrote this in the readme, but it’s not in the copy pastable code part. I added to the readme some example python code to construct this, basically open the file in python and do some i[0:1000]. If I do this from scratch (mkdir test_data, cd test_data, then following the readme I do these steps: download data, preprocess the data, run preprocess.py), I can reproduce the correct vocabulary size.
| [wp_source] Dictionary: 19024 types | [wp_target] Dictionary: 104959 types
@myleott, I don’t see the tokenization issue you mention.
Closing. @vanhuyz, please feel free to reopen if you run into any issues