Several Settings in orgPreferenceSettings Cause 'ProblemDeployingSettings: Failed to deploy settings to scratch org' Error
See original GitHub issueSummary
I have been experimenting with changing from orgPreferences to settings in my Scratch definition file and I have discovered that the presence of any of these options causes an ‘ProblemDeployingSettings: Failed to deploy settings to scratch org.’ error when creating the scratch org:
“documentContentSearchEnabled”: true, “knowledgeEnabled”: true, “nameSuffixEnabled”: true, “middleNameEnabled”: true “liveAgentEnabled”: true, “chatterProfileEnabled”: true
Steps To Reproduce:
- Create a scratch-def.json file
- Add a Settings segement with an orgPreferences segement within it
- Include any of these options:
- “documentContentSearchEnabled”: true,
- “knowledgeEnabled”: true,
- “nameSuffixEnabled”: true,
- “middleNameEnabled”: true
- “liveAgentEnabled”: true,
- “chatterProfileEnabled”: true
- issue a force:org:create against the scratch org def
Expected result
Scratch org is created with those settings applied
Actual result
Scratch Org Creation doesn’t succeed and presents this error:
"ProblemDeployingSettings: Failed to deploy settings to scratch org.\n at ALMError (C:\\Users\\jyoung\\AppData\\Local\\sfdx\\client\\7.1.4-79f97a7df8\\node_modules\\salesforce-alm\\dist\\lib\\core\\almError.js:44:19)\n at settings.createDep
loyDir.then.catch.err (C:\\Users\\jyoung\\AppData\\Local\\sfdx\\client\\7.1.4-79f97a7df8\\node_modules\\salesforce-alm\\dist\\lib\\core\\scratchOrgApi.js:772:37)\nOuter stack:\n at Function.wrap (C:\\Users\\jyoung\\AppData\\Local\\sfdx\\client\\7.1.4-79f97
a7df8\\node_modules\\@salesforce\\core\\lib\\sfdxError.js:151:27)\n at OrgCreateCommand.catch (C:\\Users\\jyoung\\AppData\\Local\\sfdx\\client\\7.1.4-79f97a7df8\\node_modules\\salesforce-alm\\dist\\ToolbeltCommand.js:216:46)"
Additional information
SFDX CLI Version(to find the version of the CLI engine run sfdx --version): sfdx-cli/7.1.4-79f97a7df8 win32-x64 node-v10.15.3
OS and version: WIndows 10 Pro Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 4 years ago
- Reactions:1
- Comments:5
If someone is looking into enabling quote via the scratch org def this is how it should look like. Unfortunately the documentation is not clear or accurate on this.
I’m finding the documentation to be quite terrible at the moment. Unlike other experiences I’ve had in SalesForce