Premium players have to use password sometimes...
See original GitHub issueWhat behaviour is observed:
Quite often when players join server and they have premium enabled it says they must log in… But they normally don’t have to, because they have premium… So when players relog (sometimes more times) it will log them with Fastlogin normally as premium without password…
What behaviour is expected:
Log premium players without passwords on first try (and not after relog).
Steps/models to reproduce:
Player activate premium and then join server… Normally it should log in automatically, but it doesn’t… but he can relog and after relog it login him automatically.
Screenshots (if applicable)
Plugin list:
AdvancedPortals, AuthMe, AuthMeTitle*, Captchas, ChatDisable*, Citizens, ExploitFixer, FastLogin, HackedCore*, HackedServer*, HamsterAPI*, HidePlugins_Project, HolographicDisplays, HoloInfo*, IPWhiteListBukkit, JukeBox, LagAssist, LuckPerms, NoteBlockAPI, ProtocolLib, Vault
Environment description
This server is running Paper version git-Paper-301 (MC: 1.15.2) (Implementing API version 1.15.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) MYSQL
Plugin version or build number (don’t write latest):
FastLogin version 1.11-SNAPSHOT-b41d56f
Server Log:
Hastebin / Gist link of the error, stacktrace or the complete log (if any)
Hastebin / Gist link of your config.yml file
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 3 years ago
- Comments:14 (7 by maintainers)
No only added debug log messages.
This statement doesn’t correlate with the log. According to the server log, the force login failed for the second of three attempts for the player with name Renzotom. Could you please elaborate.