Picker on iOS doesn't ellipsize its text when an overflow happens
See original GitHub issueHere is something I’m struggling to find a solution. I have a picker inside a form in my app, but when the text inside it is too big it won’t ellipsize on iOS. For example, this view on android:
Is displayed like this on iOS:
That is the issue in question! Bellow I’ll describe something that I have done to try to workaround the problem and is presenting even another issue
After playing a lot with flex and widths I decided to try to override the renderButton
prop and force the ellipsize by hand by setting a width in it. Here is my component as it is right now:
export default class PickerInput extends React.Component {
state = {
itemWidth: styles.deviceWidth * 0.85,
labelWidth: 0,
render() {
const { label, children, selectedValue, ...other } = this.props;
const style = {
flex: 1,
if (!selectedValue && styles.OS === "android") {
style.color = "rgba(51, 51, 51, .20)";
return (
marginTop: 0,
onLayout={e => this.setState({ itemWidth: e.nativeEvent.layout.width })}
{styles.OS === "android" || this.state.labelWidth ? (
) : (
onLayout={e =>
this.setState({ labelWidth: e.nativeEvent.layout.width })
placeholderStyle={{ color: "#bfc6ea" }}
<Icon name="ios-arrow-down" style={styles.styles.colorGray} />
renderButton={buttonProps => {
// This only affects iOS. Copied from native-base's Picker.ios.js
const { onPress, text, picker, selectedItem } = buttonProps;
const textStyle = [picker.props.textStyle];
if (!selectedItem) {
let width = this.state.itemWidth - this.state.labelWidth;
// Give some border
width -= styles.theme.isIphoneX ? 55 : 25;
return (
justifyContent: "flex-start",
width: Math.max(5, width),
As you can see, I wait until the item and the label are rendered, get their width and set the width of them button as the difference between the 2. It works (not perfect, but works around the issue), but then I have this difference between an iPhone 6 and an iPhone X (tested on appetize.io):
iPhone 6:
iPhone X:
So, even though the solution is working nicely (again, as a work around) on iPhone 6, the same fix on iPhone X made the item itself overflows (even though I’m giving even more border for it).
So, like I said in the beginning, the main issue issue here is the lack of ellipsize in the picker provided by native-base. If it is solved, my issues with my workaround won’t matter. If you prefer that I describe something more or even open another issue for something not related here (e.g. the difference between iPhone X and iPhone 6) just ask!
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- Created 5 years ago
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- Comments:28 (7 by maintainers)
Top GitHub Comments
@SupriyaKalghatgi Can we get this reopened? This is the PR that broke the pickers: https://github.com/GeekyAnts/NativeBase/commit/e1400842a2e0d766ccb8cfb23b13f9423c737a36 As pearpai has pointed out, the width should be the first style property so it can be overwritten. Not everyone uses full width pickers.
I’m having a similar issue. If you are using inline labels for your pickers, the picker values will lay on top of the picker label. And there really isn’t a good way to fix this due to:
<Text style={[this.props.textStyle, { width: Dimensions.get("window").width - 50 }]} note={this.props.note} numberOfLines={1} ellipsizeMode="tail">
There is now no control over the pickers width. We’ve had to downgrade to 2.12.0 due to this regression.