ECMAScript compatibility tracking issue
See original GitHub issueThis is a tracking issue for failed compat-table tests with links to each input, output, error and related issue (updated with v20200426).
These items are filtered out as “won’t fix”:
new Function("features")
: hard to implementProxy
: impossible to implement- subclassing for built-ins: impossible to implement (except for
) - typed arrays: won’t fix? (IE11 has typed array classes but doesn’t have Array methods, should be fixed?), #3064
- shared memory and atomics (ES2017): impossible to implement
proper tail calls (tail call optimisation)
default function parameters
rest parameters
spread syntax for iterable objects
- with sparse arrays, in array literals (in/out)
- with astral plane strings, in function calls (in/out)
- with astral plane strings, in array literals (in/out)
- spreading non-iterables is a runtime error (in/out)
object literal extensions
- computed accessors (compile error)
for…of loops
- with astral plane strings (in/out)
- iterator closing, break (in/out):
- iterator closing, throw (in/out):
octal and binary literals
template literals
- toString conversion (in/out)
- tagged template literals (in/out)
- passed array is frozen (in/out)
- TemplateStrings call site caching (in/out)
- TemplateStrings permanent caching (in/out)
RegExp “y” and “u” flags
- “y” flag (in/out)
- “y” flag, lastIndex (in/out)
- “u” flag (in/out)
- “u” flag, non-BMP Unicode characters (in/out)
- “u” flag, Unicode code point escapes (in/out)
- “u” flag, case folding (in/out)
destructuring, declarations
- with astral plane strings (in/out)
- iterator closing (in/out):
destructuring, assignment
- with astral plane strings (in/out)
- iterator closing (in/out):
destructuring, parameters
- with astral plane strings (in/out)
- iterator closing (in/out):
Unicode code point escapes
- in constructors (compile error)
- assignment is an early error (compile error)
arrow functions
- no “prototype” property (in/out)
- lexical “super” binding in constructors (compile error)
- lexical “” binding (compile error)
- class name is lexically scoped (compile error)
- computed names, temporal dead zone (in/out)
- methods aren’t enumerable (in/out)
- implicit strict mode (in/out)
- constructor requires new (in/out):
- extends null (in/out)
- (compile error)
- constructor calls use correct “” binding (compile error)
- can’t use “this” with new (in/out)
- %GeneratorPrototype% (in/out)
- %GeneratorPrototype% prototype chain (in/out)
- %GeneratorPrototype%.constructor (in/out)
- yield *, astral plane strings (in/out)
- yield * on non-iterables is a runtime error (in/out)
- yield *, iterator closing via throw() (in/out)
- shorthand generators can’t be constructors (compile error)
Built ins
- constructor requires new (in/out):
- iterator closing (in/out):
- Map iterator prototype chain (in/out)
- Map[Symbol.species] (in/out)
- constructor requires new (in/out):
- iterator closing (in/out):
- Set iterator prototype chain (in/out)
- Set[Symbol.species] (in/out)
- constructor requires new (in/out):
- iterator closing (in/out):
- WeakMap.prototype isn’t an instance (in/out)
- constructor requires new (in/out):
- iterator closing (in/out):
- Reflect.ownKeys, symbol keys (in/out)
- Reflect.construct sets meta-property (compile error)
- Reflect.construct, Promise subclassing (in/out)
- typeof support (in/out)
- symbol keys are hidden to pre-ES6 code (in/out)
- symbols inherit from Symbol.prototype (in/out)
- cannot coerce to string or number (in/out)
- can convert with String() (in/out)
- Object(symbol) (in/out)
- JSON.stringify ignores symbol primitives (in/out)
- JSON.stringify ignores symbol objects (in/out)
- global symbol registry (in/out)
well-known symbols
- Symbol.hasInstance (in/out)
- Symbol.isConcatSpreadable (in/out)
- Symbol.iterator, arguments object (in/out)
- Symbol.species, existence (in/out)
- Symbol.species, Array.prototype.concat (in/out)
- Symbol.species, Array.prototype.filter (in/out)
- Symbol.species, (in/out)
- Symbol.species, Array.prototype.slice (in/out)
- Symbol.species, Array.prototype.splice (in/out)
- Symbol.species, RegExp.prototype[Symbol.split] (in/out)
- Symbol.species, Promise.prototype.then (in/out)
- Symbol.replace (in/out)
- (in/out)
- Symbol.split (in/out)
- Symbol.match (in/out)
- Symbol.match, RegExp constructor (in/out)
- Symbol.match, String.prototype.startsWith (in/out)
- Symbol.match, String.prototype.endsWith (in/out)
- Symbol.match, String.prototype.includes (in/out)
- Symbol.toPrimitive (in/out)
- Symbol.toStringTag (in/out)
- Symbol.toStringTag affects existing built-ins (in/out)
- Symbol.toStringTag, new built-ins (in/out)
- Symbol.toStringTag, misc. built-ins (in/out)
- Symbol.unscopables (compile error)
Built in extensions
Object static methods
function “name” property
- function statements (in/out)
- function expressions (in/out)
- new Function (in/out)
- bound functions (in/out)
- variables (function) (in/out)
- object methods (function) (in/out)
- accessor properties (in/out)
- shorthand methods (in/out)
- symbol-keyed methods (in/out)
- class statements (in/out)
- class expressions (in/out)
- variables (class) (in/out)
- object methods (class) (in/out)
- class prototype methods (in/out)
- class static methods (in/out)
- isn’t writable, is configurable (in/out)
String static methods
- String.raw (in/out):
String.prototype methods
- String.prototype.normalize (in/out)
- String.prototype[Symbol.iterator] (in/out)
- String iterator prototype chain (in/out)
RegExp.prototype properties
- RegExp.prototype.flags (in/out)
- RegExp.prototype[Symbol.match] (in/out)
- RegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace] (in/out)
- RegExp.prototype[Symbol.split] (in/out)
- RegExp.prototype[] (in/out)
- RegExp[Symbol.species] (in/out)
Array static methods
Array.prototype methods
Math methods
prototype of bound functions
- basic functions (in/out)
- generator functions (in/out)
- arrow functions (in/out)
- classes (in/out)
- subclasses (in/out)
Object static methods accept primitives
- Object.getPrototypeOf (in/out)
- Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor (in/out)
- Object.getOwnPropertyNames (in/out)
- Object.seal (in/out)
- Object.freeze (in/out)
- Object.preventExtensions (in/out)
- Object.isSealed (in/out)
- Object.isFrozen (in/out)
- Object.isExtensible (in/out)
- Object.keys (in/out)
own property order
- Object.getOwnPropertyNames (in/out)
- Reflect.ownKeys, string key order (in/out)
- Reflect.ownKeys, symbol key order (in/out)
Updated identifier syntax
- var ⸯ; (in/out)
- var 𐋀; (compile error)
- duplicate property names in strict mode (compile error)
- accessors aren’t constructors (in/out)
- RegExp constructor can alter flags (in/out)
- RegExp.prototype.toString generic and uses “flags” property (in/out)
- built-in prototypes are not instances (in/out)
- function ‘length’ is configurable (in/out)
Annex b
non-strict function semantics
- hoisted block-level function declaration (in/out)
- labeled function statements (compile error)
- function statements in if-statement clauses (compile error)
proto in object literals
- basic support (in/out)
- multiple proto is an error (in/out)
- not a computed property (in/out)
- not a shorthand property (in/out)
- not a shorthand method (in/out)
- absent from Object.create(null) (in/out)
- present in hasOwnProperty() (in/out)
- correct property descriptor (in/out)
- present in Object.getOwnPropertyNames() (in/out)
2016 features
2016 misc
generator functions can’t be used with “new”
strict fn w/ non-strict non-simple params is error
2017 features
Object static methods
async functions
- no line break between async and function (in/out)
- no “prototype” property (in/out)
- cannot await in parameters (compile error)
- correct prototype chain (in/out)
- async function prototype, Symbol.toStringTag (in/out)
- async function constructor (in/out)
2017 misc
RegExp “u” flag, case folding
2017 annex b
Object.prototype getter/setter methods
- defineGetter, ToObject(this) (in/out)
- defineSetter, ToObject(this) (in/out)
- lookupGetter, ToObject(this) (in/out)
- lookupGetter, data properties can shadow accessors (in/out)
- lookupSetter, ToObject(this) (in/out)
- lookupSetter, data properties can shadow accessors (in/out)
assignments allowed in for-in head in non-strict mode
- assignments allowed in for-in head in non-strict mode (compile error)
2018 features
object rest/spread properties
- object rest properties (in/out):
- object spread properties (in/out):
s (dotAll) flag for regular expressions
- s (dotAll) flag for regular expressions (compile error)
RegExp named capture groups
- RegExp named capture groups (compile error)
RegExp Lookbehind Assertions
- RegExp Lookbehind Assertions (compile error)
RegExp Unicode Property Escapes
- RegExp Unicode Property Escapes (compile error)
2018 misc
Proxy “ownKeys” handler, duplicate keys for non-extensible targets
template literal revision
2019 features
Array.prototype.{flat, flatMap}
2019 misc
Function.prototype.toString revision
- functions created with the Function constructor (in/out)
- arrows (in/out)
- [native code] (in/out)
- class expression with implicit constructor (in/out)
- class expression with explicit constructor (in/out)
- unicode escape sequences in identifiers (in/out)
- methods and computed property names (in/out)
Well-formed JSON.stringify
2020 features
- basic functionality (compile error)
- constructor (compile error)
- BigInt.asUintN (in/out)
- BigInt.asIntN (in/out)
- BigInt64Array (compile error)
- BigUint64Array (compile error)
- DataView.prototype.getBigInt64 (compile error)
- DataView.prototype.getBigUint64 (compile error)
optional chaining operator (?.)
- optional property access (compile error)
- optional bracket access (compile error)
- optional method call (compile error)
- optional function call (compile error)
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 5 years ago
- Comments:18 (16 by maintainers)
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Top GitHub Comments
FYI, I’ve just created a “supported features” page here
Hopefully it’s not too out of sync with this issue.
I added a link to this issue at the top of it.
Thanks @teppeis for your continuing efforts to maintain this information.
@vxlydia is actively working on implementing
now, and will likely start working on optional chaining in January.At the moment I expect we’ll have them available in
in 2020 Q1, and I hope to haveES_2020
available in Q2.