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DASH Manifest with H265 (hevc) codec does not work

See original GitHub issue


Player throws an error when the Dash manifest includes H265.

Affected manifest: Affected Models:

It has HEVC codec adaptation first and H264 codec adaptation second in the DASH manifest. Ideally, if the device is not supporting HEVC, it should have played H264. has the same codec configuration and this hls is working on the same Android device but not dash manifest.


Android Exoplayer

Which player are you experiencing the problem on: Android ExoPlayer

Environment info

System: OS: Windows 10 10.0.19043 CPU: (4) ia32 AMD Ryzen 3 3200G with Radeon Vega Graphics
Memory: 3.02 GB / 13.95 GB Binaries: Node: 14.17.0 - C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node.EXE Yarn: 1.22.10 - ~\AppData\Roaming\npm\yarn.CMD npm: 6.14.13 - C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\npm.CMD Watchman: Not Found SDKs: Android SDK: API Levels: 23, 28, 29, 30 Build Tools: 28.0.3, 29.0.2, 30.0.2, 31.0.0 System Images: android-22 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom, android-23 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom, android-28 | Android TV Intel x86 Atom, android-28 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom, android-29 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom Android NDK: Not Found Windows SDK: Not Found IDEs: Android Studio: Not Found Visual Studio: 16.4.29613.14 (Visual Studio Community 2019) Languages: Java: Not Found react: 17.0.1 => 17.0.1 npmGlobalPackages:

Android Studio Logs of Oppo A7:

2021-09-22 12:30:21.462 16924-17453/com.rohitplayer I/ReactNativeJS: Running "rohitPlayer" with {"rootTag":11}
2021-09-22 12:30:21.790 16924-16924/com.rohitplayer I/ExoPlayerImpl: Init b27c80f [ExoPlayerLib/2.11.4] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.797 16924-16924/com.rohitplayer W/AudioManager: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
2021-09-22 12:30:21.797 16924-16924/com.rohitplayer W/AudioManager: See the documentation of requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
2021-09-22 12:30:21.804 16924-16924/com.rohitplayer D/ReactExoplayerView: onStateChanged: playWhenReady=true, playbackState=idle
2021-09-22 12:30:21.807 16924-16924/com.rohitplayer D/ReactExoplayerView: onStateChanged: playWhenReady=true, playbackState=buffering
2021-09-22 12:30:21.860 16924-17453/com.rohitplayer I/ReactNativeJS: 'onBuffer', { isBuffering: true }
2021-09-22 12:30:21.887 16924-16924/com.rohitplayer I/Choreographer: Skipped 8 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
2021-09-22 12:30:21.901 16924-16924/com.rohitplayer D/AudioManager: dispatching onAudioFocusChange(-1) to{c5903ee V.E...... ........ 2,2-718,403 #7}
2021-09-22 12:30:21.902 16924-16924/com.rohitplayer W/unknown:ReactNative: Calling JS function after bridge has been destroyed: RCTEventEmitter.receiveEvent([7,"onAudioFocusChanged",{"hasAudioFocus":false}])
2021-09-22 12:30:21.903 16924-16924/com.rohitplayer D/AudioManager: dispatching onAudioFocusChange end 
2021-09-22 12:30:21.927 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L120.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.929 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L90.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.931 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.931 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L150.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.932 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.933 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L93.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.934 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.934 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L150.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.934 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.935 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L63.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.936 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.936 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L150.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.936 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.937 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L120.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.939 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L90.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.941 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.942 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L150.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.943 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.944 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L93.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.945 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.945 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L150.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.946 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.947 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L63.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.948 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.948 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L150.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.949 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.950 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.950 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.951 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.951 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.951 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.951 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.952 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.952 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.952 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.956 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.956 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.956 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.959 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.959 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.960 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.960 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.961 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.961 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.961 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.962 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.962 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 3840x2160x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.965 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.966 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:21.966 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [, 2560x1440x25.0] [, video/avc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:22.022 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L120.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:22.023 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer I/MediaCodec: CreateByComponentName(), name =
2021-09-22 12:30:22.023 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer I/MediaCodec: new MediaCodec()
2021-09-22 12:30:22.024 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer I/ACodec: new ACodec()
2021-09-22 12:30:22.026 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer I/ACodec: onAllocateComponent()
2021-09-22 12:30:22.027 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer I/ACodec: ----------------------------------------
2021-09-22 12:30:22.027 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer I/ACodec: matched component []
2021-09-22 12:30:22.027 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer I/ACodec: ----------------------------------------
2021-09-22 12:30:22.030 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer I/OMXClient: Treble IOmx obtained
2021-09-22 12:30:22.180 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer I/ACodec: Successfully allocate component []
2021-09-22 12:30:22.184 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer I/MediaCodec: configure()
2021-09-22 12:30:22.184 16924-17492/com.rohitplayer D/SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0x77d564f010, reason connectToSurface
2021-09-22 12:30:22.185 16924-17492/com.rohitplayer I/MediaCodec: [] setting surface generation to 17330178
2021-09-22 12:30:22.185 16924-17492/com.rohitplayer D/SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0x77d564f010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
2021-09-22 12:30:22.185 16924-17492/com.rohitplayer D/SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0x77d564f010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
2021-09-22 12:30:22.186 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer I/ACodec: configureCodec() mime = video/hevc
2021-09-22 12:30:22.187 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer I/ExtendedACodec: setupVideoDecoder()
2021-09-22 12:30:22.195 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer I/ExtendedACodec: Decoder will be in frame by frame mode
2021-09-22 12:30:22.201 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer I/MediaCodec: Video start()
2021-09-22 12:30:22.222 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer D/SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0x77d564f010 for 1600x900, color 0x7fa30c06, rotation 0, usage 0x20002900
2021-09-22 12:30:22.279 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer E/ACodec: [] ERROR(0x80001009)
2021-09-22 12:30:22.279 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer E/ACodec: signalError(omxError 0x80001009, internalError -2147483648)
2021-09-22 12:30:22.279 16924-17492/com.rohitplayer E/MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0x80001009, actionCode 0, while in state 6
2021-09-22 12:30:22.279 16924-17492/com.rohitplayer W/MediaAnalyticsItem: Unable to record: ( [forcenew=0]
2021-09-22 12:30:22.279 16924-17492/com.rohitplayer D/SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0x77d564f010, reason disconnectFromSurface
2021-09-22 12:30:22.286 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer D/MediaCodecInfo: NoSupport [codec.profileLevel, hvc1.2.4.L120.90, video/hevc] [, video/hevc] [CPH1901, CPH1901, OPPO, 27]
2021-09-22 12:30:22.290 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer E/ExoPlayerImplInternal: Renderer error: index=0, type=video, format=Format(2fbc0169-d3bf-4898-bad0-3897e1c54f90, null, null, video/hevc, hvc1.2.4.L120.90, 762485, null, [1600, 900, 25.0], [-1, -1]), rendererSupport=YES java.lang.IllegalStateException
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
        at android.os.Looper.loop(
     Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException
        at Method)
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
        at android.os.Looper.loop( 
2021-09-22 12:30:22.291 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer I/MediaCodec: Video flush()
2021-09-22 12:30:22.295 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer E/ExoPlayerImplInternal: Disable failed.
        at Method)
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
        at android.os.Looper.loop(
2021-09-22 12:30:22.295 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer I/MediaCodec: stop()
2021-09-22 12:30:22.296 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer I/MediaCodec: Video release()
2021-09-22 12:30:22.302 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer E/Surface: getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0x77ea1d9a00
2021-09-22 12:30:22.302 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer W/ACodec: [] can not return buffer 26 to native window
2021-09-22 12:30:22.302 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer E/Surface: getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0x77ea1d9a80
2021-09-22 12:30:22.302 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer W/ACodec: [] can not return buffer 25 to native window
2021-09-22 12:30:22.302 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer E/Surface: getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0x77ea1d9b00
2021-09-22 12:30:22.302 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer W/ACodec: [] can not return buffer 24 to native window
2021-09-22 12:30:22.303 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer E/Surface: getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0x77ea1d9b80
2021-09-22 12:30:22.303 16924-17493/com.rohitplayer W/ACodec: [] can not return buffer 23 to native window
2021-09-22 12:30:22.314 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer I/MediaCodec: ~MediaCodec()
2021-09-22 12:30:22.314 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer I/ACodec: ~ACodec()
2021-09-22 12:30:22.318 16924-17487/com.rohitplayer E/ExoPlayerImplInternal: Reset failed.
        at Method)
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
        at android.os.Looper.loop(
2021-09-22 12:30:22.324 16924-16924/com.rohitplayer E/ExoPlayer Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException
2021-09-22 12:30:22.326 16924-16924/com.rohitplayer D/ReactExoplayerView: onStateChanged: playWhenReady=true, playbackState=idle
2021-09-22 12:30:22.348 16924-17453/com.rohitplayer I/ReactNativeJS: 'onError', { error: 
       { errorException: ' java.lang.IllegalStateException',
         errorString: 'ExoPlaybackException type : 1' } }

Exoplayer version: 2.11.4

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments:8 (3 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

prashantchothanicommented, Sep 22, 2021

It has HEVC codec adaptation first and H264 codec adaptation second in the DASH manifest. Ideally if the device is not supporting HEVC, it should have played H264.

toniheicommented, Jul 25, 2022

This looks similar to the issue in where the Pixel 1 incorrectly claimed to support 10-bit HEVC although it doesn’t. (The logs above indicate this is also a 10bit stream I believe).

If this is true, then we can probably make a similar change as in for this device.

Read more comments on GitHub >

github_iconTop Results From Across the Web

DASH Manifest with H265 (hevc) codec does not work #2494
Player throws an error when the Dash manifest includes H265. ... Affected Models: ... It has HEVC codec adaptation first and H264 codec...
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Video codec preference on DASH with multiple AdaptationSet
Hello,. Are there any mechanism for prefer one codec over other? ... I prefer reproduce vp9 over h264, how can I do it?...
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When both HEVC & AVC variants are available in a HLS/DASH manifest the player will automatically pick the appropriate codec based on device...
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How to enable Multi Codec Support for OTT ... - Bitmovin
As a result these segments can be encoded only once and be referenced by a MPEG-DASH and HLS manifest, reducing your storage costs...
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MediaCodec - Android Developers
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