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The memory usage seems increasing when the table.insert() error occurs

See original GitHub issue

I am the original reporter of issue #1313. Unfortunately, I’m still facing with the issue. The cause of the problem seemed to be somewhere else, and I was able to reproduce it, so I’d like you to check it out.

As olavloite mentioned in #1313, the memory usage is stable in his script. However, it seems to be leaking slightly when table.insert() throws an error. I think this is the root cause of our problem.

The results below are with table.upsert() image

The results below are with table.insert() causes an error image

Environment details

  • OS: macOS
  • Node.js version: v14.17.1
  • npm version: 7.20.5
  • @google-cloud/spanner version: 5.13.1

Steps to reproduce

  1. Causing an error in table.insert()
  2. repeat, repeat and repeat

My test script:

const {Spanner} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

const spanner = new Spanner();
const instance = spanner.instance('my-instance');
const database = instance.database('my-database');
const table = database.table('Singers');

main().then(() => console.log('[INFO] Finished'));

async function main() {
    for (let row = 1; row <= 50000; row++) {
        const newRow = {
            SingerId: 1,
            FirstName: 'firstname',
            LastName: 'lastname',
        //await table.upsert(newRow);
        try {
          await table.insert(newRow);
        } catch(err) {
          if (err.code != 6) {    // ignore grpc AlreadyExists
            throw err;
        if (row % 25 === 0) {
            console.log(`[INFO] Rows updated so far: ${row}`);
            if (global.gc) {
                const used = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1024 / 1024;
                console.log(`[INFO] Memory usage: ${used} MB`);

Output(with table.upsert()):

[INFO] Rows updated so far: 25
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.850181579589844 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 50
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.832420349121094 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 75
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.85736846923828 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 100
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.891868591308594 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 125
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.89563751220703 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 150
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.9027099609375 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 16150
[INFO] Memory usage: 18.864845275878906 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 16175
[INFO] Memory usage: 18.887779235839844 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 16200
[INFO] Memory usage: 18.87274932861328 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 16225
[INFO] Memory usage: 18.86701202392578 MB
[INFO] Memory usage: 18.895301818847656 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 49925
[INFO] Memory usage: 18.900909423828125 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 49950
[INFO] Memory usage: 18.90435028076172 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 49975
[INFO] Memory usage: 18.941001892089844 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 50000
[INFO] Memory usage: 18.904075622558594 MB

Output(with table.insert() causes an error):

[INFO] Rows updated so far: 25
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.84894561767578 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 50
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.83715057373047 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 75
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.863059997558594 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 100
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.921218872070312 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 125
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.93242645263672 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 150
[INFO] Memory usage: 17.938697814941406 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 16150
[INFO] Memory usage: 20.609634399414062 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 16175
[INFO] Memory usage: 20.611862182617188 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 16200
[INFO] Memory usage: 20.61297607421875 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 16225
[INFO] Memory usage: 20.616310119628906 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 16250
[INFO] Memory usage: 20.620315551757812 MB
[INFO] Memory usage: 23.255882263183594 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 49925
[INFO] Memory usage: 23.259368896484375 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 49950
[INFO] Memory usage: 23.264991760253906 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 49975
[INFO] Memory usage: 23.25994873046875 MB
[INFO] Rows updated so far: 50000
[INFO] Memory usage: 23.261062622070312 MB

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Reactions:1
  • Comments:8 (3 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

junichi-tanakacommented, Oct 4, 2021

Today, I deployed our functions with nodejs-spanner v5.x to our production environment. The session pool settings are as same as my previous comment.

const database = instance.database(databaseId, { min: 10, max: 20, incStep: 2, writes: 0.5, concurrency: 1, fail: true });

The results are as shown in the image below, and it looks good, with no trend of increasing memory utilization. Per_call_memory20211004 Cloud_Functions

So, I am going to close this issue.

I appreciate your cooperation.

junichi-tanakacommented, Sep 3, 2021

Just to be sure: That means that you configure max 1 Cloud Functions instance (and not 1 Spanner instance, or max 1 session), right?

Yes. It means gcloud functions deploy ... --max-instances=1.

Could it be that the graph you are seeing in that case is just a question of an instance that is receiving heavy load, and therefore has no time to do incremental garbage collections, until it does a major one?

There is an error below. I think it’s not garbage collections, but the instance of Cloud Functions restarted due to the error.

$ gcloud functions logs read my-function-name --start-time="2021-09-03T03:00:00Z" --min-log-level=error --region=asia-northeast1
LEVEL  NAME                    EXECUTION_ID  TIME_UTC                 LOG
E      my-functions-name       8rx60hamh30j  2021-09-03 03:14:52.651  Function invocation was interrupted. Error: memory limit exceeded.

As you said, it seems to work well if there are enough instances, so I will check this with our actual work load.

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