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Issue when enabling full_tensorflow_log

See original GitHub issue

When enabling full_tensorflow_log, an issue arises after the first update of the model. Here is the issue:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 240, in <module>
    model.learn(n_timesteps, callback=callback_learning, seed=None, log_interval=args.log_interval)
  File "/data_GPU/hassan/SurgerySimulator/Local_RL_Cataract/ml-agents-gym/stable_baselines/ppo2/", line 362, in learn
    update=timestep, cliprange_vf=cliprange_vf_now))
  File "/data_GPU/hassan/SurgerySimulator/Local_RL_Cataract/ml-agents-gym/stable_baselines/ppo2/", line 294, in _train_step
    writer.add_run_metadata(run_metadata, 'step%d' % (update * update_fac))
  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/summary/writer/", line 262, in add_run_metadata
    raise ValueError("The provided tag was already used for this event type")
ValueError: The provided tag was already used for this event type

Code example I’ve just initialized PPO2 with this full_tensorflow_log enabled… something like:

model = PPO2(env=env, tensorboard_log=tensorboard_log, verbose=1, **hyperparams,

I’ve added some prints to double check what’s happening… something like this one: In

print('step %d * %d = %d' % (update, update_fac, (update * update_fac)))
writer.add_run_metadata(run_metadata, 'step%d' % (update * update_fac)) 

Here is an example of the output :

noptepochs 10
n_batch 2048
batch_size 32
num_timesteps 2048
update_fac 4.000000
epoch_num 0
step 1159 * 4 = 4636
step 1169 * 4 = 4676
step 1179 * 4 = 4716
step 1189 * 4 = 4756
step 1199 * 4 = 4796
step 1209 * 4 = 4836
epoch_num 1
step 1219 * 4 = 4876
step 1229 * 4 = 4916
step 1239 * 4 = 4956
step 1249 * 4 = 4996
step 1259 * 4 = 5036
step 1269 * 4 = 5076
step 1279 * 4 = 5116
epoch_num 2
step 1289 * 4 = 5156
step 1299 * 4 = 5196
step 1309 * 4 = 5236
step 1319 * 4 = 5276
step 1329 * 4 = 5316
step 1339 * 4 = 5356
epoch_num 3
step 1349 * 4 = 5396
step 1359 * 4 = 5436
step 1369 * 4 = 5476
step 1379 * 4 = 5516
step 1389 * 4 = 5556
step 1399 * 4 = 5596
epoch_num 4
step 1409 * 4 = 5636
step 1419 * 4 = 5676
step 1429 * 4 = 5716
step 1439 * 4 = 5756
step 1449 * 4 = 5796
step 1459 * 4 = 5836
step 1469 * 4 = 5876
epoch_num 5
step 1479 * 4 = 5916
step 1489 * 4 = 5956
step 1499 * 4 = 5996
step 1509 * 4 = 6036
step 1519 * 4 = 6076
step 1529 * 4 = 6116
epoch_num 6
step 1539 * 4 = 6156
step 1549 * 4 = 6196
step 1559 * 4 = 6236
step 1569 * 4 = 6276
step 1579 * 4 = 6316
step 1589 * 4 = 6356
step 1599 * 4 = 6396
epoch_num 7
step 1609 * 4 = 6436
step 1619 * 4 = 6476
step 1629 * 4 = 6516
step 1639 * 4 = 6556
step 1649 * 4 = 6596
step 1659 * 4 = 6636
epoch_num 8
step 1669 * 4 = 6676
step 1679 * 4 = 6716
step 1689 * 4 = 6756
step 1699 * 4 = 6796
step 1709 * 4 = 6836
step 1719 * 4 = 6876
epoch_num 9
step 1729 * 4 = 6916
step 1739 * 4 = 6956
step 1749 * 4 = 6996
step 1759 * 4 = 7036
step 1769 * 4 = 7076
step 1779 * 4 = 7116
step 1789 * 4 = 7156
| approxkl           | 0.11996295  |
| clipfrac           | 0.3465332   |
| ep_len_mean        | 589         |
| ep_reward_mean     | -0.959      |
| explained_variance | 0.0642      |
| fps                | 13          |
| n_updates          | 1           |
| policy_entropy     | 9.949189    |
| policy_loss        | -0.04627157 |
| serial_timesteps   | 2048        |
| time_elapsed       | 2.62e-05    |
| total_timesteps    | 2048        |
| value_loss         | 0.2877953   |
batch_size 32
num_timesteps 4096
update_fac 4.000000
epoch_num 0

PPO parameter file:

n_agents: 1
  n_timesteps: !!float 1e8
  policy: 'CnnPolicy'
  normalize: true
  n_steps: 2048 # 2048 / number of agents
  nminibatches: 64
  lam: 0.95
  gamma: 0.99
  noptepochs: 10
  ent_coef: 0.0
  learning_rate: 0.001
  cliprange: 0.2

System Info Describe the characteristic of your environment:

  • Describe how the library was installed: Actually, I’m using the source code as it is so I can modify it and add things to it.
  • GPU models and configuration: GTX 1080 Ti
  • Python version 3.5
  • Tensorflow version 1.8

I know that I can add something like date and time to get this key unique. Whether there is a something missing from my side or it’s a bug in the library, I’m still looking for a solution. If anyone has a quick fix that would be great. Thanks.

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Comments:7

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

Tomas0413commented, Oct 9, 2019

Hi, just wanted to mention that I also faced this issue while using PPO2 with full_tensorboard_log=True on a custom environment.

brandontrabuccocommented, Jul 14, 2020

Okay, thanks for the fast reply 😃

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