Trouble creating conda envs with geoviews=1.8.1
See original GitHub issueSince the recent upgrade to Holoviews=1.13.1, Geoviews=1.8…1 and Bokeh=2.0.0, I have frequent trouble to create and pinning envs with these packages.
The following somehow works:
conda install -c pyviz -c conda-forge geopandas fiona jupyterlab geoviews holoviews nbconvert descartes numpy mapclassify bokeh jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
but it will install Geoviews 1.6.6 and pyproj=2.6.0.
This also doesn’t work:
conda install -c pyviz -c conda-forge geopandas fiona jupyterlab "geoviews=1.8.1" holoviews nbconvert descartes numpy mapclassify bokeh jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
It will install pyproj=1.9.6, it also falls back to flexible solve and takes really long.
I was wondering if there’s an explanation for this behavior? How can I pin geoviews to 1.8.1 from the pyviz channel?
When using -c pyviz/label/dev
, conda also falls back to flexible solve. The results seem to change pretty much every day.
I’ve tried with fewer packages, but still - solving the environment takes very long and it almost always falls back to flexible solve (my env is set to strict).
Here’s the complete order of steps to reproduce:
conda create -n geoviews_env python=3.7 -c pyviz -c conda-forge
conda activate geoviews_env
conda config --env --set channel_priority strict
conda config --show channel_priority # verify
conda install -c pyviz -c conda-forge geopandas fiona jupyterlab geoviews holoviews nbconvert descartes numpy mapclassify bokeh jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
The documentation is very short when it comes to installation instructions, but I often encounter problems like these. Ideally, I want to provide a guide to the readers of my notebooks so that they can re-create an env that will be guaranteed compatible to the code in the Notebook.
- running conda 4.8.3 in Linux (WSL)
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- State:
- Created 3 years ago
- Comments:14 (6 by maintainers)
You should be able to drop pyviz entirely.
That’s not the only problem, certain projection operations return downright wrong results when combined with cartopy=0.17.
@Sieboldianus Try inverting the channels in that command, the conda-forge version does not pin proj in the same way as the pyviz channel version as I indicated above.