Custom listenerMiddleware Problem
See original GitHub issueHi All,
I’m working on an additional security layer feature for hubot involving two factor authentication with Verisign VIP and am just battling to get my head around how hubot and middleware work.
My middleware code seems to work as expected when chatting directly to hubot (private message) but it’s not working correctly when it receives messages from users in a room.
Here is my middleware code:
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.listenerMiddleware (context, next, done) ->
allowed_commands = [ "help", "ping" ]
# Grab just the command issued, eg "ping" and not "hubot ping"
command = context.response.message.text.slice(10)
# Allow if any of our excluded commands are issued otherwise deny
if command in allowed_commands
context.response.send "That command is not allowed"
My aim with the code above is:
- if “hubot help” or “hubot ping” is issued, run it as normal…
- if anything else is issued to hubot, deny and stop
Testing from a private chat message with hubot:
dave> hubot blah
hubot> That command is not allowed
dave> hubot ping
hubot> pong!
That worked just the way I expected it too: allow certain commands and deny the rest.
Now a test from a chat room to hubot:
dave> hubot blah
hubot> That command is not allowed
Great, just as expected but now when I try issue an allowed command I get the following:
dave> hubot ping
hubot> That command is not allowed
hubot> That command is not allowed
This is my problem. I’m not sure why it’s not allowing that command or why it’s sending a double response back. I’m using Hubot 2.18.0 and the hubot-hipchat adapter 2.12.0
Unfortunately my coffeescript and coding skills are not great. If anyone could shed some light on this problem or possibly point me in the right direction I’d really appreciate it!
Thanks! Dave
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 7 years ago
- Comments:6 (1 by maintainers)
Managed to solve this one. There were 2 issues.
When I issued something like this to hubot:
In a room, context.response.message.text is:
While in a private message to hubot, context.response.message.text is:
So to grab just the command issued to hubot, I had to check if it was issued from a room first and if so then apply a different slice…
Now it works the same for a room or a private message.
The next issue was where it was returning “That command is not allowed” twice in a room. This was solved by dropping the last done().
For anyone interested, here’s the full middleware code I’m using to intercept messages and first check if a user has verified with 2 factor authentication before the command runs. There are many pieces which work together here but this is just the middleware I’m using:
Thanks! Dave
@michaelansel I would really love to see how you guys are handling this with 2 factor authentication! 😃