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Concurrency and Transaction

See original GitHub issue
import { Table } from "../Table";
import { SqliteConnection } from "../connections/SqliteConnection";
import { BetterSqlite3QueryRunner } from "../queryRunners/BetterSqlite3QueryRunner";
import * as betterSqlite3 from 'better-sqlite3'

class DBConection extends SqliteConnection<'DBConnection'> {

const tCompany = new class TCompany extends Table<DBConection, 'TCompany'> {
    id = this.autogeneratedPrimaryKey('id', 'int');
    name = this.column('name', 'string');
    constructor() {
        super('company'); // table name in the database

const db = betterSqlite3(':memory:')
const global_conn = new DBConection(new BetterSqlite3QueryRunner(db))

koaApp.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  // await global_conn.beginTransaction(); // I can not write code like this, it may cause concurrency bug. I must write like:
  const scope_conn = new DBConection(new BetterSqlite3QueryRunner(db));

Why not:

const global_conn = new DBConection(new BetterSqlite3QueryRunner(db))

koaApp.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  const t = await global_conn.beginTransaction(); // t is of interface DBConection

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments:10 (6 by maintainers)

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juanluispazcommented, Mar 7, 2021

Let me explain my synchronous-promise proposal for use with better-sqlite3

I think the best approach for you regarding better-sqlite3 is to have the possibility to use synchronous-promise; I’m going to add this feature for you. This will allows you to use all the advantages offered by ts-sql-query.

The approach of have a executeOnDB function adapted for synchronous calls will work; all the code executed inside the executeOnDB will be executed synchronously even when you program it async. The important part is you cannot use the async/await syntax. You will need to use a complementary sync function that transforms the promises in sync code. For example, your code can look like this:

app.get('/def', async ctx => {
  const result = executeOnDB(conn => {
    const id1 = sync(conn
        .values({ name: Math.random().toString(36) })
    const id2 = sync(conn
        .values({ name: Math.random().toString(36) })
    return { id1, id2 }
  // write the request output

Or even simpler if you perform only one operation (the sync call will be made automatically):

app.get('/def', async ctx => {
  const result = executeOnDB(conn =>
        .values({ name: Math.random().toString(36) })
  // write the request output

The required code can be something like this:

import * as betterSqlite3 from 'better-sqlite3'
import { SynchronousPromise } from "synchronous-promise";

const db = betterSqlite3(':memory:')

 * This function unwrap the syncronous promise in a syncronous way returning the result.
function sync<T>(promise: Promise<T>): T {
    let returned = false;
    let result: any;
    let error: any;
    promise.then(r => {
        returned = true;
        result = r;
    }, e => {
        returned = true;
        error = e;

    if (!returned) {
        throw new Error('You performed an real async operation, not a database operation, inside the function dedicated to call the database');
    if (error) {
        throw error;
    return result;

 * This function expects the internal function return a syncronous promise or a result
 * This function unwrap the syncronos promise in a syncronos way returning the result.
function executeOnDB<T>(fn: (conn: DBConnection) => Promise<T>): T
function executeOnDB<T>(fn: (conn: DBConnection) => T): T
function executeOnDB<T>(fn: (conn: DBConnection) => any): T {
    const conn = new DBConection(new BetterSqlite3QueryRunner(db, { promise: SynchronousPromise }));
    let result;
    try {
        const fnResult = fn(conn);
        if (fn instanceof SynchronousPromise) {
            result = sync(fnResult);
        } else if (fnResult instanceof Promise) {
            throw new Error('You performed an real async operation, not a database operation, inside the function dedicated to call the databse');
        } else {
            result = fnResult;
    } catch (e) {
        try {
        } catch {
            // Ignore internal error in favour of the external one
        throw e;
    return result;

Let me know if the synchronous-promise will work for you.

juanluispazcommented, Mar 9, 2021

Synchronous queries implemented in ts-sql-query 1.1.0. See the Synchronous query runners section in the documentation and the example.

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