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Event not handled by event store.

See original GitHub issue

As soon as I implement the “nestjs-event-store” like in your branche “next” in ‘ultimate-backend’ the handler is not called + the event is not received in the event store


  imports: [
      tcpEndpoint: {
        host: 'http://localhost',
        port: 1113,
      options: {
        defaultUserCredentials: {
          username: 'admin'
          password: 'changeit',
  controllers: [],
  providers: [],
export class AppModule { }


const productEventHandlers = [

  imports: [
      subscriptions: [
          type: EventStoreSubscriptionType.CatchUp,
          stream: '$ce-product',
          resolveLinkTos: true, // Default is true (Optional)
          lastCheckpoint: 13, // Default is 0 (Optional)
          type: EventStoreSubscriptionType.Volatile,
          stream: '$ce-product',
          type: EventStoreSubscriptionType.Persistent,
          stream: '$ce-product',
          persistentSubscriptionName: 'steamName',
      eventHandlers: {
        ProductCreatedEvent: (id, data) => new ProductCreatedEvent(id, data),
  providers: [
  controllers: [],
  exports: [ProductService]
export class ProductModule { }


import { CommandHandler, ICommandHandler, EventBus } from "@nestjs/cqrs";

export class CreateProductCommandHandler implements ICommandHandler<CreateProductCommand> {

  constructor(private readonly eventBus: EventBus) { }

  async execute(command: CreateProductCommand) {
    const { dto } = command;
    this.eventBus.publish(new ProductCreatedEvent("1", dto));
    return {};



import { IEvent } from '@nestjs/cqrs';

export class ProductCreatedEvent implements IEvent {
        public _id: string,
        public readonly data: any
    )  { }


import { IEventHandler, EventsHandler } from '@nestjs/cqrs';

export class ProductCreatedHandler
  implements IEventHandler<ProductCreatedEvent> {
  handle(event: ProductCreatedEvent) {
    Logger.log(event, 'ProductCreatedEvent'); // write here

Do I miss something or is this a bug?

Nice job btw!

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments:11 (4 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

hbthegreatcommented, May 6, 2020

Hello fellow devs!

I came across this issue while running into it myself. After following these steps I am still seeing the same results. I feel like I must be missing something small and didn’t think it was worth creating another issue for it as it is probably related.

Firing up it seems to be able to connect and subscribe. image


import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AssetController } from './asset/controllers/assets.controller';
import { AssetModule } from './asset/asset.module';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { EventStoreModule } from '@juicycleff/nestjs-event-store';
import { RethinkModule } from './document-store/rethink.module';
  imports: [
      tcpEndpoint: {
        host: 'http://localhost', // process.env.ES_TCP_HOSTNAME || AppConfig.eventstore?.hostname,
        port: 1113,//parseInt(process.env.ES_TCP_PORT, 10) || AppConfig.eventstore?.tcpPort,
      options: {
        maxRetries: 1000, // Optional
        maxReconnections: 1000,  // Optional
        reconnectionDelay: 1000,  // Optional
        heartbeatInterval: 1000,  // Optional
        heartbeatTimeout: 1000,  // Optional
        defaultUserCredentials: {
          password: 'admin', //AppConfig.eventstore?.tcpPassword,
          username: 'changeit' //AppConfig.eventstore?.tcpUsername,
  controllers: [AppController],
  providers: [AppService],
export class AppModule {}


import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CqrsModule } from '@nestjs/cqrs';
import { EventStoreSubscriptionType, EventStoreModule } from '@juicycleff/nestjs-event-store';
import { QueryHandlers } from './queries/handlers';
import { EventHandlers } from './events/handlers';
import { CommandHandlers } from './commands/handlers';
import { AssetCreatedEvent } from './events/impl/asset-created.event';
import { AssetSagas } from './sagas/asset.sagas';
import { AssetUpdatedEvent } from './events/impl/asset-updated.event';
import { AssetDeletedEvent } from './events/impl/asset-deleted.event';
import { AssetController } from './controllers/assets.controller';
import { AssetService } from './services/asset.service';
import { AssetRepository } from './repository/asset.repository';
import { RethinkModule } from '../document-store/rethink.module';

    imports: [
            featureStreamName :'$ce-asset',
            subscriptions: [
                    type: EventStoreSubscriptionType.CatchUp,
                    stream: '$ce-asset'
            eventHandlers: {
                AssetCreatedEvent: (data) => new AssetCreatedEvent(data),
                AssetUpdatedEvent: (data) => new AssetUpdatedEvent(data),
                AssetDeletedEvent: (data) => new AssetDeletedEvent(data)
    controllers: [AssetController],
    providers: [
    exports: [

export class AssetModule {}

Hitting this handler

import { ICommandHandler, CommandHandler, EventBus } from '@nestjs/cqrs';
import { CreateAssetCommand } from '../impl/create-asset.command';
import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AssetCreatedEvent } from '../../events/impl/asset-created.event';

export class CreateAssetHandler implements ICommandHandler<CreateAssetCommand> {
    private readonly eventBus: EventBus
  ) {}

  async execute(command: CreateAssetCommand) {
    Logger.log('Async CreateAssetHandler...', 'CreateAssetCommand');

    const { assetDto } = command;
    this.eventBus.publish(new AssetCreatedEvent(assetDto));
    return {};



import { IEvent } from '@nestjs/cqrs';

export class AssetCreatedEvent implements IEvent {
    public readonly asset: any
  ) {}

Then after some time I also run into EventStore closed! image

I don’t see any of the events getting published into eventstore either.

Any ideas?

Thanks for all your hard work I have learnt a lot from your ultimate backend and this project 😃

hbthegreatcommented, May 11, 2020

@juicycleff would it be better to make my request a different post? Happy to if you would prefer. Still haven’t found a resolution.

Read more comments on GitHub >

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