Chrome stucks jupyter notebook, loading: safe.js, Mac
See original GitHub issueHi all,
when I try to load my notebook on chrome, it’s stucks, here log, I don’t know whats going wrong:
(econ) mmngreco:TFG mmngreco$ jupyter notebook --debug
[D 08:10:49.020 NotebookApp] Searching ['/Users/mmngreco/Documents/TFG', '/Users/mmngreco/.jupyter', '/Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/etc/jupyter', '/usr/local/etc/jupyter', '/etc/jupyter'] for config files
[D 08:10:49.021 NotebookApp] Looking for jupyter_config in /etc/jupyter
[D 08:10:49.021 NotebookApp] Looking for jupyter_config in /usr/local/etc/jupyter
[D 08:10:49.021 NotebookApp] Looking for jupyter_config in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/etc/jupyter
[D 08:10:49.021 NotebookApp] Looking for jupyter_config in /Users/mmngreco/.jupyter
[D 08:10:49.022 NotebookApp] Looking for jupyter_config in /Users/mmngreco/Documents/TFG
[D 08:10:49.023 NotebookApp] Looking for jupyter_notebook_config in /etc/jupyter
[D 08:10:49.023 NotebookApp] Looking for jupyter_notebook_config in /usr/local/etc/jupyter
[D 08:10:49.024 NotebookApp] Looking for jupyter_notebook_config in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/etc/jupyter
[D 08:10:49.024 NotebookApp] Loaded config file: /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/etc/jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.json
[D 08:10:49.025 NotebookApp] Looking for jupyter_notebook_config in /Users/mmngreco/.jupyter
[D 08:10:49.026 NotebookApp] Loaded config file: /Users/mmngreco/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.json
[D 08:10:49.026 NotebookApp] Looking for jupyter_notebook_config in /Users/mmngreco/Documents/TFG
[D 08:10:49.813 NotebookApp] Loading server extension jupyter_nbextensions_configurator
[D 08:10:49.813 NotebookApp] Editing template path to add /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jupyter_nbextensions_configurator/templates
[D 08:10:49.814 NotebookApp] Editing nbextensions path to add /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jupyter_nbextensions_configurator/static
[D 08:10:49.814 NotebookApp] Adding new handlers
[I 08:10:49.815 NotebookApp] Loaded server extension jupyter_nbextensions_configurator
[I 08:10:49.822 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /Users/mmngreco/Documents/TFG
[I 08:10:49.822 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 08:10:49.822 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: http://localhost:8888/
[I 08:10:49.822 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[D 08:10:50.343 NotebookApp] Using contents: services/contents
[D 08:10:50.404 NotebookApp] 200 GET /tree (::1) 63.58ms
[D 08:10:50.427 NotebookApp] 304 GET /custom/custom.css (::1) 2.78ms
[D 08:10:51.237 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/services/contents.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.53ms
[D 08:10:51.247 NotebookApp] 200 GET /custom/custom.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.06ms
[D 08:10:51.318 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/tree?_=1480921850810 (::1) 3.98ms
[D 08:10:51.324 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/common?_=1480921850811 (::1) 4.39ms
[D 08:10:51.329 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/terminals?_=1480921850812 (::1) 1.32ms
[D 08:10:51.332 NotebookApp] Found kernel ir in /Users/mmngreco/Library/Jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:51.332 NotebookApp] Found kernel python3 in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/share/jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:51.333 NotebookApp] Found kernel ir in /Users/mmngreco/Library/Jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:51.333 NotebookApp] Found kernel python3 in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/share/jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:51.334 NotebookApp] Found kernel ir in /Users/mmngreco/Library/Jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:51.334 NotebookApp] Found kernel python3 in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/share/jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:51.339 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/kernelspecs (::1) 8.62ms
[D 08:10:51.342 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/sessions?_=1480921850813 (::1) 2.20ms
[D 08:10:51.344 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/terminals?_=1480921850814 (::1) 1.32ms
[D 08:10:51.588 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/contents?type=directory&_=1480921850815 (::1) 4.91ms
[D 08:10:51.602 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/tree_tab/main.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.27ms
[D 08:10:51.653 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/main.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.39ms
[D 08:10:51.656 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/render/render.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.16ms
[D 08:10:51.666 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/notebook/js/quickhelp.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.44ms
[D 08:10:51.673 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/kse_components.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.36ms
[D 08:10:51.679 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/base/js/security.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 3.29ms
[D 08:10:51.685 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/components/codemirror/addon/runmode/runmode.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 3.72ms
[D 08:10:51.689 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/notebook/js/mathjaxutils.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 3.12ms
[D 08:10:51.696 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/notebook/js/codemirror-ipythongfm.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 4.65ms
[D 08:10:51.701 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/components/codemirror/mode/gfm/gfm.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.57ms
[D 08:10:51.707 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/quickhelp_shim.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.64ms
[D 08:10:51.711 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/components/marked/lib/marked.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 3.39ms
[D 08:10:51.721 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/components/google-caja/html-css-sanitizer-minified.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 6.56ms
[D 08:10:51.724 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/components/codemirror/mode/stex/stex.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.91ms
[D 08:10:51.731 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/components/codemirror/mode/python/python.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 5.34ms
[D 08:10:51.736 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/components/codemirror/addon/mode/multiplex.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 3.08ms
[D 08:10:51.740 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/components/codemirror/addon/mode/overlay.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.84ms
[D 08:10:51.743 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/components/codemirror/mode/markdown/markdown.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.74ms
[D 08:10:51.762 NotebookApp] 200 GET /static/components/codemirror/mode/xml/xml.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.55ms
[D 08:10:51.780 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/main.css?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.77ms
[D 08:10:51.783 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/render/rendermd.css?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.55ms
[D 08:10:51.794 NotebookApp] 304 GET /static/components/jquery-ui/themes/smoothness/images/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png (::1) 1.07ms
[D 08:10:51.810 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/notebook?_=1480921850816 (::1) 6.96ms
[D 08:10:51.817 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/common?_=1480921850819 (::1) 5.32ms
[D 08:10:51.825 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/tree?_=1480921850818 (::1) 6.59ms
[D 08:10:51.831 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/edit?_=1480921850817 (::1) 3.48ms
[D 08:10:51.837 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /Users/mmngreco/Library/Jupyter/nbextensions
[D 08:10:51.838 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/share/jupyter/nbextensions
[D 08:10:51.840 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'AutoSaveTime' in autosavetime/autosavetime.yaml
[D 08:10:51.842 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Autoscroll' in autoscroll/autoscroll.yaml
[D 08:10:51.842 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Chrome Clipboard' in chrome-clipboard/chrome-clipboard.yaml
[D 08:10:51.843 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Code Font Size' in code_font_size/code_font_size.yaml
[D 08:10:51.844 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Code prettify' in code_prettify/code_prettify.yaml
[D 08:10:51.845 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Codefolding' in codefolding/codefolding.yaml
[D 08:10:51.848 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Collapsible Headings' in collapsible_headings/collapsible_headings.yaml
[D 08:10:51.849 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Comment/Uncomment Hotkey' in comment-uncomment/comment-uncomment.yaml
[D 08:10:51.849 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'contrib_nbextensions_help_item' in contrib_nbextensions_help_item/contrib_nbextensions_help_item.yaml
[D 08:10:51.850 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'datestamper' in datestamper/main.yaml
[D 08:10:51.851 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Drag and Drop' in dragdrop/dragdrop.yaml
[D 08:10:51.852 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Equation Auto Numbering' in equation-numbering/info.yaml
[D 08:10:51.853 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'ExecuteTime' in execute_time/ExecuteTime.yaml
[D 08:10:51.853 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Exercise' in exercise/exercise.yaml
[D 08:10:51.854 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Exercise2' in exercise2/exercise2.yaml
[D 08:10:51.855 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Freeze' in freeze/config.yaml
[D 08:10:51.856 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Gist-it' in gist_it/gist_it.yaml
[D 08:10:51.857 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Help panel' in help_panel/help_panel.yaml
[D 08:10:51.858 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Hide input' in hide_input/hide-input.yaml
[D 08:10:51.858 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Hide input all' in hide_input_all/hide_input_all.yaml
[D 08:10:51.859 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'highlighter' in highlighter/highlighter.yaml
[D 08:10:51.860 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Hinterland' in hinterland/hinterland.yaml
[D 08:10:51.861 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Initialization cells' in init_cell/init_cell.yaml
[D 08:10:51.861 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Keyboard shortcut editor' in keyboard_shortcut_editor/keyboard_shortcut_editor.yaml
[D 08:10:51.863 NotebookApp] Found nbextension '(some) LaTeX environments for Jupyter' in latex_envs/latex_envs.yaml
[D 08:10:51.864 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Limit Output' in limit_output/limit-output.yaml
[D 08:10:51.864 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Move selected cells' in move_selected_cells/move_selected_cells.yaml
[D 08:10:51.865 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Navigation-Hotkeys' in navigation-hotkeys/hotkeys.yaml
[D 08:10:51.866 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Notify' in notify/notify.yaml
[D 08:10:51.867 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Printview' in printview/printview.yaml
[D 08:10:51.868 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Python Markdown' in python-markdown/python-markdown.yaml
[D 08:10:51.869 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Launch QTConsole' in qtconsole/qtconsole.yaml
[D 08:10:51.870 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Rubberband' in rubberband/rubberband.yaml
[D 08:10:51.872 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Ruler' in ruler/ruler.yaml
[D 08:10:51.873 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Runtools' in runtools/runtools.yaml
[D 08:10:51.873 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Scratchpad' in scratchpad/scratchpad.yaml
[D 08:10:51.874 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'ScrollDown' in scroll_down/config.yaml
[D 08:10:51.875 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Search-Replace' in search-replace/search-replace.yaml
[D 08:10:51.876 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Select CodeMirror Keymap' in select_keymap/select_keymap.yaml
[D 08:10:51.877 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'SKILL Syntax' in skill/skill.yaml
[D 08:10:51.877 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Skip-Traceback' in skip-traceback/skip-traceback.yaml
[D 08:10:51.878 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'spellchecker' in spellchecker/config.yaml
[D 08:10:51.879 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Split Cells Notebook' in splitcell/splitcell.yaml
[D 08:10:51.880 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'table_beautifier' in table_beautifier/table_beautifier.yaml
[D 08:10:51.881 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Table of Contents (2)' in toc2/toc2.yaml
[D 08:10:51.882 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Toggle all line numbers' in toggle_all_line_numbers/main.yaml
[D 08:10:51.883 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Tree Filter' in tree-filter/tree-filter.yaml
[D 08:10:51.884 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'zenmode' in zenmode/zenmode.yaml
[D 08:10:51.885 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /usr/local/share/jupyter/nbextensions
[D 08:10:51.885 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /usr/share/jupyter/nbextensions
[D 08:10:51.885 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /Users/mmngreco/.ipython/nbextensions
[D 08:10:51.885 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jupyter_nbextensions_configurator/static
[D 08:10:51.886 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Nbextensions edit menu item' in nbextensions_configurator/config_menu/config_menu.yaml
[D 08:10:51.887 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Nbextensions dashboard tab' in nbextensions_configurator/tree_tab/tree_tab.yaml
[D 08:10:51.888 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/list?_=1480921850820 (::1) 51.97ms
[D 08:10:51.973 NotebookApp] 304 GET /nbextensions/zenmode/ (::1) 1.19ms
[D 08:10:56.148 NotebookApp] Using contents: services/contents
[D 08:10:56.149 NotebookApp] 200 GET /tree/code (::1) 1.94ms
[D 08:10:56.174 NotebookApp] 304 GET /custom/custom.css (::1) 1.45ms
[D 08:10:56.559 NotebookApp] 304 GET /custom/custom.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 0.99ms
[D 08:10:56.576 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/tree?_=1480921856361 (::1) 3.50ms
[D 08:10:56.581 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/common?_=1480921856362 (::1) 4.28ms
[D 08:10:56.585 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/terminals?_=1480921856363 (::1) 1.34ms
[D 08:10:56.587 NotebookApp] Found kernel ir in /Users/mmngreco/Library/Jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:56.587 NotebookApp] Found kernel python3 in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/share/jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:56.588 NotebookApp] Found kernel ir in /Users/mmngreco/Library/Jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:56.588 NotebookApp] Found kernel python3 in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/share/jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:56.590 NotebookApp] Found kernel ir in /Users/mmngreco/Library/Jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:56.590 NotebookApp] Found kernel python3 in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/share/jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:56.593 NotebookApp] 304 GET /api/kernelspecs (::1) 6.56ms
[D 08:10:56.595 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/sessions?_=1480921856364 (::1) 1.27ms
[D 08:10:56.598 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/terminals?_=1480921856365 (::1) 1.41ms
[D 08:10:56.644 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/contents/code?type=directory&_=1480921856366 (::1) 4.99ms
[D 08:10:56.647 NotebookApp] 304 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/tree_tab/main.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.54ms
[D 08:10:56.713 NotebookApp] 304 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/main.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 0.98ms
[D 08:10:56.715 NotebookApp] 304 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/render/render.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.49ms
[D 08:10:56.724 NotebookApp] 304 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/kse_components.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.13ms
[D 08:10:56.760 NotebookApp] 304 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/quickhelp_shim.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 3.37ms
[D 08:10:56.811 NotebookApp] 304 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/main.css?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.17ms
[D 08:10:56.814 NotebookApp] 304 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/render/rendermd.css?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.00ms
[D 08:10:56.839 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/notebook?_=1480921856367 (::1) 5.05ms
[D 08:10:56.847 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/tree?_=1480921856369 (::1) 6.77ms
[D 08:10:56.855 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/edit?_=1480921856368 (::1) 7.45ms
[D 08:10:56.862 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/common?_=1480921856370 (::1) 6.16ms
[D 08:10:56.881 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /Users/mmngreco/Library/Jupyter/nbextensions
[D 08:10:56.881 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/share/jupyter/nbextensions
[D 08:10:56.883 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'AutoSaveTime' in autosavetime/autosavetime.yaml
[D 08:10:56.885 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Autoscroll' in autoscroll/autoscroll.yaml
[D 08:10:56.886 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Chrome Clipboard' in chrome-clipboard/chrome-clipboard.yaml
[D 08:10:56.887 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Code Font Size' in code_font_size/code_font_size.yaml
[D 08:10:56.889 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Code prettify' in code_prettify/code_prettify.yaml
[D 08:10:56.890 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Codefolding' in codefolding/codefolding.yaml
[D 08:10:56.893 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Collapsible Headings' in collapsible_headings/collapsible_headings.yaml
[D 08:10:56.894 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Comment/Uncomment Hotkey' in comment-uncomment/comment-uncomment.yaml
[D 08:10:56.894 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'contrib_nbextensions_help_item' in contrib_nbextensions_help_item/contrib_nbextensions_help_item.yaml
[D 08:10:56.895 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'datestamper' in datestamper/main.yaml
[D 08:10:56.896 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Drag and Drop' in dragdrop/dragdrop.yaml
[D 08:10:56.896 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Equation Auto Numbering' in equation-numbering/info.yaml
[D 08:10:56.897 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'ExecuteTime' in execute_time/ExecuteTime.yaml
[D 08:10:56.897 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Exercise' in exercise/exercise.yaml
[D 08:10:56.898 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Exercise2' in exercise2/exercise2.yaml
[D 08:10:56.898 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Freeze' in freeze/config.yaml
[D 08:10:56.899 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Gist-it' in gist_it/gist_it.yaml
[D 08:10:56.901 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Help panel' in help_panel/help_panel.yaml
[D 08:10:56.903 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Hide input' in hide_input/hide-input.yaml
[D 08:10:56.903 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Hide input all' in hide_input_all/hide_input_all.yaml
[D 08:10:56.904 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'highlighter' in highlighter/highlighter.yaml
[D 08:10:56.905 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Hinterland' in hinterland/hinterland.yaml
[D 08:10:56.906 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Initialization cells' in init_cell/init_cell.yaml
[D 08:10:56.907 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Keyboard shortcut editor' in keyboard_shortcut_editor/keyboard_shortcut_editor.yaml
[D 08:10:56.909 NotebookApp] Found nbextension '(some) LaTeX environments for Jupyter' in latex_envs/latex_envs.yaml
[D 08:10:56.910 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Limit Output' in limit_output/limit-output.yaml
[D 08:10:56.911 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Move selected cells' in move_selected_cells/move_selected_cells.yaml
[D 08:10:56.912 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Navigation-Hotkeys' in navigation-hotkeys/hotkeys.yaml
[D 08:10:56.912 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Notify' in notify/notify.yaml
[D 08:10:56.913 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Printview' in printview/printview.yaml
[D 08:10:56.914 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Python Markdown' in python-markdown/python-markdown.yaml
[D 08:10:56.915 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Launch QTConsole' in qtconsole/qtconsole.yaml
[D 08:10:56.917 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Rubberband' in rubberband/rubberband.yaml
[D 08:10:56.923 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Ruler' in ruler/ruler.yaml
[D 08:10:56.924 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Runtools' in runtools/runtools.yaml
[D 08:10:56.925 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Scratchpad' in scratchpad/scratchpad.yaml
[D 08:10:56.926 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'ScrollDown' in scroll_down/config.yaml
[D 08:10:56.927 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Search-Replace' in search-replace/search-replace.yaml
[D 08:10:56.927 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Select CodeMirror Keymap' in select_keymap/select_keymap.yaml
[D 08:10:56.928 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'SKILL Syntax' in skill/skill.yaml
[D 08:10:56.928 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Skip-Traceback' in skip-traceback/skip-traceback.yaml
[D 08:10:56.929 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'spellchecker' in spellchecker/config.yaml
[D 08:10:56.930 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Split Cells Notebook' in splitcell/splitcell.yaml
[D 08:10:56.931 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'table_beautifier' in table_beautifier/table_beautifier.yaml
[D 08:10:56.933 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Table of Contents (2)' in toc2/toc2.yaml
[D 08:10:56.935 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Toggle all line numbers' in toggle_all_line_numbers/main.yaml
[D 08:10:56.936 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Tree Filter' in tree-filter/tree-filter.yaml
[D 08:10:56.938 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'zenmode' in zenmode/zenmode.yaml
[D 08:10:56.939 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /usr/local/share/jupyter/nbextensions
[D 08:10:56.940 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /usr/share/jupyter/nbextensions
[D 08:10:56.940 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /Users/mmngreco/.ipython/nbextensions
[D 08:10:56.941 NotebookApp] Looking for nbextension yaml descriptor files in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jupyter_nbextensions_configurator/static
[D 08:10:56.943 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Nbextensions edit menu item' in nbextensions_configurator/config_menu/config_menu.yaml
[D 08:10:56.944 NotebookApp] Found nbextension 'Nbextensions dashboard tab' in nbextensions_configurator/tree_tab/tree_tab.yaml
[D 08:10:56.945 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/list?_=1480921856371 (::1) 65.53ms
[D 08:10:57.045 NotebookApp] 304 GET /nbextensions/zenmode/ (::1) 1.14ms
[D 08:10:57.735 NotebookApp] Using contents: services/contents
[D 08:10:57.782 NotebookApp] 200 GET /notebooks/code/writing.ipynb (::1) 47.40ms
[D 08:10:57.794 NotebookApp] 304 GET /static/components/MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML-full,Safe&delayStartupUntil=configured (::1) 2.46ms
[D 08:10:57.796 NotebookApp] 304 GET /custom/custom.css (::1) 1.22ms
[D 08:10:57.974 NotebookApp] 304 GET /static/components/MathJax/config/TeX-AMS_HTML-full.js?rev=2.6.0 (::1) 3.59ms
[D 08:10:58.037 NotebookApp] 304 GET /static/components/MathJax/config/Safe.js?rev=2.6.0 (::1) 1.46ms
[D 08:10:58.240 NotebookApp] 304 GET /custom/custom.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.12ms
[D 08:10:58.254 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/notebook?_=1480921858065 (::1) 5.49ms
[D 08:10:58.262 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/common?_=1480921858066 (::1) 5.69ms
[D 08:10:58.413 NotebookApp] Found kernel ir in /Users/mmngreco/Library/Jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:58.414 NotebookApp] Found kernel python3 in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/share/jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:58.414 NotebookApp] Found kernel ir in /Users/mmngreco/Library/Jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:58.414 NotebookApp] Found kernel python3 in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/share/jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:58.416 NotebookApp] Found kernel ir in /Users/mmngreco/Library/Jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:58.416 NotebookApp] Found kernel python3 in /Users/mmngreco/miniconda3/envs/econ/share/jupyter/kernels
[D 08:10:58.418 NotebookApp] 304 GET /api/kernelspecs (::1) 5.54ms
[D 08:11:01.384 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/contents/code/writing.ipynb?type=notebook&_=1480921858067 (::1) 2934.50ms
[D 08:11:01.418 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/hide_input_all/main.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.73ms
[D 08:11:01.420 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/gist_it/main.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.43ms
[D 08:11:01.422 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/contrib_nbextensions_help_item/main.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 0.99ms
[D 08:11:01.426 NotebookApp] 304 GET /static/components/MathJax/jax/output/HTML-CSS/fonts/STIX-Web/fontdata.js?rev=2.6.0 (::1) 1.57ms
[D 08:11:01.535 NotebookApp] 304 GET /static/components/MathJax/extensions/Safe.js?rev=2.6.0 (::1) 2.75ms
[D 08:11:01.537 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/equation-numbering/main.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 1.13ms
[D 08:11:01.540 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/zenmode/main.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.01ms
[D 08:11:01.543 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/config_menu/main.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 2.31ms
[D 08:11:01.555 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/notebook?_=1480921858068 (::1) 6.62ms
[D 08:11:01.557 NotebookApp] 200 GET /nbextensions/jupyter-js-widgets/extension.js?v=20161205081049 (::1) 135.50ms
[D 08:11:01.580 NotebookApp] 200 GET /api/config/notebook?_=1480921858069 (::1) 9.78ms
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- Created 7 years ago
- Comments:23 (4 by maintainers)
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I had a similar issue today; 🎉 solved 🎉 by clearing the output using a solution from StackOverflow: Using this command:
jupyter nbconvert --ClearOutputPreprocessor.enabled=True --inplace Notebook.ipynb
(just replaceNotebook.ipynb
with your own file name)Very large outputs can cause problems. If you need to get access to the code again, you can remove the outputs from a notebook using nbstripout.