Memory leaks with detectAllFaces
See original GitHub issueHi,
I have this coffeescript code snippet :
# Analyse the new frame
analyseFrame: (next = _.noop) ->
@testCount = 200 unless (typeof(@testCount) is 'number')
# Skip if not capturing
return unless Service.isCapturing
# get frame
_frame = Service.videoCapture.getFrame()
# get frame date
@currentFrameTime =
# clear old faces in history
#convert frame to a tensor
_data = new Uint8Array(_frame.cvtColor(cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB).getData().buffer)
_tensorFrame = tfjs.tensor3d(_data, [_frame.rows, _frame.cols, 3])
catch _err
@log.error "Error instantiating tensor !!!"
@log.error _err.message
faceapi.detectAllFaces(_tensorFrame, @faceDetectionOptions).then (_detectedFaces) =>
@log.debug _detectedFaces
# fill face history with detceted faces
_detectedFaces = @fillFacesHistory(_detectedFaces)
# draw boxes on image
Service.videoCapture.drawFaceBoxes(_frame, _detectedFaces)
# Get partial time
Service.frameDuration = - @currentFrameTime
# write latency on image
Service.videoCapture.writeLatency(_frame, Service.frameDuration)
# show image
# Call next
_delayNextFrame = Math.max(0, 1000/@options.fps - Service.frameDuration)
# DEBUG MEMORY DUMP every 30 sec
if @testCount > (5*30)
@testCount = 0
_dumpPath = path.resolve(__dirname + "./../memoryDump/" + @currentFrameTime + '.heapsnapshot')
heapdump.writeSnapshot _dumpPath
setTimeout =>
# console.log "Next frame : #{_delayNextFrame}ms - TOTAL : #{_frameDuration}ms"
, (_delayNextFrame)
I feel like detectAllFaces is causing memory leaks. In deed, the corresponding nodejs process gains approximately 0.5 to 1% memory usage for each processed frame ! So my RAM get totally filled really quickly. I tried to get memory dump using heapdump but I don’t see anything anormal (all my dumps have same size on Google Chrome inspector). So this could means that memory leaks come from the C++ size of face-api.js, right ?
At first, I thought the leak could comes from combination of loops and promises or from Service.videoCapture. But I get similar results with the below code. The only difference being that RAM is filled slower. Which seems normal since the image used is smaller than my webcam’s frames.
# Analyse the new frame
analyseFrame: (next = _.noop) ->
# Skip if not capturing
return unless Service.isCapturing
_currentFunctionCallTime =
# get frame
_frame = Service.videoCapture.getFrame()
# if analyzer is ready, we can take a frame from webcam and process it
if @analyzerIsReady
@analyzerIsReady = false
# get frame date
@currentFrameTime =_currentFunctionCallTime
# get frame
_analyzedFrame = _frame
# clear old faces in history
@log.debug "faceHistory.length = ", Service.faceHistory.length
_analyzedFrame = cv.imread('/home/loophole/eventbots-packages/eb/tiki-service-facedetection/models/bbt3.jpg')
#convert frame to a tensor
_data = new Uint8Array(_analyzedFrame.cvtColor(cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB).getData().buffer)
_tensorFrame = tfjs.tensor3d(_data, [_analyzedFrame.rows, _analyzedFrame.cols, 3])
catch _err
@log.error "Error instantiating tensor !!!"
@log.error _err.message
faceapi.detectAllFaces(_tensorFrame, @faceDetectionOptions).then (_detectedFaces) =>
# fill face history with detceted faces
_detectedFaces = @fillFacesHistory(_detectedFaces)
# Get partial time
Service.frameDuration = - @currentFrameTime
# Call next
_delayNextFrame = Math.max(0, 1000/@options.fps - Service.frameDuration)
setTimeout =>
@analyzerIsReady = true
, (_delayNextFrame)
_callDuration = - _currentFunctionCallTime
_delayNextCall = Math.max(0, 1000/@options.callPerSec - _callDuration)
setTimeout =>
, (_delayNextCall)
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 5 years ago
- Comments:6 (2 by maintainers)
Top GitHub Comments
Hey, there is no C++ side of face-api.js. If you are really experiencing memory leaks, it either comes from tensorflow or opencv4nodejs, which I find very unlikely as well since I didn’t experience any kind of leaks in long running applications using opencv4nodejs + face-api.js with similar code.
One thing that bothers me though, I don’t see you disposing the tensor
, which you create for every frame. If you do not dispose it after your done with it, e.g._tensorFrame.dispose()
, then your application will indeed leak memory. You can also check the tracked memory of tfjs usingtf.memory()
.Solved!, only happend when run in debug mode, maybe never dispose because of that. Thanks!