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GraphQL Configuration Protocol

See original GitHub issue

GraphQL Configuration protocol

In a nutshell, the simplest format is:

export type GraphQLConfiguration = {
  schemaPath?: FilePath,  // may be .json or .graphql
  schemaUrl?: URL,
  schemaJS?: ModulePath | ModuleName,
  // If env is specified, use one of the app configs in here
  env?: GraphQLConfigurationEnvs

  // For multiple applications with overlapping files, bottom configuration options may be helpful
  includeDirs?: Array<DirPath>,
  excludeDirs?: Array<DirPath>,

  // If you have customized validation rules to run
  customValidationRules?: FilePath | Array<FilePath>,

  // If you'd like to specify any other configurations, we provide a reserved namespace for it
  extensions?: GraphQLConfigurationExtension

export type GraphQLConfigurationEnvs = {
  production: GraphQLConfiguration,
  development: GraphQLConfiguration,
  // but really just the below
  [envVarName: string]: GraphQLConfiguration

export type GraphQLConfigurationExtension = {
  [toolName: string]: any,

Note that I’d like to discourage the recursive pattern in using the EnvironmentalVariable - for example:

  "schemaPath": "...",
  "env": {
    "production": {
      "appProd": {
        "env": { ... }

Now the reasoning for it: let’s start with a most simple use case - one app/one schema.


Usually a single app requires a schema path/url and an env variable to facilitate the build and deployment:

export type GraphQLAppConfig = {
  schemaPath: FilePath,
  schemaUrl: URL,
  env: EnvironmentVariable

export type EnvironmentVariable = {
  [envVarName: string]: GraphQLAppConfig

Multiple-apps/isolated directories

For multiple apps with isolated directories, I like @wincent’s idea about a common-default GraphQL configurations, but in spirit of keeping things simple at first, I’d like to propose an one-config-per-directory approach as our first draft. I think there’s an edge case where we’d have multiple parent GraphQL configurations to consider:


This can become a discussion of its own, which we can have separately 😉

Custom validation rules

You may want to run custom validation rules before building GraphQL apps/codegen/etc - customValidationRules is useful for that.

Reserved namespaces

@wincent made a suggestion to provide a way to include any other configurations if you desire. This namespace will contain an app/prod/organization/team-specific GraphQL configurations, and it will be treated as optional settings you’d like to use for your purpose.

  "schemaPath": "path/to/schema",
  "extensions": {
    "my-tool": {
      "here": "This is a tool-specific extension"

What is this repo, then?

I think this repo should serve two roles in a broader sense:

1. Maintain this protocol and become a town hall for discussions/improvements for this protocol. 2. Provide reference implementations of helper methods to lubricate adoption for this protocol.

An example of the reference implementation of the helper method: we mentioned a way to find this GraphQL configuration is to walk up a directory until it finds one. This basically can be implemented as such:

 * (From `graphql-language-service` repo:
 * Finds a .graphqlrc configuration file, and returns null if not found.
 * If the file isn't present in the provided directory path, walk up the
 * directory tree until the file is found or it reaches the root directory.
export function findGraphQLConfigDir(dirPath: string): ?string {
  let currentPath = path.resolve(dirPath);
  while (true) {
    const filePath = path.join(currentPath, '.graphqlrc');
    if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
    if (isRootDir(currentPath)) {
    currentPath = path.dirname(currentPath);
  return !isRootDir(currentPath) ? currentPath : null;

function isRootDIr(path: string): boolean {
  return path.dirname(path) === path;

As there are several use cases, we can tackle each of them and present a way to use this configuration programmatically. I can begin by identifying/suggesting some of them below:

  • A generalized module bundler configurations, using GraphQL configurations
    • webpack, yeoman, babel, and etc…
  • How to include custom validation rules in your application
  • How to generate schema with provided schema path(s)
    • Sending introspection query to the endpoint
    • Parsing/building the schema using a local file path
    • Compiling GraphQLSchema object using schema definitions in .js
    • How to cache the schema
      • local files, indexedDB, and etc…

Action items

There are many things to do! But when we successfully deliver this, I believe we can get to the point where we have a shared GraphQL configuration that everyone agrees on, with commonly-used techniques and best practices to configure your GraphQL environment.

  • Write a draft for this protocol
  • Populate this repository with those helper methods
    • Discuss what the superset of those helper methods would be
    • Prioritize by the most impactful and common ones and implement them
    • Generalize existing implementations and move them here
  • Update other remaining documentations, including this repo’s README
  • Suggest GraphQL configuration as a best-practice at

Lastly, although we’ve begun this proposal and made a bunch of suggestions, I’d love to have a collaborative effort in pushing this forward. It’ll be amazing to see us working together to improve and deliver this proposal to the GraphQL community.

Please post your thoughts/concerns/questions! Also if you’d like to be responsible for one of the actions items above, don’t be hesitate to do so 😄

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Reactions:2
  • Comments:32 (9 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

schicklingcommented, Jul 15, 2017

Hi @IvanGoncharov, apologies for the radio silence on my end these days. I was meeting with @asiandrummer (and other amazing folks from Facebook) this week and we discussed the next steps for graphql-config. (I also discussed this with @jbaxleyiii from Apollo.)

We concluded the following:

  • schemaPath will be a required configuration option and the only source of truth for the schema. (Both SDL (formerly IDL) and JSON introspection results are supported as source)
  • The schemaUrl option will be replaced by another workflow. Things like HTTP headers etc will be handled by this CLI tool.
  • There should be so called “standard extensions” that ship with helper functions in graphql-config that other libraries can use (e.g. http endpoint, subscription endpoint)

To discuss:

  1. Define naming conventions for extensions
  2. Define standard extensions
  3. File format (JSON, YAML, HCL, …)
  4. Default value for includeDirs & excludeDirs & agree on regex format


To wrap up, here are a few examples using the current format proposal.


  "schemaPath": "./schema.graphql",
  "extension": {
    "endpoint": ""


  "development": {
    "schemaPath": "./dev.graphql",
    "extension": {
      "http-endpoint": "http://localhost:3000/graphql"
  "production": {
    "schemaPath": "./prod.graphql",
    "extension": {
      "http-endpoint": ""
asiandrummercommented, Jul 12, 2017

Also, thanks to everyone’s participations, I feel like we’re ready to move this forward and actually create a PR to add this as a protocol/spec document. I’ll get that done soon - we can continue these valuable conversations over there.

Read more comments on GitHub >

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