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Problem with CORS and websockets

See original GitHub issue

Describe the bug I have an issue with cors, when i run it the example in 2 diferents ports (3000, 3001) and i try to conect a new socket from 3001 to 3000 then the console throw the next error: WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:3001/echo?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjozMjEzMjF9.8waEX7-vPKACa-Soi1pQvW3Rl8QY-SUFcHKTLZI4mvU' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 403.

To Reproduce Use the example server.go on the route: _examples/websocket/basic/

package main

import (


	// Used when "enableJWT" constant is true:

// values should match with the client sides as well.
const enableJWT = true
const namespace = "default"

// if namespace is empty then simply websocket.Events{...} can be used instead.
var serverEvents = websocket.Namespaces{
	namespace: websocket.Events{
		websocket.OnNamespaceConnected: func(nsConn *websocket.NSConn, msg websocket.Message) error {
			// with `websocket.GetContext` you can retrieve the Iris' `Context`.
			ctx := websocket.GetContext(nsConn.Conn)

			log.Printf("[%s] connected to namespace [%s] with IP [%s]",
				nsConn, msg.Namespace,
			return nil
		websocket.OnNamespaceDisconnect: func(nsConn *websocket.NSConn, msg websocket.Message) error {
			log.Printf("[%s] disconnected from namespace [%s]", nsConn, msg.Namespace)
			return nil
		"chat": func(nsConn *websocket.NSConn, msg websocket.Message) error {
			// room.String() returns -> NSConn.String() returns -> Conn.String() returns -> Conn.ID()
			log.Printf("[%s] sent: %s", nsConn, string(msg.Body))

			// Write message back to the client message owner with:
			// nsConn.Emit("chat", msg)
			// Write message to all except this client with:
			nsConn.Conn.Server().Broadcast(nsConn, msg)
			return nil

func main() {
	app := iris.New()
	websocketServer := websocket.New(
		websocket.DefaultGorillaUpgrader, /* DefaultGobwasUpgrader can be used too. */

	j := jwt.New(jwt.Config{
		// Extract by the "token" url,
		// so the client should dial with ws://localhost:8080/echo?token=$token
		Extractor: jwt.FromParameter("token"),

		ValidationKeyGetter: func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
			return []byte("My Secret"), nil

		// When set, the middleware verifies that tokens are signed
		// with the specific signing algorithm
		// If the signing method is not constant the
		// `Config.ValidationKeyGetter` callback field can be used
		// to implement additional checks
		// Important to avoid security issues described here:
		SigningMethod: jwt.SigningMethodHS256,

	idGen := func(ctx iris.Context) string {
		if username := ctx.GetHeader("X-Username"); username != "" {
			return username

		return websocket.DefaultIDGenerator(ctx)

	// serves the endpoint of ws://localhost:8080/echo
	// with optional custom ID generator.
	websocketRoute := app.Get("/echo", websocket.Handler(websocketServer, idGen))

	if enableJWT {
		// Register the jwt middleware (on handshake):
		// OR
		// Check for token through the jwt middleware
		// on websocket connection or on any event:
		/* websocketServer.OnConnect = func(c *websocket.Conn) error {
		ctx := websocket.GetContext(c)
		if err := j.CheckJWT(ctx); err != nil {
			// will send the above error on the client
			// and will not allow it to connect to the websocket server at all.
			return err

		user := ctx.Values().Get("jwt").(*jwt.Token)
		// or just: user := j.Get(ctx)

		log.Printf("This is an authenticated request\n")
		log.Printf("Claim content:")
		log.Printf("%#+v\n", user.Claims)

		log.Printf("[%s] connected to the server", c.ID())

		return nil
		} */

	// serves the browser-based websocket client.
	app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) {
		ctx.ServeFile("./browser/index.html", false)

	// serves the npm browser websocket client usage example.
	app.HandleDir("/browserify", "./browserify")

	app.Run(iris.Addr(":8080"), iris.WithoutServerError(iris.ErrServerClosed))

Expected behavior I would like to make petitions from the 2 servers

Posible fix To catch this i made a middleware function wich delete the origin header (but this will be a rellay bad practice), code above:

        app.Use(func(ctx iris.Context) {

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Comments:9 (3 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

katarascommented, Aug 13, 2019

@xXLokerXx @majidbigdeli There is no issue with neffos at all, you don’t need to delete a header or things like that, this happesn only on Gorilla websocket upgrader because it has a CheckOrigin field which by-default allows only same-origin. So the solution is to modify that to allow everything - you don’t need to catch anything there - neffos + cors will do the job. The gorilla websocket’s check origin is type of:

func (r *http.Request) bool

Example Code:

import ""
import ""
import gorillaWs ""

// [...]
websocketServer := websocket.New(
	gorilla.Upgrader(gorillaWs.Upgrader{CheckOrigin: func(*http.Request) bool{return true}}),

Hope that helped!

majidbigdelicommented, Aug 13, 2019

@kataras yes . Gorilla websocket upgrader has a CheckOrigin field . Thank you.

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