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Simple `mapStateToProps` conundrum

See original GitHub issue

Ok, here is the case. And please correct me if I’m trying to achieve this the “wrong way”.

I have an auth logic which looks something like this:

// logic/auth.js

export default koa({
  // ... actions, path, etc.
  reducers: ({ actions }) => ({
    user: [null, PropTypes.object, {
      [actions.setUser]: (_, user) => user,

Then I want to have a HOC which is called CheckPermissions and it should, given the permissionsCheckCallback, render children only if the provided function returns true.

Now, the way I would go about it with vanilla redux is to have the CheckPermissions component connected with the store by giving it a mapStateToProps function which would:

  • take the user from the provided state
  • take the permissionsCheckCallback function from ownProps
  • return { hasPermissions: permissionsCheckCallback(user) }

This way component is never rerendered even if the user changes but the permissions stay the same (optimal).

Now, I’ve started doing this in kea by having the CheckPermissions component (pure function really…) export this:

// components/CheckPermissions.jsx

import Auth from '../logic/auth';
import { connect } from 'kea';

export default connect({
  props: [
    Auth, [
})((props) => (
  ? props.children
  : null

But, the mapStateToProps concept is happening inside the component, not outside so it does not stop the “rerender” cycle: if the user changes - even if the permissions do not - it will trigger the render.

Now, either I’m not reading the docs right / not getting some core concept of kea or this is not possible to do the kea way? Sure, I can always target the user from the global state (no need to even connect Auth) but this is why I’m trying to use kea, so I don’t have to think about the “global” state and bring “logic” as needed (again - this may be wrong on many levels, and kea is not intended to be used this way).

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Comments:15 (6 by maintainers)

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mariusandracommented, Oct 21, 2017

Hey @nikolakanacki , an interesting situation you have there 😃

First, Kea is not meant to replace Redux at every instance everywhere. Sometimes, for some special components, it can make sense to revert back to Redux’s functions. You an access all the selectors of Auth just with something like user = Auth.selectors.user(state).

That said, there is one way you could achieve what you’re after. I haven’t tested it, so please let me know if it works.

First, whatever prop is in connect should trigger a re-render when it changes. As you specifically wish to avoid that for user, don’t pass it to connect, but manually pass the selector via Auth.selectors to selectors in kea({}). Something like this:

import Auth from '../logic/auth';
import { kea } from 'kea';

export default kea({
  selectors: ({ selectors }) => ({
    hasPermissions: [
      () => [(_, props) => props.hasPermissions, Auth.selectors.user],
      (hasPermissions, user) => hasPermissions(user),
})((props) => (
  ? props.children
  : null

If I’m not mistaken, this should work, have access to the hasPermissions function in the props and to the user in Auth, without re-rendering when any of them change, but when the final result of the selector changes.

Then again, this is just a fancy abstraction over mapStateToProps, so it might be cleaner to just use it directly.

Cheers and let me know if this works 😃

nikolakanackicommented, Oct 23, 2017

Yeah, just what I was thinking, so we get a clear picture of where the origin is. It was ~3 in the morning so I just rolled back but I think it had to do with something regarding the connect feature, as like it was expecting those loose useless parts of the store to be found in the store tree.

I’m currently creating a tiny (batteries included but optional) admin library at the moment featuring kea and antd, will get to this asap since I’m also looking forward to a fix.

Read more comments on GitHub >

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