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tuner with max_model_size not skipping oversized models

See original GitHub issue

When using max_model_size I am finding the tuner repeatedly tries the same oversized model, then errors out. This does not fit with the expected behavior as the warning message says the oversized model will be skipped.

Some dummy code to recreate the issue:

def modelbuilder(hp):
	model = keras.Sequential()
	optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.01,beta_1=0.9,beta_2=0.999,epsilon= 1e-8)
	return model

tuner = RandomSearch(modelbuilder,objective='val_loss',max_trials=100,max_model_size=1800,overwrite=True),y=train_target,epochs=3,validation_data=(valid_data,valid_target),verbose=0)

Giving an output of:

[Trial complete] [Trial summary]

Hp values: |-width_1: 11 |-Score: 0.08742512226104736 |-Best step: 0 [Trial complete] [Trial summary] Hp values: |-width_1: 12 |-Score: 0.09093187510967254 |-Best step: 0 [Trial complete] [Trial summary] Hp values: |-width_1: 8 |-Score: 0.09126158863306046 |-Best step: 0 [Trial complete] [Trial summary] Hp values: |-width_1: 14 |-Score: 0.10759384512901306 |-Best step: 0 [Trial complete] [Trial summary] Hp values: |-width_1: 6 |-Score: 0.08583792209625245 |-Best step: 0 [Trial complete] [Trial summary] Hp values: |-width_1: 10 |-Score: 0.09473302498459817 |-Best step: 0 [Trial complete] [Trial summary] Hp values: |-width_1: 3 |-Score: 0.13883694425225257 |-Best step: 0 [Trial complete] [Trial summary] Hp values: |-width_1: 13 |-Score: 0.08331702768802643 |-Best step: 0 [Trial complete] [Trial summary] Hp values: |-width_1: 7 |-Score: 0.10881250619888305 |-Best step: 0 [Trial complete] [Trial summary] Hp values: |-width_1: 17 |-Score: 0.09528512597084045 |-Best step: 0 [Warning] Oversized model: 2041 parameters – skipping [Warning] Oversized model: 2041 parameters – skipping [Warning] Oversized model: 2041 parameters – skipping [Warning] Oversized model: 2041 parameters – skipping [Warning] Oversized model: 2041 parameters – skipping [Warning] Oversized model: 2041 parameters – skipping

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  • State:open
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Comments:11 (3 by maintainers)

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bberlocommented, May 8, 2021

Hey everyone,

I have created a dirty fix that can be used with models created with either the Keras Sequential or Functional API (i.e. you should at least be able to use the Keras backend method count_params on your model). This dirty fix can be used while we wait for a general solution to be envisioned and developed.

The basic idea is, once you have instantiated a high level tuner class (e.g. BayesianOptimization), to overwrite a few methods inherited from parent classes: the Tuner’s class _build_and_fit_model method and BaseTuner’s class on_trial_end method.

class BayesianSearchEdit(bayesian.BayesianOptimization):
    TO-DO: add custom max_model_size input param to class
    def __init__(self):

    def on_trial_end(self, trial):
        """A hook called after each trial is run.
        # Arguments:
            trial: A `Trial` instance.
        # Send status to Logger
        if self.logger:
            self.logger.report_trial_state(trial.trial_id, trial.get_state())

        if not trial.get_state().get("status") == trial_module.TrialStatus.INVALID:
  , trial_module.TrialStatus.COMPLETED)
        # Display needs the updated trial scored by the Oracle.

    def _build_and_fit_model(self, trial, fit_args, fit_kwargs):
        model =
        model_size = self.maybe_compute_model_size(model)
        print("Considering model with size: {}".format(model_size))

        if model_size > CUSTOM_MAX_MODEL_SIZE:
  , trial_module.TrialStatus.INVALID)

            dummy_history_obj = tf.keras.callbacks.History()
            dummy_history_obj.history.setdefault('val_loss', []).append(2.5)
            return dummy_history_obj

        return*fit_args, **fit_kwargs)

    def maybe_compute_model_size(self, model):
        """Compute the size of a given model, if it has been built."""
        if model.built:
            params = [tf.keras.backend.count_params(p) for p in model.trainable_weights]
            return int(np.sum(params))
        return 0

This dirty fix essentially just skips over trials. Therefore, I advice to increase the number of trials to account for the lost trials.

Regards, Bram

Updates 04/05/2021 and 08/05/2021 To prevent Keras Tuner from crashing due to GPU Out Of Memory (OOM) exceptions, you can add exception handling to the method call (only tested with TensorFlow 2.3.0 so far):

            return*fit_args, **fit_kwargs)
        except (tf.errors.ResourceExhaustedError, tf.errors.InternalError):
  , trial_module.TrialStatus.INVALID)

            dummy_history_obj = tf.keras.callbacks.History()
            dummy_history_obj.history.setdefault('val_loss', []).append(2.5)
            return dummy_history_obj

These crashes can still happen (happen less frequent with checking model size) due to the error margin present in manual model size calculation methods. In addition to the ResourceExhaustedError, in case a tf.distribute strategy is used during training, the InternalError also has to be handled because TensorFlow may raise any one of the two errors when the GPU is OOM.

After running the HyperBand tuner for a large number of trials, I discovered that the line model = was raising the RuntimeError as a result of consecutive GPU OOM errors. This error has been fixed by removing global Keras callbacks from the search method and including them locally in the fit_kwargs argument in the _build_and_fit_model method, e.g.:

            tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor="val_loss", min_delta=0, patience=5, restore_best_weights=True)
ghostcommented, Apr 8, 2020

Looks like this may be the culprit for crashing AutoKeras resulting in OOM errors that I’ve been facing. It is a huge problem for me at the moment. Any further updates regarding this issue?

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