Pagination Missing on Swiper 6
See original GitHub issuePagination missing after updating swiper to version 6
Fix from @kouliavtsev You can solve the pagination issue buy doing the following:
Step 1 Update swiper 5.4.5 to 6.1.2
Step 2 Update Slider.tx by adding the lines below.
import SwiperCore, { Pagination } from "swiper"
all modules:
import SwiperCore, { Virtual,Keyboard,Mousewheel,Navigation,Pagination,Scrollbar,Parallax,Zoom,Lazy,Controller,A11y,History,HashNavigation,Autoplay,EffectFade,EffectCube,EffectFlip,EffectCoverflow,Thumbs} from "swiper"
Here a complete list of modules you may use:
Here is the list of additional modules imports: Virtual - Virtual Slides module Keyboard - Keyboard Control module Mousewheel - Mousewheel Control module Navigation - Navigation module Pagination - Pagination module Scrollbar - Scrollbar module Parallax - Parallax module Zoom - Zoom module Lazy - Lazy module Controller - Controller module A11y - Accessibility module History - History Navigation module HashNavigation - Hash Navigation module Autoplay - Autoplay module EffectFade - Fade Effect module EffectCube - Cube Effect module EffectFlip - Flip Effect module EffectCoverflow - Coverflow Effect module Thumbs - Thumbs module
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 3 years ago
- Reactions:6
- Comments:9 (2 by maintainers)
Top GitHub Comments
You can solve the pagination issue buy doing the following:
Step 1 Update swiper 5.4.5 to 6.0.4
Step 2 Update Slider.tx by adding the lines below.
Here a complete list of modules you may use:
@jeffceriello I figured it out. In addition to the first line (as before), also include the second line:
and later:
Just as 🙇 @kouliavtsev wrote above 🎉
I got it to work with my Gatsby 👍