Failed To Import / Download
See original GitHub issue안녕하세요 개발자님. 그동안 1년 이상 잘 사용하고 있다가, 어제부터 Import가 안되는 이슈가 생겼습니다.
Authentication도 문제없이 진행되는데, Import하려고 하면
이렇게 나오는데, 링크를 찾아서 들어가도 페이지가 없다고 나옵니다.
Download시 발생하는 에러는
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. —> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unknown authorization header. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest+<GetResponseFromData>d__240.MoveNext () [0x00152] in <aa976c2104104b7ca9e1785715722c9d>:0 — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown — at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) [0x0001d] in <aa976c2104104b7ca9e1785715722c9d>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory
1[TResult].FromAsyncCoreLogic (System.IAsyncResult iar, System.Func
2[T,TResult] endFunction, System.Action1[T] endAction, System.Threading.Tasks.Task
1[TResult] promise, System.Boolean requiresSynchronization) [0x0000f] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 <—
이렇게 나옵니다.
구글 프로젝트 문제인가 싶어서 gcp에서 새로운 프로젝트로 시도해보았지만 여전히 되지 않았습니다. 해결방법이 있을까요?
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- State:
- Created 2 years ago
- Comments:19 (5 by maintainers)
Top GitHub Comments
Heads up. We’ve got a blocker. Google changed spreadsheet APIs recently and it blocks QuickSheet to work with Google Spreadsheet currently. The workaround would be replacing old GData’s APIs with the latest Spreadsheet API v4 as @JonathanReid pointed. Unfortunately, it would need some amount of time(=efforts 😓). In the meantime, what @YuriiZhuk suggested way is writing your own plugin and out of the scope for the project. But thank you @YuriiZhuk for your feedback.
Sorry for the inconvenience and stay tuned till the workaround comes.
My solution is: I removed this plugin from my project and wrote a wrapper for Google Sheets API v4. I imported the API using the Nuget package manager in Visual studio. Then I removed unnecessary plugins and kept only folders called “net45” and “net40” (for Google.Apis.Sheets.v4. In the import settings of each plugin, I changed the “Editor” option to true so it’s only is using in Unity Editor. Then I wrote few scripts to use the API. The samples of code you can find here . This API I use in Unity 2019.4.20f and everything works perfectly. Thanks, Google for the .NET API.