Mixed formulation for Incompressible Hyperelasticity
See original GitHub issueFollowing #439 and inputs from ex18, I started working yesterday on a mixed formulation for incompressible hyperelasticity using the Taylor-Hood elements. The idea is to work on imposing Dirichlet BC’s later today and then test a simple uniaxial tension later in the week. This should be fairly self contained. This is what I have so far. Please let me know whenever you get time to take a look. No rush from my end
from numpy import einsum, linalg as nla, zeros, zeros_like, concatenate, abs as npabs, split as npsplit
from scipy.sparse import bmat
from sympy import Symbol, simplify, lambdify, diff, sqrt
from skfem.helpers import grad, transpose
from typing import List, Optional
from numba import jit, prange
from skfem import *
@jit(cache=True, nopython=True, nogil=True, parallel=True)
def vdet(A):
detA = zeros_like(A[0, 0])
detA = A[0, 0] * (A[1, 1] * A[2, 2] -
A[1, 2] * A[2, 1]) -\
A[0, 1] * (A[1, 0] * A[2, 2] -
A[1, 2] * A[2, 0]) +\
A[0, 2] * (A[1, 0] * A[2, 1] -
A[1, 1] * A[2, 0])
return detA
@jit(cache=True, nopython=True, nogil=True, parallel=True)
def vinv(A):
invA = zeros_like(A)
detA = vdet(A)
invA[0, 0] = (-A[1, 2] * A[2, 1] +
A[1, 1] * A[2, 2]) / detA
invA[1, 0] = (A[1, 2] * A[2, 0] -
A[1, 0] * A[2, 2]) / detA
invA[2, 0] = (-A[1, 1] * A[2, 0] +
A[1, 0] * A[2, 1]) / detA
invA[0, 1] = (A[0, 2] * A[2, 1] -
A[0, 1] * A[2, 2]) / detA
invA[1, 1] = (-A[0, 2] * A[2, 0] +
A[0, 0] * A[2, 2]) / detA
invA[2, 1] = (A[0, 1] * A[2, 0] -
A[0, 0] * A[2, 1]) / detA
invA[0, 2] = (-A[0, 2] * A[1, 1] +
A[0, 1] * A[1, 2]) / detA
invA[1, 2] = (A[0, 2] * A[1, 0] -
A[0, 0] * A[1, 2]) / detA
invA[2, 2] = (-A[0, 1] * A[1, 0] +
A[0, 0] * A[1, 1]) / detA
return invA, detA
def F1(w):
u = w["w"][0]
p = w["w"][1]
# print(w["w"][0])
F = zeros_like(grad(u))
for i in prange(3):
F[i,i] += 1.
F += grad(u)
Finv, J = vinv(F)
return p * J * transpose(Finv) + mu * F
def F2(w):
u = w["w"][0]
p = w["w"][1]
F = zeros_like(grad(u))
for i in prange(3):
F[i,i] += 1.
F += grad(u)
J = vdet(F)
Js = Jstar(p)
return J-(Js + (p + mu/Js - lmbda*(Js - 1))*dJst_dp(p))
def A11(w):
u = w["w"][0]
p = w["w"][1]
F = zeros_like(grad(u))
eye = zeros_like(grad(u))
for i in prange(3):
F[i,i] += 1.
eye[i,i] += 1.
F += grad(u)
Finv, J = vinv(F)
L = p*J*einsum("lk...,ji...->ijkl...",Finv, Finv) - p * J * einsum("jk...,li...->ijkl...", Finv, Finv) + mu * einsum("ik...,jl...->ijkl...", eye, eye)
return L
def A12(w):
u = w["w"][0]
p = w["w"][1]
F = zeros_like(grad(u))
for i in prange(3):
F[i,i] += 1.
F += grad(u)
Finv, J = vinv(F)
return J * transpose(Finv)
def A21(w):
u = w["w"][0]
p = w["w"][1]
F = zeros_like(grad(u))
for i in prange(3):
F[i,i] += 1.
F += grad(u)
Finv, J = vinv(F)
return J * transpose(Finv)
def A22(w):
u = w["w"][0]
p = w["w"][1]
# F = zeros_like(grad(u))
# for i in prange(3):
# F[i,i] += 1.
# F += grad(u)
# Finv, J = vinv(F)
Js = Jstar(p)
dJdp = dJst_dp(p)
d2Jdp2 = d2Jst_dp2(p)
L = -2.*dJdp - p * d2Jdp2 + mu/Js**2 * dJdp**2 - mu/Js*d2Jdp2 + lmbda * (Js - 1.) * d2Jdp2 + lmbda * dJdp**2
return L
mesh = MeshTet()
uelem = ElementVectorH1(ElementTetP2())
pelem = ElementTetP1()
elems = {
"u": uelem,
"p": pelem
basis = {
field: InteriorBasis(mesh, e, intorder=3)
for field, e in elems.items()
du = zeros(basis["u"].N)
dp = zeros(basis["p"].N)
stretch_ = 1.5
dofs = {
"left":basis["u"].get_dofs(lambda x: x[0] < 1.e-6),
"bottom":basis["u"].get_dofs(lambda x: x[1] < 1.e-6),
"back":basis["u"].get_dofs(lambda x: x[2] < 1.e-6),
"front":basis["u"].get_dofs(lambda x: x[2] > 1. - 1.e-6)
# print(dofs)
du[dofs["left"].nodal["u^1"]] = 0.
du[dofs["bottom"].nodal["u^2"]] = 0.
du[dofs["back"].nodal["u^3"]] = 0.
du[dofs["front"].nodal["u^3"]] = stretch_
I = basis["u"].complement_dofs(dofs)
# material parameters
mu, lmbda = 1., 1.e3
p = Symbol("p", real=True)
Jst = (lmbda + p + sqrt((lmbda+p)**2 + 4*lmbda*mu ))/(2*lmbda)
dJst_dp = lambdify(p, simplify(Jst.diff(p)), "numpy")
d2Jst_dp2 = lambdify(p, simplify(Jst.diff(p,2)), "numpy")
Jstar = lambdify(p, simplify(Jst), "numpy")
w = (
def a1(v, w):
return einsum("ij...,ij...",F1(w), grad(v))
def a2(v, w):
return F2(w) * v
def b11(u, v, w):
return einsum("ijkl...,ij...,kl...",A11(w), grad(u), grad(v))
def b12(u, v, w):
return einsum("ij...,ij...",A12(w), grad(v)) * u
def b21(u, v, w):
return einsum("ij...,ij...",A21(w), grad(v)) * u
def b22(u, v, w):
return A22(w) * u * v
for itr in range(100):
w = (
K11 = asm(b11, basis["u"], basis["u"], w=w)
K12 = asm(b12, basis["p"], basis["u"], w=w)
K21 = asm(b21, basis["p"], basis["u"], w=w)
K22 = asm(b22, basis["p"], basis["p"], w=w)
f = concatenate((
asm(a1, basis["u"], w=w),
asm(a2, basis["p"], w=w)
K = bmat(
[[K11, K12],
[K21.T, K22]], "csr"
uvp = solve(*condense(K, -f, I=I), use_umfpack=True)
delu, delp = npsplit(uvp, [K11.shape[0]])
du += delu
dp += delp
normu = nla.norm(delu)
normp = nla.norm(delp)
print(f"{itr+1}, norm_du: {normu}, norm_dp: {normp}")
if normu < 1.e-6 and normp < 1.e-6:
import meshio
from vedo import show as vShow, Mesh as vMesh
meshio.Mesh(mesh.p.T, {"tetra":mesh.t.T},point_data={"u":du[basis["u"].nodal_dofs].T})
Once I work through the details, and it happens to be of interest to you I’d be glad to contribute it as an (advanced) example.
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- Created 3 years ago
- Comments:26 (26 by maintainers)
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I see, right now
(etc.) are targeted more towards finding boundary DOF’s than interior DOF’s although the keyall
may suggest something else. I still haven’t quite figured out how to design a proper interface for finding and handling DOF’s.So maybe it was something related to the DOF’s after all? I changed
and now I get
Edit: Forgot to mention that the above uses
but I now verified that I get the same correct result withElementTetP2