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When trying to use websockets the connection hangs on trying to connect

See original GitHub issue

I was attempting to use WebSockets and whenever using itty-durable the connection hangs on trying to connect. Below is a small little code sample of what I am using to test the WebSockets. When I use it outside the scope of itty-durable (just on a normal route) it works fine.

import { ThrowableRouter } from 'itty-router-extras'
import { createIttyDurable, withDurables } from 'itty-durable'

export class TestWebsocket extends createIttyDurable({ persistOnChange: false }) {
	constructor(state, env) {
		super(state, env)

	websocket() {
		const [client, websocket] = Object.values(new WebSocketPair())


		websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ connected: true }))

		websocket.addEventListener('message', ({ data }) => {
			websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ data }))

		return new Response(null, { status: 101, webSocket: client })

const router = ThrowableRouter()

router.all('*', withDurables())

// Doesnt work
router.get('/ws', ({ TestWebsocket }) => TestWebsocket.get('test').websocket())

// Works
router.get('/ws2', () => {
	const [client, websocket] = Object.values(new WebSocketPair())


	websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ connected: true }))

	websocket.addEventListener('message', ({ data }) => {
		websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ data }))

	return new Response(null, { status: 101, webSocket: client })

export default {
	fetch: router.handle

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments:10 (2 by maintainers)

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AndrewLestercommented, Dec 27, 2022

Would also like to contribute to make this happen, and before doing any work I’d like to summarize what (I think?) the challenges might be:

  • As mentioned above, the Upgrade: websocket header needs to be sent to the DO when making a proxy’d function fetch. In doing this, maybe it makes sense to forward all headers of the current request over to the DO? This is assuming users of itty-durable will write something like DurableObject.connect({ connectionData }), where connect is a user defined DO method that returns a Response with a webSocket property.
  • The proxy’d function fetch that you’d get from writing DurableObject.connect({ connectionData }), currently, is only ever a POST request. But, from what I can tell, WebSocket connections MUST be initiated with a GET request. It’s weird because on Miniflare (--local) a POST request works just fine, so long as I’ve got the header. On “non-local” dev mode with wrangler, using a POST request with this setup just crashes wrangler completely. This line in kj might have to do with it? Not sure, maybe I’m just not doing it right. Either way, it seems like it’d be good to use a GET request since that’s standard practice.

Going about implementing all this, forwarding all request headers through with the proxy’d function fetch request doesn’t seem too difficult IF that’s a sensible solution. Maybe forwarding all headers is a bad idea? I’m not sure.

With the POST vs GET issue, it seems like the proxy’d function fetches with POST are pretty ingrained in the system, so breaking out of that for WebSockets could be less pretty. Perhaps the proxyDurable function’s get handler could detect the Upgrade: websocket header, and thus perform a GET request instead of a POST? This wouldn’t support a request body though, which could instead be turned into URL params and be picked up by the itty-durable DO internal router.

tyvdhcommented, Jun 16, 2022

Dug into this a bit and it would appear that there’s a header issue or maybe just a response issue where the webSocket: client isn’t being forwarded when responding. This is either before the pass back or actually in the pass in where the headers.Upgrade: 'websocket' isn’t being passed to the method call into the DO.

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