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Middleware for responses

See original GitHub issue

Similar to how express works there doesn’t seem to be an easy way for an itty middleware to trigger after the response. For express there’s the library to mitigate this, but it’s not the most pretty solution. It would be nice if a middleware could be passed a next function that you could await that could return the response object, so something like this:

async function middleware(request, next) {
  const response = await next();


This would make it possible to do things like error handler middlewares, logging response and keeping track of response times.

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments:14 (3 by maintainers)

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kwhitleycommented, Apr 20, 2022

Here is what I do. Not ideal, but works. Having real middlewares would be awesome.

I mean, by its definition, middleware is simply anything that operates in the middle (in this case of a request and the eventual response/return). Any handler is technically middleware, the same as in Express. The only things differentiating itty’s middleware from Express middleware is:

  • Express requires an explicit next() call to continue to the next handler, vs itty that simply continues the handler chain until something returns. Both have pros/cons. I chose the itty flow because I opt for brevity/simplicity over explicit calls, and the end code gets to look much cleaner as a result. It makes it slightly more difficult to incrementally “assemble” a response, as a consequence.
  • Express passes both the request/response by default through the chain. This encourages you to assemble the response as you go through the middleware/handler chain. You could also do this with itty very easily by just passing in a Response (or more ideally some Response-like object that can construct a Response at the very end) after the request. The only thing itty expects is that the first param to any handler is a Request-like object. That’s it. Want to more closely match an Express param pattern? You can!
import { ResponseMaker } from './somewhere'

// all handlers take the arguments you pass to the handle, in that order... so it's easy to change things up
const middleware = (req, res) => {
  res.status(400) // let's pretend this is how we modify the response-like object

const router = Router()

  .all('*', middleware)
  .get('/foo', (req, res) => {
    // res.status === 400 from the middleware
    return res.json({ error: 'Bad Request' }) // let's pretend this returns a JSON Response
  .get('*', (req, res) => res.status(404).end())

// we change the default signature of handlers this easily...
export default {
  fetch: (req, ...other) => router.handle(req, new ResponseMaker(), ...other)
markusahlstrandcommented, Jan 23, 2022

Thanks for the reply!

The use case I have right now is that I would like to log the responses to a S3 firehose, which I think should work fine with doing a then/catch on the handler like you showed above. It would be nifty to be able to use middlewares like in koa-router, but for the time being it’s not something I need.

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