Enum and equivalent class hierarchy do not generate same type signature
See original GitHub issueCompiler version
Version 2.3.1
Minimized code
I have created two examples of an HList using this Enum:
enum Tup:
case EmpT
case TCons[H, T <: Tup](head: H, tail: T)
import Tup.*
and what I assume is the equivalent case class hierarchy:
sealed trait Tup
case object EmpT extends Tup
case class TCons[H, T <: Tup](head: H, tail: T) extends Tup
//import Tup.*
In both cases I use the same code:
val tup1: TCons[1, TCons[2, EmpT.type]] = TCons(1, TCons(2, EmpT))
val tup3 = TCons(3, TCons(3, EmpT))
The full code can be found here:
I expected both examples to compile and run. However in the Enum version, in the last line I get:
cannot reduce inline match with
scrutinee: Playground.tup3 : (Playground.tup3 : Playground.Tup)
patterns : case _:Playground.Tup#EmpT.type
case cons @ _:Playground.Tup.TCons[_ @ >: Nothing <: Any, _ @ >: Nothing <: Any]
I expect both versions to generate the same type inference. My IDE shows that for the Enum version, the HLIst will have the the generic type Tup
. For the sealed trait version, the complete definition of HList will be retained.
I would also expect the HList to retain its value types. For example, My IDE shows, which I assume is what the compiler inferred:
val tup2: TCons[Int, TCons[Int, EmpT.type]] = 1 +: 2 +: EmpT
in my opinion should be:
val tup2: TCons[1, TCons[2, EmpT.type]] = 1 +: 2 +: EmpT
For the first issue this may not be a bug. If it is not, and maybe I missed it, this difference could be documented.
The second is a question. If it is warranted, I can open another issue.
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- Created 9 months ago
- Comments:5 (4 by maintainers)
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This is as documented
You can use a union type of the enum cases as an upper bound if you want precise types