@post_load function not invoked if data dict is updated from @pre_load?
See original GitHub issueHi guys,
I’m new to marshmallow and I’m trying to de-serialize JSON data where any key can potentially have a ‘None’ string value (in place of the none json type)
I’d like to set these to Python’s None type and after carefully reading the docs it seems like @pre_load would be the way to do this. I’d like to return a POPO as a result, so I also have a @post_load for that.
The problem I’m experiencing is that, once I make an update to the data dict in @pre_load, I get a <type ‘dict’> back in result instead of an instance of class User.
If @pre_load doesn’t touch the data (for example, if we pass in user_json2 which has no ‘None’ strings) then the result is an instance of class User. As soon as we update a key, we’re getting back a dictionary. It would appear that post_load is not being invoked.
Here’s the example code-
#Our Plain Old Python Object (POPO)
class User(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, value)
#Marshmallow Schema
from marshmallow import Schema, fields, pre_load, post_load
class UserSchema(Schema):
firstName = fields.Str(load_from='FIRST_NAME')
middleNames = fields.Str(load_from='MIDDLE_NAMES')
lastName = fields.Str(load_from='LAST_NAME')
fullLegalName = fields.Str(load_from='FULL_LEGAL_NAME')
knownAs = fields.Str(load_from='KNOWN_AS')
emailAddress = fields.Str(load_from='EMAIL_ADDRESS')
def NoneToNoneType(self, data):
for key, value in data.iteritems():
if value == 'None':
data[key] = None
return data
def OutputDomainObject(self, data):
#This print statement is never shown if user_json is passed in...
print('post_load invoked!')
return User(**data)
user_json = '{"FIRST_NAME": "Kali","LAST_NAME": "Subra","KNOWN_AS": "None","FULL_LEGAL_NAME": "Kali Subra","EMAIL_ADDRESS": "None","MIDDLE_NAMES": "None"}'
user_json2 = '{"FIRST_NAME": "Kali","LAST_NAME": "Subra","KNOWN_AS": "Z","FULL_LEGAL_NAME": "Kali Subra","EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Z","MIDDLE_NAMES": "Z"}'
user_schema = UserSchema()
result = user_schema.loads(user_json)
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- State:
- Created 7 years ago
- Comments:13 (6 by maintainers)
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@deckar01 I was about to say “prepare to fight” because I just ran yesterday, but as I run it again from the REPL:
I have no idea what happened here but it must be something transient that I managed to bork. Disregard.
I ran the example with 3.0.0b8 and did not get the reported issue.