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[BUG] ipcRenderer SendSync returning null / undefined - Electron

See original GitHub issue


  • Playwright Version: 1.16.2
  • Operating System: macOS BigSur 11.6
  • Node.js version: v16.11.1
  • Browser: Electron v12.0.18 || v12.2.2 || v13.6.1
  • Build tools: Webpack v4.46.0 and Nuxt v2.14.12

Code Snippet

import path from 'path';
import { ElectronApplication, _electron, Page } from 'playwright';
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

 * Using test.describe.serial make the test execute step by step, as described on each `test()` order
 * Playwright executes test in parallel by default and it will not work for our app backend loading process.
 * */

test.describe.serial('POC Playwright - RD, () => {
  let page: Page;
  let electronApp: ElectronApplication;
  const mainTitleSelector = '[data-test="mainTitle"]';

  test.beforeAll(async({ browser }) => {
    electronApp = await _electron.launch({ args: [path.join(__dirname, '../')] });
    const appPath = await electronApp.evaluate(async({ app }) => {
      return await app.getAppPath();

    app = await browser.newPage();
    console.log('Log from appPath ---> ', appPath);

  test.afterAll(async() => {
    await electronApp.close();

  test('should open the main app', async() => {
    page = await electronApp.firstWindow();
    await page.waitForSelector('.progress', { state: 'visible' });
    await delay(20000); // Wait a bit

    const versionApp = await app.$eval('.versionInfo', el => el.textContent);

    expect(versionApp).toBe('Version: (checking...)');

  test('should get General page content', async() => {
    const generalGreetings = await page.$eval(mainTitleSelector, el => el.textContent.trim());

    expect(generalGreetings).toBe('Welcome to RD');

  test('should navigate to K Settings', async() => {
    const kVersionDndSelector = '.labeled-input';
    const kMemorySliderSelector = '[id="memoryInGBWrapper"]';

    try {`.nav li[item="/Page2"] a`);
      await page.waitForSelector('.contents');
    } catch (err) {
      console.log('Error during K Settings navigation. Error --> ', err);

    const kSettingsTitle = await page.$eval(mainTitleSelector, el => el.textContent.trim());
    const kVersionDnd = await page.$eval(kVersionDndSelector, el => el.textContent.trim());

    expect(k8sVersionDnd).toBe('K version');
    expect(k8sSettingsTitle).toBe('K Settings');

function delay(time: number | undefined) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(resolve, time);

Create Window config

 createWindow('preferences', `${ webRoot }/index.html`, {
    width:          940,
    height:         600,
    webPreferences: {
      devTools:           !app.isPackaged,
      nodeIntegration:    true,
      contextIsolation:   false,
      enableRemoteModule: process.env?.NODE_ENV === 'test'

Log playwight_debug_ipcnull.log

Describe the bug

There’s intermittence during the E2E tests where the main app hangs during the ipcRenderer.sendSync() process, returning Cannot read property '[item]' of null. It happens quite often, I’d say 70% of the time, executing it through playwright. The weird behaviour is: running it on debug mode PWDEBUG=1 (without any page.pause()), the error does not shows up on the same frequency. Tried to include some delays after the app start the first page, but it does not work. I thought it could be related with some racing conditions between the app vs playwright or something like that. I haven’t seen any output from the logs that could assist to find out what’s going on 😕

This is the first time running E2E testing on Electron + Playwright.

Any thoughts will be very appreciated.

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments:8 (5 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

pavelfeldmancommented, Nov 9, 2021

You get the idea, use locators 😃 This will get rid of various races and unhandled exceptions, but i don’t think it’ll fix your issue. Once the script is good we can look further.

pavelfeldmancommented, Nov 9, 2021

Let’s fix your script a little before we get to the actual issue.

test.describe.serial('POC Playwright - RD, () => {
  let page: Page;
  let electronApp: ElectronApplication;
  // const mainTitleSelector = '[data-test="mainTitle"]'; // <-- Use locators, not selectors for your page object model
  const mainTitle: Locator;

  test.beforeAll(async({ browser }) => { // <-- REVIEW when you say `browser` here, we actually run separate chrome for your, remove it
    electronApp = await _electron.launch({ args: [path.join(__dirname, '../')] });
    const appPath = await electronApp.evaluate(async({ app }) => {
      return await app.getAppPath();

    // app = await browser.newPage(); <-- REVIEW this was creating a page in that separate chrome, unrelated to Electron.
    console.log('Log from appPath ---> ', appPath);

  test.afterAll(async() => {
    await electronApp.close();

  test('should open the main app', async() => {
    page = await electronApp.firstWindow();
    mainTitle = page.locator('[data-test="mainTitle"]');
    // await page.waitForSelector('.progress', { state: 'visible' }); // <-- visible is default, also you don't seem to need it
    // await delay(20000); // <-- REVIEW never ever do that
    // const versionApp = await app.$eval('.versionInfo', el => el.textContent); // <-- REVIEW never use ElementHandles
    // expect(versionApp).toBe('Version: (checking...)'); // <-- REVIEW don't expect 

    // REVIEW These two lines will wait for version info to become Version (checking)
    const versionInfo = page.locator('.versionInfo');
    await expect(versionInfo).toHaveText('Version: (checking...)');


  test('should get General page content', async() => {
    // const generalGreetings = await page.$eval(mainTitleSelector, el => el.textContent.trim());
    // expect(generalGreetings).toBe('Welcome to RD');
    // REVIEW This one line will wait for expected value
    await expect(mainTitle).toHaveText('Welcome to RD');

  test('should navigate to K Settings', async() => {
    const kVersionDndSelector = '.labeled-input';
    const kMemorySliderSelector = '[id="memoryInGBWrapper"]';

    try {`.nav li[item="/Page2"] a`); // <-- always await promises, otherwise you have unhandled promise rejection
      await page.waitForSelector('.contents');
    } catch (err) {
      console.log('Error during K Settings navigation. Error --> ', err);

//    const kSettingsTitle = await page.$eval(mainTitleSelector, el => el.textContent.trim());
//    const kVersionDnd = await page.$eval(kVersionDndSelector, el => el.textContent.trim());
    await expect(page.locator('.labeled-input')).toHaveText('K version');
    await expect(mainTitle).toHaveText('K Settings');
//    expect(k8sVersionDnd).toBe('K version');
//    expect(k8sSettingsTitle).toBe('K Settings');

function delay(time: number | undefined) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(resolve, time);
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