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Can't start Jupyter

See original GitHub issue

Type: Bug

When connecting to the server remotely, i can use jupyter normally for the first time, but cannot open jupyter the second time after you close it. The vscode software was reinstalled and all caches were deleted, but the above problems recurred.

Extension version: 2022.18.2 VS Code version: Code 1.73.1 (6261075646f055b99068d3688932416f2346dd3b, 2022-11-09T04:27:29.066Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19045 Modes: Sandboxed: No Remote OS version: Linux x64 4.4.0-210-generic

System Info

|Item|Value||—|—| |CPUs|AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor (12 x 3400)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: disabled_off
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_renderer: enabled_on
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: disabled_off| |Load (avg)|undefined| |Memory (System)|15.95GB (4.18GB free)| |Process Argv|–crash-reporter-id 781e4643-e3a6-4018-8945-69520ccf4d9f| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|16%|

Item Value
Remote SSH:
OS Linux x64 4.4.0-210-generic
CPUs Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2678 v3 @ 2.50GHz (48 x 1554)
Memory (System) 125.79GB (74.03GB free)
VM 0%
A/B Experiments

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created 10 months ago
  • Comments:5 (3 by maintainers)

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QinWinnercommented, Dec 7, 2022

Thank you very much for your help, here is the output from jupyter.

Visual Studio Code (1.73.1, ssh-remote, desktop)
Jupyter Extension Version: 2022.9.1303220346.
Python Extension Version: 2022.18.2.
Workspace folder /repository01/demo
info 12:15:00.124: ZMQ install verified.
User belongs to experiment group 'jupyterTest'
User belongs to experiment group 'jupyterEnhancedDataViewer'
info 12:15:00.673: LSP Notebooks experiment is disabled -- not in treatment group
debug 12:15:00.675: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo"
debug 12:15:00.675: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb"
debug 12:15:00.675: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo"
debug 12:15:00.684: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunNonPythonCode"
debug 12:15:00.687: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:00.689: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo", Arg 2: "RunNonPythonCode"
debug 12:15:00.689: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo", Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:00.690: getCondaFile, Class name = k (started execution)
debug 12:15:00.692: getCondaVersion, Class name = k (started execution)
debug 12:15:00.692: getCondaVersionFromPython, Class name = k (started execution)
debug 12:15:00.695: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb"
debug 12:15:00.697: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb"
debug 12:15:01.165: getCondaFile, Class name = k, completed in 475ms, has a truthy return value
debug 12:15:01.165: getCondaVersion, Class name = k, completed in 473ms, has a truthy return value
debug 12:15:01.185: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w, completed in 501ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunNonPythonCode"
debug 12:15:01.186: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w, completed in 499ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:01.186: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w, completed in 498ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo", Arg 2: "RunNonPythonCode"
debug 12:15:01.187: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w, completed in 498ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo", Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:01.314: Found 10 cached controllers
debug 12:15:01.314: Creating 10 controllers
debug 12:15:01.316: Creating notebook controller with name Python 2.7.12 64-bit
debug 12:15:01.318: Creating notebook controller with name Python 2.7.12 64-bit
debug 12:15:01.318: Creating notebook controller with name Python 3.5.2 64-bit
debug 12:15:01.319: Creating notebook controller with name Python 3.5.2 64-bit
debug 12:15:01.320: Creating notebook controller with name rasa-bert (Python 3.6.9)
debug 12:15:01.320: Creating notebook controller with name rasa-bert (Python 3.6.9)
debug 12:15:01.321: Creating notebook controller with name cell (Python 3.6.10)
debug 12:15:01.321: Creating notebook controller with name cell (Python 3.6.10)
debug 12:15:01.322: Creating notebook controller with name rasax (Python 3.6.9)
debug 12:15:01.323: Creating notebook controller with name rasax (Python 3.6.9)
debug 12:15:01.325: Creating notebook controller with name rasax2 (Python 3.6.9)
debug 12:15:01.325: Creating notebook controller with name rasax2 (Python 3.6.9)
debug 12:15:01.326: Creating notebook controller with name base (Python 3.7.4)
debug 12:15:01.326: Creating notebook controller with name base (Python 3.7.4)
debug 12:15:01.327: Creating notebook controller with name pytorch (Python 3.9.12)
debug 12:15:01.327: Creating notebook controller with name pytorch (Python 3.9.12)
debug 12:15:01.328: Creating notebook controller with name Python (rasa-bert) (Python 3.6.9)
debug 12:15:01.329: Creating notebook controller with name Python (rasa-bert) (Python 3.6.9)
debug 12:15:01.329: Creating notebook controller with name Python(pytorch) (Python 3.7.4)
debug 12:15:01.330: Creating notebook controller with name Python(pytorch) (Python 3.7.4)
info 12:15:01.346: Preferred Remote kernel for /repository01/demo/1.ipynb is undefined
debug 12:15:01.400: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: undefined
debug 12:15:01.401: Get Interpreters, Class name = I (started execution), 
debug 12:15:01.401: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: undefined
debug 12:15:02.253: getCondaVersionFromPython, Class name = k, completed in 1561ms, has a truthy return value
debug 12:15:02.498: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.498: Cached data exists getEnvironmentVariables, <No Resource>
debug 12:15:02.499: Get Interpreters, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo"
debug 12:15:02.499: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo"
debug 12:15:02.507: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w, completed in 9ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.507: Getting Jupyter KernelSpec Root Path, Class name = j, completed in 9ms, has a truthy return value, , Return Value: <Uri:/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels>
debug 12:15:02.508: Get Jupyter Sub Paths, Class name = j, completed in 10ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "", Arg 2: "kernels", Return Value: 
debug 12:15:02.508: Get Jupyter Kernel Paths, Class name = j, completed in 10ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "", Return Value: 
debug 12:15:02.509: Get KernelSpec root path, Class name = j, completed in 11ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: {"_isCancelled":false,"_emitter":null}, Return Value: <Uri:/usr/share/jupyter/kernels>, <Uri:/usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels>, <Uri:/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels>
debug 12:15:02.514: Not Searching for kernels as path not found, /usr/share/jupyter/kernels
debug 12:15:02.514: Not Searching for kernels as path not found, /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels
debug 12:15:02.525: Loading kernelspec from /home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/active-learning/kernel.json for 
debug 12:15:02.525: Loading kernelspec from /home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/pythrch/kernel.json for 
debug 12:15:02.525: Loading kernelspec from /home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/rasa-bert/kernel.json for 
debug 12:15:02.528: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I, completed in 1854ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo"
debug 12:15:02.528: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I, completed in 1853ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb"
debug 12:15:02.530: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I, completed in 1855ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo"
debug 12:15:02.530: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I, completed in 1835ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb"
debug 12:15:02.531: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I, completed in 1834ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb"
debug 12:15:02.531: Rank Kernels, Class name = p (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb", Arg 2: {"kernelspec":{"display_name":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch')","language":"python","name":"python3"},"language_info":{"codemirror_mode":{"name":"ipython","version":3},"file_extension":".py","mimetype":"text/x-python","name":"python","nbconvert_exporter":"python","pygments_lexer":"ipython3","version":"3.9.12"},"orig_nbformat":4,"vscode":{"interpreter":{"hash":"bb9e4129d63480765becd83aeccc7744266efdd672f831d4f037ffd9dd74db60"}}}, Arg 3: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>, Arg 4: "", Arg 5: undefined
debug 12:15:02.531: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I, completed in 1131ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined
debug 12:15:02.531: interpreterPackages getPackageInformation, Class name = r (started execution), Arg 1: {"interpreter":{"id":"/usr/bin/python","sysPrefix":"/usr","envType":"Global","envName":"","architecture":3,"sysVersion":"3.5.2 (default, Jan 26 2021, 13:30:48) \n[GCC 5.4.0 20160609]","version":{"raw":"3.5.2","major":3,"minor":5,"patch":2,"build":[],"prerelease":["final","0"]},"displayName":"Python 3.5.2 64-bit","detailedDisplayName":"Python 3.5.2 64-bit","uri":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/usr/bin/python","external":"file:///usr/bin/python","path":"/usr/bin/python","scheme":"file"}}}
debug 12:15:02.532: Create activated Env, Class name = _ (started execution), Arg 1: {"allowEnvironmentFetchExceptions":true,"interpreter":{"id":"/usr/bin/python","sysPrefix":"/usr","envType":"Global","envName":"","architecture":3,"sysVersion":"3.5.2 (default, Jan 26 2021, 13:30:48) \n[GCC 5.4.0 20160609]","version":{"raw":"3.5.2","major":3,"minor":5,"patch":2,"build":[],"prerelease":["final","0"]},"displayName":"Python 3.5.2 64-bit","detailedDisplayName":"Python 3.5.2 64-bit","uri":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/usr/bin/python","external":"file:///usr/bin/python","path":"/usr/bin/python","scheme":"file"}}}
debug 12:15:02.532: Getting activated env variables, Class name = V (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>, Arg 3: true
debug 12:15:02.532: Getting activated env variables impl, Class name = V (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>
debug 12:15:02.533: Getting activated env variables ourselves, Class name = V (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>
debug 12:15:02.533: Getting activated env variables from Python, Class name = V (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>
debug 12:15:02.533: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.534: Cached data exists getEnvironmentVariables, <No Resource>
debug 12:15:02.534: Cached custom vars data exists getCustomEnvironmentVariables, <No Resource>
debug 12:15:02.534: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I, completed in 1133ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined
debug 12:15:02.534: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I, completed in 35ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo"
debug 12:15:02.534: Full interpreter list for  is length: 17, Python 3.5.2 64-bit:Global:/usr/bin/python, Python 2.7.12 64-bit:Global:/usr/bin/python2, Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasa-bert'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasa-bert/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasax'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasax/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasax2'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasax2/bin/python, Python 3.7.4 ('base'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/bin/python, Python 3.6.10 ('cell'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/cell/bin/python, Python 3.5.2 64-bit:Global:/usr/bin/python, Python 2.7.12 64-bit:Global:/usr/bin/python2, Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasa-bert'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasa-bert/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasax'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasax/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasax2'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasax2/bin/python, Python 3.7.4 ('base'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/bin/python, Python 3.6.10 ('cell'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/cell/bin/python, Python 3.5.2 64-bit:Global:/usr/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.536: Full interpreter list for /repository01/demo is length: 17, Python 3.5.2 64-bit:Global:/usr/bin/python, Python 2.7.12 64-bit:Global:/usr/bin/python2, Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasa-bert'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasa-bert/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasax'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasax/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasax2'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasax2/bin/python, Python 3.7.4 ('base'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/bin/python, Python 3.6.10 ('cell'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/cell/bin/python, Python 3.5.2 64-bit:Global:/usr/bin/python, Python 2.7.12 64-bit:Global:/usr/bin/python2, Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasa-bert'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasa-bert/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasax'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasax/bin/python, Python 3.6.9 ('rasax2'):Conda:/home/user/.conda/envs/rasax2/bin/python, Python 3.7.4 ('base'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/bin/python, Python 3.6.10 ('cell'):Conda:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/cell/bin/python, Python 3.5.2 64-bit:Global:/usr/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.539: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w, completed in 6ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.541: Get Interpreters, Class name = I, completed in 1140ms, has a truthy return value, 
debug 12:15:02.542: Get Interpreters, Class name = I, completed in 43ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo"
debug 12:15:02.544: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo"
debug 12:15:02.545: Get Interpreters, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb"
debug 12:15:02.545: Getting Jupyter KernelSpec Root Path, Class name = j, completed in 1ms, has a truthy return value, , Return Value: <Uri:/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels>
debug 12:15:02.545: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I, completed in 1ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo"
debug 12:15:02.545: Getting Jupyter KernelSpec Root Path, Class name = j, completed in 1ms, has a truthy return value, , Return Value: <Uri:/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels>
debug 12:15:02.546: Get Interpreters, Class name = I, completed in 1ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb"
debug 12:15:02.547: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb"
debug 12:15:02.547: Getting Jupyter KernelSpec Root Path, Class name = j, completed in 0ms, has a truthy return value, , Return Value: <Uri:/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels>
debug 12:15:02.547: Get Active Interpreter, Class name = I, completed in 0ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb"
debug 12:15:02.547: Get Jupyter Kernel Paths, Class name = j, completed in 3ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "", Return Value: 
debug 12:15:02.547: Get Jupyter Kernel Paths, Class name = j, completed in 3ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "", Return Value: 
debug 12:15:02.547: Get KernelSpec root path, Class name = j, completed in 3ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: {"_isCancelled":false,"_emitter":null}, Return Value: <Uri:/usr/share/jupyter/kernels>, <Uri:/usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels>, <Uri:/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels>
debug 12:15:02.548: Get KernelSpec root path, Class name = j, completed in 3ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: {"_isCancelled":false,"_emitter":null}, Return Value: <Uri:/usr/share/jupyter/kernels>, <Uri:/usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels>, <Uri:/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels>
debug 12:15:02.548: Get Jupyter Kernel Paths, Class name = j, completed in 1ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "", Return Value: 
info 12:15:02.548: Preferred Remote kernel for /repository01/demo/1.ipynb is undefined
debug 12:15:02.549: Get KernelSpec root path, Class name = j, completed in 2ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: {"_isCancelled":false,"_emitter":null}, Return Value: <Uri:/usr/share/jupyter/kernels>, <Uri:/usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels>, <Uri:/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels>
info 12:15:02.549: Find preferred kernel for /repository01/demo/1.ipynb with metadata {"kernelspec":{"display_name":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch')","language":"python","name":"python3"},"language_info":{"codemirror_mode":{"name":"ipython","version":3},"file_extension":".py","mimetype":"text/x-python","name":"python","nbconvert_exporter":"python","pygments_lexer":"ipython3","version":"3.9.12"},"orig_nbformat":4,"vscode":{"interpreter":{"hash":"bb9e4129d63480765becd83aeccc7744266efdd672f831d4f037ffd9dd74db60"}}} & preferred interpreter /usr/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.554: Get Interpreter details, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "/usr/bin/python", Arg 2: undefined
debug 12:15:02.554: Got activation Env Vars without any caching. Key is /repository01/demo_767d51c1340bd893661ea55ea3124f6de3c7a262a8b4abca0554b478b1e2ff90
debug 12:15:02.555: Get Interpreter details, Class name = I, completed in 1ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/usr/bin/python", Arg 2: undefined
debug 12:15:02.555: Create ProcessService, Class name = h (started execution), Arg 1: undefined
debug 12:15:02.555: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunNonPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.555: Cached data exists getEnvironmentVariables, <No Resource>
debug 12:15:02.555: Getting env activation commands, Class name = V (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>
debug 12:15:02.555: Getting activation commands for file:///usr/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.555: Getting activation commands for file:///usr/bin/python are not cached. May take a while.
debug 12:15:02.555: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.555: Cached data exists getEnvironmentVariables, <No Resource>
debug 12:15:02.555: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w, completed in 0ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunNonPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.556: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w, completed in 1ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.556: Create ProcessService, Class name = h, completed in 1ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined
debug 12:15:02.563: Rank Kernels, Class name = p, completed in 32ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: "/repository01/demo/1.ipynb", Arg 2: {"kernelspec":{"display_name":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch')","language":"python","name":"python3"},"language_info":{"codemirror_mode":{"name":"ipython","version":3},"file_extension":".py","mimetype":"text/x-python","name":"python","nbconvert_exporter":"python","pygments_lexer":"ipython3","version":"3.9.12"},"orig_nbformat":4,"vscode":{"interpreter":{"hash":"bb9e4129d63480765becd83aeccc7744266efdd672f831d4f037ffd9dd74db60"}}}, Arg 3: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>, Arg 4: "", Arg 5: undefined
info 12:15:02.563: Preferred Remote kernel for /repository01/demo/1.ipynb is undefined
info 12:15:02.564: Preferred kernel .jvsc74a57bd0bb9e4129d63480765becd83aeccc7744266efdd672f831d4f037ffd9dd74db60./home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/python./home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/python.-m#ipykernel_launcher is exact match or top match for non python kernels, (false, undefined, true, false)
info 12:15:02.565: PreferredConnection: .jvsc74a57bd0bb9e4129d63480765becd83aeccc7744266efdd672f831d4f037ffd9dd74db60./home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/python./home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/python.-m#ipykernel_launcher found for NotebookDocument: /repository01/demo/1.ipynb
debug 12:15:02.565: TargetController found ID: .jvsc74a57bd0bb9e4129d63480765becd83aeccc7744266efdd672f831d4f037ffd9dd74db60./home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/python./home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/python.-m#ipykernel_launcher for document /repository01/demo/1.ipynb
debug 12:15:02.585: Not Searching for kernels as path not found, /home/user/.conda/envs/rasax/share/jupyter/kernels
debug 12:15:02.585: Not Searching for kernels as path not found, /home/user/.conda/envs/rasax2/share/jupyter/kernels
debug 12:15:02.585: Not Searching for kernels as path not found, /home/user/anaconda3/envs/cell/share/jupyter/kernels
debug 12:15:02.621: interpreterPackages getPackageInformation, Class name = r (started execution), Arg 1: {"interpreter":{"id":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","sysPrefix":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","envType":"Conda","envName":"pytorch","envPath":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","path":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","scheme":"file"},"architecture":3,"sysVersion":"3.9.12 (main, Apr  5 2022, 06:56:58) \n[GCC 7.5.0]","version":{"raw":"3.9.12","major":3,"minor":9,"patch":12,"build":[],"prerelease":["final","0"]},"companyDisplayName":"Anaconda, Inc.","displayName":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch')","detailedDisplayName":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch': conda)","uri":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","external":"file:///home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","path":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","scheme":"file"}}}
debug 12:15:02.621: Create activated Env, Class name = _ (started execution), Arg 1: {"allowEnvironmentFetchExceptions":true,"interpreter":{"id":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","sysPrefix":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","envType":"Conda","envName":"pytorch","envPath":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","path":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","scheme":"file"},"architecture":3,"sysVersion":"3.9.12 (main, Apr  5 2022, 06:56:58) \n[GCC 7.5.0]","version":{"raw":"3.9.12","major":3,"minor":9,"patch":12,"build":[],"prerelease":["final","0"]},"companyDisplayName":"Anaconda, Inc.","displayName":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch')","detailedDisplayName":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch': conda)","uri":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","external":"file:///home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","path":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","scheme":"file"}}}
debug 12:15:02.621: Getting activated env variables, Class name = V (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python>, Arg 3: true
debug 12:15:02.622: Getting activated env variables impl, Class name = V (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python>
debug 12:15:02.622: Getting activated env variables ourselves, Class name = V (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python>
debug 12:15:02.622: Getting activated env variables from Python, Class name = V (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python>
debug 12:15:02.622: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.622: Cached data exists getEnvironmentVariables, <No Resource>
debug 12:15:02.622: Cached custom vars data exists getCustomEnvironmentVariables, <No Resource>
debug 12:15:02.622: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w, completed in 0ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.623: getCondaEnvVariables, Class name = V (started execution)
debug 12:15:02.623: getCondaVersion, Class name = k (started execution)
debug 12:15:02.623: Got activation Env Vars without any caching. Key is /repository01/demo_bb9e4129d63480765becd83aeccc7744266efdd672f831d4f037ffd9dd74db60
debug 12:15:02.623: getCondaVersion, Class name = k, completed in 0ms, has a truthy return value
debug 12:15:02.623: getCondaFile, Class name = k (started execution)
debug 12:15:02.623: getCondaVersion, Class name = k (started execution)
debug 12:15:02.624: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.624: Cached data exists getEnvironmentVariables, <No Resource>
debug 12:15:02.624: getCondaFile, Class name = k, completed in 1ms, has a truthy return value
debug 12:15:02.624: getCondaVersion, Class name = k, completed in 1ms, has a truthy return value
debug 12:15:02.624: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w, completed in 0ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunPythonCode"
debug 12:15:02.645: Failed to get activated environment variables ourselves [Error: spawn /conda ENOENT
  at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:283:19)
  at onErrorNT (node:internal/child_process:478:16)
  at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)] {
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'spawn /conda',
path: '/conda',
spawnargs: [
debug 12:15:02.645: getCondaEnvVariables and send telemetry took: 22ms
error 12:15:02.645: getCondaEnvVariables, Class name = V, completed in 22ms, has a falsy return value [Error: spawn /conda ENOENT
  at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:283:19)
  at onErrorNT (node:internal/child_process:478:16)
  at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)] {
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'spawn /conda',
path: '/conda',
spawnargs: [
debug 12:15:02.647: Getting activated env variables ourselves, Class name = V, completed in 25ms, has a falsy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python>
debug 12:15:02.647: Got env vars ourselves faster, but empty /home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.647: Got env vars ourselves /home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python in 25ms
debug 12:15:02.649: Loading kernelspec from /home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/share/jupyter/kernels/python3/kernel.json for /home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.649: Loading kernelspec from /home/user/.conda/envs/rasa-bert/share/jupyter/kernels/python3/kernel.json for /home/user/.conda/envs/rasa-bert/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.649: Loading kernelspec from /home/user/anaconda3/share/jupyter/kernels/python3/kernel.json for /home/user/anaconda3/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.664: Get Interpreter details, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "~/anaconda3/envs/active-learning/bin/python"
debug 12:15:02.664: Kernel rasa-bert matches Python 3.6.9 ('rasa-bert') based on path in argv.
debug 12:15:02.664: Kernel pythrch matches Python 3.7.4 ('base') based on path in argv.
debug 12:15:02.665: Get Interpreter details, Class name = I (started execution), Arg 1: "~/anaconda3/envs/active-learning/bin/python"
debug 12:15:02.665: Kernel rasa-bert matches Python 3.6.9 ('rasa-bert') based on path in argv.
debug 12:15:02.665: Kernel pythrch matches Python 3.7.4 ('base') based on path in argv.
debug 12:15:02.720: Get Interpreter details, Class name = I, completed in 56ms, has a falsy return value, Arg 1: "~/anaconda3/envs/active-learning/bin/python"
debug 12:15:02.720: Get Interpreter details, Class name = I, completed in 55ms, has a falsy return value, Arg 1: "~/anaconda3/envs/active-learning/bin/python"
debug 12:15:02.721: Kernel Spec for active-learning ignored as we cannot find a matching interpreter {"kind":"startUsingLocalKernelSpec","kernelSpec":{"specFile":"/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/active-learning/kernel.json","name":"active-learning","argv":["/home/user/anaconda3/envs/active-learning/bin/python","-m","ipykernel_launcher","-f","{connection_file}"],"language":"python","executable":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/active-learning/bin/python","display_name":"active-learning","metadata":{"vscode":{"originalSpecFile":"/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/active-learning/kernel.json","originalDisplayName":"active-learning"}}},"id":".active-learning./home/user/anaconda3/envs/active-learning/python./.-m#ipykernel_launcher"}
debug 12:15:02.721: Kernel Spec for active-learning ignored as we cannot find a matching interpreter {"kind":"startUsingLocalKernelSpec","kernelSpec":{"specFile":"/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/active-learning/kernel.json","name":"active-learning","argv":["/home/user/anaconda3/envs/active-learning/bin/python","-m","ipykernel_launcher","-f","{connection_file}"],"language":"python","executable":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/active-learning/bin/python","display_name":"active-learning","metadata":{"vscode":{"originalSpecFile":"/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/active-learning/kernel.json","originalDisplayName":"active-learning"}}},"id":".active-learning./home/user/anaconda3/envs/active-learning/python./.-m#ipykernel_launcher"}
debug 12:15:02.721: Hiding default kernel spec 'Python 3 (ipykernel)', 'python3912jvsc74a57bd0bb9e4129d63480765becd83aeccc7744266efdd672f831d4f037ffd9dd74db60', ~/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.721: Hiding default kernel spec 'Python 3', 'python369jvsc74a57bd0f225b374a31813c9624e37113167f4d0033e63650ad010d9efa5f9a6c47d99a6', ~/.conda/envs/rasa-bert/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.721: Hiding default kernel spec 'Python 3', 'python374jvsc74a57bd04ac31ec16e2ecb73fb01e1d8b6a3fa911693e8d51c9c34bbb92f16fc287658f1', ~/anaconda3/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.722: Hiding default kernel spec 'Python 3 (ipykernel)', 'python3912jvsc74a57bd0bb9e4129d63480765becd83aeccc7744266efdd672f831d4f037ffd9dd74db60', ~/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.722: Hiding default kernel spec 'Python 3', 'python369jvsc74a57bd0f225b374a31813c9624e37113167f4d0033e63650ad010d9efa5f9a6c47d99a6', ~/.conda/envs/rasa-bert/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.722: Hiding default kernel spec 'Python 3', 'python374jvsc74a57bd04ac31ec16e2ecb73fb01e1d8b6a3fa911693e8d51c9c34bbb92f16fc287658f1', ~/anaconda3/bin/python
debug 12:15:02.729: Found 10 cached controllers
debug 12:15:02.729: Creating 10 controllers
debug 12:15:02.741: Getting env activation commands, Class name = V, completed in 186ms, has a falsy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>
info 12:15:02.743: Got empty env vars with python /usr/bin/python in 210ms
debug 12:15:02.744: Getting activated env variables ourselves, Class name = V, completed in 211ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>
debug 12:15:02.744: Getting activated env variables from Python, Class name = V, completed in 211ms, has a falsy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>
info 12:15:02.744: Got env vars ourselves faster /usr/bin/python with env var count 51 in 211ms
debug 12:15:02.744: Got env vars with python /usr/bin/python in 211ms
debug 12:15:02.744: Got env vars ourselves /usr/bin/python in 211ms
debug 12:15:02.744: Getting activated env variables impl, Class name = V, completed in 212ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>
debug 12:15:02.744: Getting activated env variables, Class name = V, completed in 212ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/usr/bin/python>, Arg 3: true
debug 12:15:02.745: Create activated Env, Class name = _, completed in 213ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: {"allowEnvironmentFetchExceptions":true,"interpreter":{"id":"/usr/bin/python","sysPrefix":"/usr","envType":"Global","envName":"","architecture":3,"sysVersion":"3.5.2 (default, Jan 26 2021, 13:30:48) \n[GCC 5.4.0 20160609]","version":{"raw":"3.5.2","major":3,"minor":5,"patch":2,"build":[],"prerelease":["final","0"]},"displayName":"Python 3.5.2 64-bit","detailedDisplayName":"Python 3.5.2 64-bit","uri":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/usr/bin/python","external":"file:///usr/bin/python","path":"/usr/bin/python","scheme":"file"}}}
info 12:15:02.758: Process Execution: > /usr/bin/python -m pip list
> /usr/bin/python -m pip list
debug 12:15:02.788: Found 10 cached controllers
debug 12:15:02.788: Creating 10 controllers
info 12:15:03.017: Registering dummy command feature
error 12:15:03.027: Failed to get activated conda env variables from Python for /home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python
info 12:15:03.027: Got empty env vars with python /home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python in 405ms
debug 12:15:03.028: Getting activated env variables from Python, Class name = V, completed in 406ms, has a falsy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python>
debug 12:15:03.028: Got env vars with python /home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python in 406ms
debug 12:15:03.028: Getting activated env variables impl, Class name = V, completed in 407ms, has a falsy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python>
debug 12:15:03.028: Getting activated env variables, Class name = V, completed in 407ms, has a falsy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: <Uri:/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python>, Arg 3: true
debug 12:15:03.028: Create ProcessService, Class name = h (started execution), Arg 1: undefined
debug 12:15:03.028: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w (started execution), Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunNonPythonCode"
debug 12:15:03.028: Cached data exists getEnvironmentVariables, <No Resource>
debug 12:15:03.028: Get Custom Env Variables, Class name = w, completed in 0ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined, Arg 2: "RunNonPythonCode"
debug 12:15:03.028: Create ProcessService, Class name = h, completed in 0ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: undefined
debug 12:15:03.029: Creating execution process, Class name = _, completed in 1ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: {"interpreter":{"id":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","sysPrefix":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","envType":"Conda","envName":"pytorch","envPath":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","path":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","scheme":"file"},"architecture":3,"sysVersion":"3.9.12 (main, Apr  5 2022, 06:56:58) \n[GCC 7.5.0]","version":{"raw":"3.9.12","major":3,"minor":9,"patch":12,"build":[],"prerelease":["final","0"]},"companyDisplayName":"Anaconda, Inc.","displayName":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch')","detailedDisplayName":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch': conda)","uri":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","external":"file:///home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","path":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","scheme":"file"}}}, Return Value: {}
debug 12:15:03.029: Create activated Env, Class name = _, completed in 408ms, has a truthy return value, Arg 1: {"allowEnvironmentFetchExceptions":true,"interpreter":{"id":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","sysPrefix":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","envType":"Conda","envName":"pytorch","envPath":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","path":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","scheme":"file"},"architecture":3,"sysVersion":"3.9.12 (main, Apr  5 2022, 06:56:58) \n[GCC 7.5.0]","version":{"raw":"3.9.12","major":3,"minor":9,"patch":12,"build":[],"prerelease":["final","0"]},"companyDisplayName":"Anaconda, Inc.","displayName":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch')","detailedDisplayName":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch': conda)","uri":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","external":"file:///home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","path":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","scheme":"file"}}}
info 12:15:03.039: Process Execution: > ~/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python -m pip list
> ~/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python -m pip list
debug 12:15:03.614: interpreterPackages getPackageInformation, Class name = r, completed in 1082ms, has a falsy return value, Arg 1: {"interpreter":{"id":"/usr/bin/python","sysPrefix":"/usr","envType":"Global","envName":"","architecture":3,"sysVersion":"3.5.2 (default, Jan 26 2021, 13:30:48) \n[GCC 5.4.0 20160609]","version":{"raw":"3.5.2","major":3,"minor":5,"patch":2,"build":[],"prerelease":["final","0"]},"displayName":"Python 3.5.2 64-bit","detailedDisplayName":"Python 3.5.2 64-bit","uri":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/usr/bin/python","external":"file:///usr/bin/python","path":"/usr/bin/python","scheme":"file"}}}
debug 12:15:03.872: interpreterPackages getPackageInformation, Class name = r, completed in 1251ms, has a falsy return value, Arg 1: {"interpreter":{"id":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","sysPrefix":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","envType":"Conda","envName":"pytorch","envPath":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","path":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch","scheme":"file"},"architecture":3,"sysVersion":"3.9.12 (main, Apr  5 2022, 06:56:58) \n[GCC 7.5.0]","version":{"raw":"3.9.12","major":3,"minor":9,"patch":12,"build":[],"prerelease":["final","0"]},"companyDisplayName":"Anaconda, Inc.","displayName":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch')","detailedDisplayName":"Python 3.9.12 ('pytorch': conda)","uri":{"$mid":1,"fsPath":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","external":"file:///home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","path":"/home/user/anaconda3/envs/pytorch/bin/python","scheme":"file"}}}

DonJayamannecommented, Dec 8, 2022

@QinWinner Thanks, I believe this may have been fixed in our latest version. please could you update to the latest version of VS Code and Jupyter extensions, try this again and if it doesn’t work please do provide the logs (as you have already done)

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