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Goto definition sometimes stops working

See original GitHub issue

Environment data

  • VS Code version: 1.30.2
  • Extension version (available under the Extensions sidebar): 2018.12.1
  • OS and version: 10.14.2
  • Python version (& distribution if applicable, e.g. Anaconda): 3.5.5
  • Type of virtual environment used (N/A | venv | virtualenv | conda | …): venv + pyenv
  • VSCode settings file:
  • Workspace settings (project-root/.vscode):
    "python.pythonPath": "env/bin/python"

Actual behaviour

Go to definition doesn’t work. I see infinity loader

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install python from pyenv (pyenv install 3.5.5 && pyenv shell 3.5.5)
  2. Generate simple Django project, create env: python -mvenv env && source env/bin/activate
  3. Try to create forms / models / views etc
  4. From views or forms import model
  5. Try to remove any py file from project:
[Error - 2:38:04 AM] One or more errors occurred. (failed to parse file file:///Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server/topic/

after that go to definition stops working

Installed extentions

1.8.0: 1.1.2: 2018.12.1:


Output for Python in the Output panel (ViewOutput, change the drop-down the upper-right of the Output panel to Python)

Log ``` Starting Microsoft Python language server. ##########Linting Output - flake8########## 91,80,E,E501:line too long (91 > 79 characters) 94,80,E,E501:line too long (81 > 79 characters) 97,80,E,E501:line too long (82 > 79 characters) 100,80,E,E501:line too long (83 > 79 characters) Microsoft Python Language Server version Initializing for /Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server/env/bin/python ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## 92,80,E,E501:line too long (91 > 79 characters) 95,80,E,E501:line too long (81 > 79 characters) 98,80,E,E501:line too long (82 > 79 characters) 101,80,E,E501:line too long (83 > 79 characters) ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## 1,1,F,F401:'django.shortcuts.render' imported but unused ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## 3,1,F,F401:'topic' imported but unused ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## 92,80,E,E501:line too long (91 > 79 characters) 95,80,E,E501:line too long (81 > 79 characters) 98,80,E,E501:line too long (82 > 79 characters) 101,80,E,E501:line too long (83 > 79 characters) ##########Linting Output - flake8########## 91,80,E,E501:line too long (91 > 79 characters) 94,80,E,E501:line too long (81 > 79 characters) 97,80,E,E501:line too long (82 > 79 characters) 100,80,E,E501:line too long (83 > 79 characters) [Error - 11:09:52 PM] One or more errors occurred. (failed to parse file file:///Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server/hours/ ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ##########Linting Output - flake8########## ```

Output from Console under the Developer Tools panel (toggle Developer Tools on under Help; turn on source maps to make any tracebacks be useful by running Enable source map support for extension debugging)

Developer Tools ``` [Extension Host] debugger listening on port 17711 extensionService.ts:507 [ms-python.python]: Command `python.datascience.exportoutputasnotebook` appears multiple times in the `commands` section. extensionHost.ts:235 Extension Host extensionHost.ts:236 Debugger listening on ws:// For help see

log.ts:157 INFO standard startup console.ts:134 [Extension Host] Python Extension: Display locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Notify locators are locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Detected refreshing of Interpreters, Arg 1: {}, Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Display locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Notify locators are locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Detected refreshing of Interpreters, Arg 1: {}, Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Display locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Notify locators are locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Detected refreshing of Interpreters, Arg 1: {}, Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Display locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Notify locators are locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Detected refreshing of Interpreters, Arg 1: {}, Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Create file systemwatcher with pattern */python /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Create file systemwatcher with pattern //python /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Display locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Notify locators are locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Detected refreshing of Interpreters, Arg 1: {}, Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Display locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Notify locators are locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Detected refreshing of Interpreters, Arg 1: {}, Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Display locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Notify locators are locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Detected refreshing of Interpreters, Arg 1: {}, Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Register Intepreter Watcher, Arg 1: {“$mid”:1,“fsPath”:“/Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server”,“external”:“file:///Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server”,“path”:“/Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server”,“scheme”:“file”}, Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Create file systemwatcher with pattern */python /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Create file systemwatcher with pattern //python /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Display locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Notify locators are locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Detected refreshing of Interpreters, Arg 1: {}, Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Build the workspace interpreter watcher, Arg 1: {“$mid”:1,“fsPath”:“/Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server”,“external”:“file:///Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server”,“path”:“/Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server”,“scheme”:“file”}, Return Value: UNABLE TO DETERMINE VALUE /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Register Intepreter Watcher, Arg 1: undefined, Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Build the workspace interpreter watcher, Arg 1: undefined, Return Value: UNABLE TO DETERMINE VALUE /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Get Platform Version, , Return Value: {“raw”:“18.2.0”,“major”:18,“minor”:2,“patch”:0,“prerelease”:[],“build”:[],“version”:“18.2.0”} /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Get language server folder name, , Return Value: “languageServer.0.1.72” /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Failed to parse interpreter information for ‘/Users/ali/.pyenv/shims/python3.7’ with JSON pyenv: python3.7: command not found

The `python3.7’ command exists in these Python versions: 3.7.0 SyntaxError: Unexpected token p in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at p.<anonymous> (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:83:294533) at (<anonymous>) at s (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:83:293754) at <anonymous> t.log @ /Applications/Visual Studio 3/Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Hide locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: All locators have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Hide locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: All locators have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Hide locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: All locators have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Hide locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: All locators have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Hide locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: All locators have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Hide locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: All locators have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Hide locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: All locators have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Hide locator refreshing progress, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: All locators have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio [Extension Host] Python Extension: Checking whether locactors have completed locating, , Return Value: /Applications/Visual Studio ERR name must not be falsy: Error: name must not be falsy at Function.e.validate (/Applications/Visual Studio at new e (/Applications/Visual Studio at k (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:83:90635) at (<anonymous>) at Object.asDocumentSymbols (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:83:94289) at module.exports.k.registerLanguageProvider.t.sendRequest.then.e (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:1:131807) at <anonymous> 11/Applications/Visual Studio ERR Cannot read property ‘map’ of undefined: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘map’ of undefined at asCompletionResult (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:83:93433) at <anonymous>


Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Reactions:1
  • Comments:7 (2 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

alievcommented, Jan 10, 2019

@brettcannon seems to work for me! I have this output in console (the same steps but after removing and updating languageServer0.1.72):

Starting Microsoft Python language server.
##########Linting Output - flake8##########
Microsoft Python Language Server version
Initializing for /Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server/env/bin/python
##########Linting Output - flake8##########
##########Linting Output - flake8##########
[Error - 11:20:24 PM] One or more errors occurred. (failed to parse file file:///Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server/topic/
[Error - 11:21:02 PM] Request textDocument/definition failed.
Error: Connection got disposed.
	at Object.dispose (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:1:67379)
	at Object.dispose (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:1:155149)
	at module.exports.t.BaseLanguageClient.stop._connectionPromise.state.g.Stopping._onStop._onStop.resolveConnection.then.e.shutdown.then (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:1:152200)
	at <anonymous>

Linter 'flake8' is not installed. Please install it or select another linter".
Error: Module 'flake8' not installed.

Linter 'flake8' is not installed. Please install it or select another linter".
Error: Module 'flake8' not installed.
Microsoft Python Language Server version
Initializing for /Users/ali/.pyenv/shims/python3
[Error - 11:21:05 PM] Request textDocument/documentSymbol failed.
Error: Connection got disposed.
	at Object.dispose (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:1:67379)
	at Object.dispose (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:1:155149)
	at module.exports.t.BaseLanguageClient.stop._connectionPromise.state.g.Stopping._onStop._onStop.resolveConnection.then.e.shutdown.then (/Users/ali/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.python-2018.12.1/out/client/extension.js:1:152200)
	at <anonymous>
##########Linting Output - flake8##########
##########Linting Output - flake8##########
Microsoft Python Language Server version
Initializing for /Users/ali/Projects/aliev/infinity-server/env/bin/python
##########Linting Output - flake8##########
##########Linting Output - flake8##########
##########Linting Output - flake8##########

brettcannoncommented, Jan 10, 2019

@aliev Version 0.1.75 of the language server was released yesterday. Could you do the following and update the language server to see if it solves your problem?

  1. Run “Open Extensions Folder”
  2. Quit VS Code
  3. Open the folder for the extension (e.g. ms-python.python-*)
  4. Delete the languageServer0.1.72 folder
  5. Open VS Code
  6. Open a Python file (I’m assuming you have "python.jediEnabled": false set)

That should lead to version 0.1.75 being installed.

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