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C# method override in Lua

See original GitHub issue

NeoLua Version: 5.3 (Nuget 1.3.10)

Hi, I’m just starting to use NeoLua, which is pretty good, and I fall into an issue… I want to know if it’s possible to override a virtual method defined in C# from Lua.

I’ve tried to do like this

Component = clr.AlienEngine.Core.Gaming.LuaComponent;
cmp = Component();

cmp.Update = function()
    print "Updated";

where LuaComponent is just a proxy of the abstract Component class for the use in lua code.

When I want to execute this code, I got the error 'LuaComponent:Update' is not writable.

I’ve also tried to do:

Component = clr.AlienEngine.Core.Gaming.LuaComponent;
cmp = Component();

function cmp:Update()
    print "Updated";

and I got the error No conversion defined from LuaComponent to LuaTable.

So please I want to know if it’s possible or if there is another way to achieve this goal. Thanks

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Comments:6 (3 by maintainers)

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neolithoscommented, Aug 9, 2019

That looks good. Just for the list _overrides had choose a more generic way.

Good work. I leave this issue open for other users. May be some times, I or someone other will create a wiki page for this example.

na2axlcommented, Aug 9, 2019

Hi @neolithos, sorry for the late response. Few days ago, I’ve implemented a solution following your advice, it’s totally more clean now and everything is managed from C#, thanks again. The new implementation is:

The new ScriptBridge class:

namespace AlienEngine.Core.Scripting.Lua
    public interface IBridgeClass
        LuaTable Self { get; set; }
namespace AlienEngine.Core.Scripting
    public class ScriptBridge<T> : LuaTable
        where T : class, IBridgeClass
        private static readonly BindingFlags BindingFlag = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;

        private static readonly PropertyInfo[] ReflectionProperties = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlag);

        private static readonly MethodInfo[] ReflectionMethods = typeof(T).GetMethods(BindingFlag);

        private T _that;

        private LuaTable _inner;

        private List<string> _overridable;

        public ScriptBridge(T that, List<string> overridable)
            _that = that;
            _overridable = overridable;

            _inner = new LuaTable();

            _that.Self = this;

        protected override bool OnNewIndex(object key, object value)
            // Check if we are trying to overwrite an existing key
            if (_inner.ContainsKey(key))
                goto SetInner;

            string memberName = key as string;

            if (memberName != null)
                // Check if we are trying to overload a native method
                if (_overridable.Contains(memberName))
                    _setProperty($"Lua{memberName}", value);
                    goto Return;

                // Check if we are trying to redefine a property
                if (_hasProperty(memberName))
                    _setProperty(memberName, value);
                    goto Return;

            _inner[key] = value;

            return true;

        protected override object OnIndex(object key)
            // Check if it's a custom member
            if (_inner.ContainsKey(key))
                return _inner[key];

            string memberName = key as string;

            if (memberName == null)
                return null;

            // Check if it's a native property access
            if (_hasProperty(memberName))
                return _getProperty(memberName);

            // Check if it's a native method call
            if (_hasMethod(memberName))
                return new Func<LuaTable, object[], object>((obj, args) => _callMethod(memberName, args));

            return null;

        private bool _hasProperty(string name)
            foreach (PropertyInfo property in ReflectionProperties)
                if (property.Name == name)
                    return true;

            return false;

        private void _setProperty(string name, object value)
            typeof(T).GetProperty(name, BindingFlag)?.SetValue(_that, value);

        private object _getProperty(string name)
            return typeof(T).GetProperty(name, BindingFlag)?.GetValue(_that);

        private bool _hasMethod(string name)
            foreach (MethodInfo method in ReflectionMethods)
                if (method.Name == name)
                    return true;

            return false;

        private object _callMethod(string name, params object[] args)
            // Execute the method
            return _getMethod(name, args)?.Invoke(_that, args);

        private MethodInfo _getMethod(string name, params object[] args)
            return typeof(T).GetMethod
                args.Select(arg => arg.GetType()).ToArray(),

And the new way to use this:

namespace AlienEngine.Core.Gaming
    internal class LuaComponentInternal : Component, IBridgeClass
        public LuaTable Self { get; set; }

        public Action<object> LuaLoad { get; set; }

        public Action<object> LuaStart { get; set; }

        public Action<object> LuaBeforeUpdate { get; set; }

        public Action<object> LuaUpdate { get; set; }

        public Action<object> LuaAfterUpdate { get; set; }

        public Action<object> LuaStop { get; set; }

        public Action<object> LuaUnload { get; set; }

        public Action<object, bool> LuaDispose { get; set; }

        public override void Load()

        public override void Start()


        public override void BeforeUpdate()

        public override void Update()

        public override void AfterUpdate()

        public override void Stop()


        public override void Unload()

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            LuaDispose?.Invoke(Self, disposing);

    public class LuaComponent : LuaTable
        protected override LuaResult OnCall(object[] args)
            return new LuaResult
                new ScriptBridge<LuaComponentInternal>
                    new LuaComponentInternal(),
                    new List<string>
Component = clr.AlienEngine.Core.Gaming.LuaComponent()

function LuaTestComponent()
    local cmp = Component()

    cmp.Name = "LuaTestComponent"

    function cmp:Start() : void
        print ("Component " .. self.Name .. " started")

    function cmp:Update() : void
        print ("\tComponent " .. self.Name .. " updated")

    function cmp:Stop() : void
        print ("Component " .. self.Name .. " stoped")

    return cmp
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