BUG: Neptune log error for multiple dataloaders
See original GitHub issueDescribe the bug
Error gets thrown while logging the metric value. Having Pytorch lightning integration with Neptune. This error gets thrown only in the latest client of Neptune’s from neptune.new.integrations.pytorch_lightning import NeptuneLogger
Expected behavior
Experiment should keep running when without any error.
Following trace as a result of invoking self.logger.log_metrics
def __getattr__(self, attr):
> raise AttributeError("{} has no attribute {}.".format(type(self), attr))
E AttributeError: <class 'neptune.new.attributes.namespace.Namespace'> has no attribute log.
env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/neptune/new/attributes/attribute.py:35: AttributeError

If the value of attr is None, then it passes the if condition and am not facing any error. Facing the issue in the else condition.
self._path = "val_loss"
The output of pip list
neptune-contrib 0.27.2 pypi_0 pypi
neptune-pytorch-lightning 0.9.7 pypi_0 pypi
The operating system you’re using:
The output of python --version
Python 3.8.10
Additional context It gets logged for all the metrics, only for this particular ‘val_loss’ key the error gets thrown. Happens only after migrating to new neptune client. Works fine with previous version. This error gets thrown only having more than one validation dataloader.
If we have multiple dataloaders, then all of the parameters that gets logged will have name of the dataloader appended.
Ex: Suppose my log is self.log('loss',0.2)
It will get logged for each of the dataloader along with its index in the log name and its corresponding value: loss/dataloader_0 = 0.2 , loss/dataloader_1=0.4 and so on for every dataloader.
Since my metric to monitor is ‘loss’, PTL also expects exact string ‘loss’ value to be logged, otherwise it throws below error
if not trainer.fit_loop.epoch_loop.val_loop._has_run:
raise MisconfigurationException(m)
E pytorch_lightning.utilities.exceptions.MisconfigurationException: ModelCheckpoint(monitor='loss') not found in the returned metrics: ['train_loss', 'train_loss_step', 'loss/dataloader_idx_0', 'loss/dataloader_idx_1', 'validation_f1', 'validation_precision', 'validation_recall', 'validation_accuracy']. HINT: Did you call self.log('loss', value) in the LightningModule?
But according to Neptune, ‘loss’ is now invalid once you have already logged ‘loss/dataloader_1’ (I guess) ? If so, you are both contradicting.
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 2 years ago
- Comments:15 (9 by maintainers)
Appreciate your reply.
Sure, Thanks.
Hey @stonelazy,
I checked the colab that you initially paste as a reproduction info: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/13rRlztjGRQrv6Y3W-d21Dotoj8L2UtoZ?usp=sharing
Here is a run that I made: https://app.neptune.ai/o/common/org/pytorch-lightning-integration/e/PTL-29/all
Here is what I did
(line 105)The error was fixed my making sure that you log val_loss to the separate namespace.
Yes, PTL creates
paths when working with multiple dataloaders. In neptune you can create hierarchical structure of the run, but cannot log values to theloss
at the same time.I will pass this info to the product team, for the time being, I recommend to adjust loss names a bit.
Pls, let me know what you think?