Confused about sending authentication headers for token validation to API.
See original GitHub issueHello, I have a setup in which I have a rails 4 API having the gem devise_token_auth and hosted as a separate application so I have also rack-cors configured to handle cross origin requests. Using angular2-token on my front end Angular 2 applicaiton I have been able to successfully sign up and sign in as well as sign out users via my API. The issue however, which I have encountered occurs only when the user is signed in and upon refreshing the browser I get this error in the rails API console as well as in the browser, checked in firefox as well as chrome.
Started GET "/api/v1/auth/validate_token" for at 2017-02-06 17:42:49 +0500
Processing by DeviseTokenAuth::TokenValidationsController#validate_token as JSON
followed by:
SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."uid" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["uid", ""]]
Completed 401 Unauthorized in 76ms (Views: 0.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)
My initial assumption during the configuration of this package in my Angular2 app was that it will implicitly include authentication headers in each request. However after repeatedly going through the gem’s documentation I also added the headers myself when I initialize the token service in my app.component.ts file.
apiPath: API_PATH,
globalOptions: {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
"access_token_name": localStorage.getItem('accessToken'),
"client_name": localStorage.getItem('client'),
"uid_name": localStorage.getItem('uid')
Even after that the response hasn’t changed to the request and I was unable to receive these headers on the server end as well.
However after hours of inspection an idea finally came to me which was to inspect the headers m getting on the server and when I used ruby’s request.header.inspect on my server end application I get the following output with the information required for validation of the token but it seems that the name of the keys of these header values are different form what the devise_token_auth expects to validate token (I went through the source of the devise_auth_token gem here.
"HTTP_ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME"=>"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "HTTP_EXPIRY"=>"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "HTTP_UID"=>"", "HTTP_CLIENT_NAME"=>"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "HTTP_TOKEN_TYPE"=>"Bearer"
What I believe is the user is not being set by the devise_token_auth gem based on the headers that are being passed.
After repeatedly going through the documentation of Angular2-token as well as devise_token_auth gem I am confused whether or not to manually add headers for authentication because I believe they are being passed already but with different keys. I would just like to know if that is the case I am experiencing its been almost a full day and I cannot figure out a way to pin point the reason behind the 401 response.
Thanks a lot.
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- Created 7 years ago
- Comments:18 (5 by maintainers)
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I`m not using api gem and still got the same problem. Rails >5
Did you check here?