Upgrade to Angular 12 massive production build time increase
See original GitHub issueCurrent Behavior
I’am in the process of upgrading a large enterprise application from Angular 8 to 12 and have finished the task, but we had to disable the angular “optimization” for production because we had a build time increase from 5 minutes to 2 hours.
I’ve done a lot of research and try & error fixes digging through all the open and closed issues about this topic but can’t find the root cause.
Related issues i’ve digged through:
- https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/20792
- https://github.com/nrwl/nx/issues/5370
- https://github.com/nrwl/nx/issues/5324
- https://github.com/nrwl/nx/issues/5455
Expected Behavior
The Angular 12 production build should run nearly as fast as previously.
Things i’ve done & tried:
- angular material @use refactoring
- complete remove of all scss files
- complete tsconfig*.json refactoring from a new and fresh nx 12 workspace
set to falsepreserveWhitespaces
set to false (is set to true in the specific app which has the problem)- refactored some possible
dependencies to their es6 replacement - refactored possible libraries to lazy loading like pdfjs-dist
One still existing huge problem we have is the nx-enforce-module-boundaries
, which we had to set to false, because we got a lot of circular dependencies displayed where are none before in Angular 8.
Steps to Reproduce
We have a monorepo here with ~230 libs & 2 apps so it’s nearly impossible tho share a reproduction. Maybe private access can be possible if requested.
Failure Logs
14:29:10 npm run build-client-production
14:29:10 > redngapps@2.51.0 build-client-production
14:29:10 > npm run ng -- build client --configuration=production
14:29:10 > redngapps@2.51.0 ng
14:29:10 > node --max_old_space_size=8192 ./node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng "build" "client" "--configuration=production"
14:29:16 > nx run client:build:production
14:29:17 - Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...
15:57:05 ✔ Browser application bundle generation complete.
15:57:05 ✔ Browser application bundle generation complete.
15:57:05 - Copying assets...
15:57:06 ✔ Copying assets complete.
15:57:06 - Generating index html...
15:57:07 - Generating index html...
15:57:07 2 rules skipped due to selector errors:
15:57:07 0% -> Unmatched selector: %
15:57:07 100% -> Unmatched selector: %
15:57:07 ✔ Index html generation complete.
15:57:07 Warning: /opt/teamcity-slot-3/work/698dfc32eadb0ce0/node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.js depends on 'url'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
15:57:07 For more info see: https://angular.io/guide/build#configuring-commonjs-dependencies
15:57:07 Initial Chunk Files | Names | Size
15:57:07 vendor.0ee4be6a444ecb88aadf.js | vendor | 2.95 MB
15:57:07 main.714f4f5492bc9f745f66.js | main | 933.88 kB
15:57:07 scripts.ee0ace9b392907c26b10.js | scripts | 86.73 kB
15:57:07 polyfills.0afb8d1d0db7349f653a.js | polyfills | 33.69 kB
15:57:07 runtime.7f3f846508e8b30b2efc.js | runtime | 5.62 kB
15:57:07 | Initial Total | 3.98 MB
15:57:07 Lazy Chunk Files | Names | Size
15:57:07 6364.3a0e3eaf9edb504e69be.js | - | 1.91 MB
15:57:07 6630.80776449a9a93e1c59d7.js | - | 1.54 MB
15:57:07 pdfjsWorker.4c6621724700216816bc.js | pdfjsWorker | 768.83 kB
15:57:07 184.f82045f4ca5b7fe088aa.js | - | 699.31 kB
15:57:07 3985.c4f9a82c360cd60c4293.js | - | 534.21 kB
15:57:07 8656.835d2aae0cda30665bc0.js | - | 379.60 kB
15:57:07 8258.cf153450f4e16d284351.js | - | 353.11 kB
15:57:07 8552.dd2bc09526844e52a41e.js | - | 339.94 kB
15:57:07 1540.6aa8226890d09bdd1ca1.js | - | 323.65 kB
15:57:07 4368.1e413d4c59b175f7db69.js | - | 281.84 kB
15:57:07 1230.325ea1c8d6b17264a6f6.js | - | 198.32 kB
15:57:07 1737.101bc60ee8b4f337e754.js | - | 140.29 kB
15:57:07 5446.e388cf4eb327d1975481.js | - | 137.89 kB
15:57:07 762.75024ea4c63e26a4bc12.js | - | 117.58 kB
15:57:07 8336.a0a412fc94d170f0abe6.js | - | 114.85 kB
15:57:07 common.5d78feafad40964fe114.js | common | 109.06 kB
15:57:07 6300.2bcce5da7d7b075f5177.js | - | 76.52 kB
15:57:07 157.8e9897102ae6b7d7b386.js | - | 72.54 kB
15:57:07 4640.adcf45835b6bee5b2522.js | - | 71.92 kB
15:57:07 9717.a5c3beeef8aa4a09cde9.js | - | 67.00 kB
15:57:07 4688.5c07fb171508e10e2d72.js | - | 58.67 kB
15:57:07 4689.ec006ab6cd2a2b5bb897.js | - | 53.88 kB
15:57:07 6259.a444b256055f16e28283.js | - | 42.04 kB
15:57:07 1964.8acebf238ac555415a20.js | - | 40.64 kB
15:57:07 6666.72cc50b91ab36a0c5706.js | - | 39.23 kB
15:57:07 8332.48cfa097e9eb7f67760d.js | - | 34.34 kB
15:57:07 9854.0194dd39842cfaf64b7e.js | - | 33.93 kB
15:57:07 9146.5c84f44623477974715e.js | - | 33.19 kB
15:57:07 2911.2b44d5932250204e38e6.js | - | 32.91 kB
15:57:07 4644.1bb1e4a1aa6c573c1ab7.js | - | 32.06 kB
15:57:07 2765.a6c9df3bd95a6486a1e2.js | - | 31.86 kB
15:57:07 1594.5fbcd844461eae0bdc65.js | - | 31.28 kB
15:57:07 6156.3abe089901c508d0953e.js | - | 30.01 kB
15:57:07 8876.ab9b858fdfd2f361ee40.js | - | 29.33 kB
15:57:07 4846.94ea1450371bd7ca2acb.js | - | 28.11 kB
15:57:07 590.1777a257bd5826476800.js | - | 28.11 kB
15:57:07 5789.163038fe01b03f883a98.js | - | 26.64 kB
15:57:07 6507.4ada3bfca5d2acdb7154.js | - | 25.55 kB
15:57:07 3502.6accfd6564b2903240b4.js | - | 24.72 kB
15:57:07 9149.a33ca6c23b91e7884dfd.js | - | 24.58 kB
15:57:07 3374.c8e294613a6ac6cc2695.js | - | 24.06 kB
15:57:07 8203.cb75523791b7f141a1c1.js | - | 23.54 kB
15:57:07 9181.917278dffa430871474a.js | - | 23.31 kB
15:57:07 3478.780c957ddfb4cdb75f0b.js | - | 23.20 kB
15:57:07 6916.a8adad504b0155d589a6.js | - | 23.01 kB
15:57:07 3079.bb1b59accf9445efe8d6.js | - | 21.65 kB
15:57:07 2098.3e7410b22122aab72332.js | - | 18.52 kB
15:57:07 7437.6bbcdac7c4549a86b446.js | - | 16.18 kB
15:57:07 9488.bc379452e2e51670a61c.js | - | 14.82 kB
15:57:07 7353.68469c66e61f1a9af60c.js | - | 14.44 kB
15:57:07 6990.3468337591efd85f5e35.js | - | 13.97 kB
15:57:07 9399.b8149f7cdff9d999c639.js | - | 13.77 kB
15:57:07 6002.818009710107e9c036d3.js | - | 13.77 kB
15:57:07 4057.3c7bbbfff46eec43c8e5.js | - | 12.98 kB
15:57:07 9165.e0c51bfb94c4fa0fc484.js | - | 12.50 kB
15:57:07 2353.68d7cb3b8fe5c3b46844.js | - | 12.41 kB
15:57:07 5164.07c98a22a79c3df3f932.js | - | 12.11 kB
15:57:07 6547.05abd7f398eed2bd747d.js | - | 11.76 kB
15:57:07 5412.ce910a3799caffe47d29.js | - | 9.73 kB
15:57:07 398.41d8d5c1fe6ba613e9a1.js | - | 9.11 kB
15:57:07 9640.18995ce71925f104c5de.js | - | 8.76 kB
15:57:07 4568.a067e3cd8767f7aa9d0d.js | - | 8.40 kB
15:57:07 1330.5058f1aa9a994709bec9.js | - | 7.99 kB
15:57:07 8840.6ac4fdc15ea63c46ff4a.js | - | 7.49 kB
15:57:07 6393.2bbc149db1b8a790a88f.js | - | 5.76 kB
15:57:07 7443.38070a8e657a3472d848.js | - | 4.38 kB
15:57:07 6828.99df4587d3619d0c2dc5.js | - | 3.74 kB
15:57:07 2631.3edc57b60e6882877149.js | - | 3.28 kB
15:57:07 710.7a93f3279180f493f379.js | - | 2.20 kB
15:57:07 4541.2ae290a8547b1c4ebb34.js | - | 2.13 kB
15:57:07 3895.af64096288073548fb2c.js | - | 731 bytes
15:57:07 760.0d50d5e6a373c5fbb579.js | - | 634 bytes
15:57:07 2163.6cd8852fa88684c40509.js | - | 634 bytes
15:57:07 2327.5a44f2577da6843942aa.js | - | 634 bytes
15:57:07 6400.d57893abd4b122d13e8c.js | - | 634 bytes
15:57:07 8002.8f2a7ab6d1812305a405.js | - | 634 bytes
15:57:07 8407.ea5d38f3316c45b3e371.js | - | 634 bytes
15:57:07 1965.39e0221796dcbe54c8e7.js | - | 565 bytes
15:57:07 5352.ee271af0f611e06f94f0.js | - | 527 bytes
15:57:07 8664.b74e7cc21bca8c33bcda.js | - | 479 bytes
15:57:07 Build at: 2022-05-16T13:57:07.870Z - Hash: f1cde40dccacd9955be2 - Time: 5269603ms
15:57:08 ———————————————————————————————————————————————
15:57:08 > NX SUCCESS Running target "build" succeeded
15:57:08 Process exited with code 0
After running a production build with --verbose i can say that the most of the log is full with:
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Cannot concat with ./libs/client-shared/src/index.ts: Module ./libs/client-shared/src/index.ts is not in the same chunk(s) (expected in chunk(s) unnamed chunk(s), module is in chunk(s) )
This is just one representation. The message ist outputted many times for every local lib
… and here the timings output from the --verbose log:
LOG from webpack.Compiler
<t> make hook: 2180.6847 ms
<t> finish make hook: 0.0169 ms
<t> finish compilation: 1.1493 ms
<t> seal compilation: 9.8556 ms
<t> afterCompile hook: 0.0178 ms
LOG from webpack.FlagDependencyExportsPlugin
<t> restore cached provided exports: 0.1196 ms
<t> figure out provided exports: 0.543 ms
50% of exports of modules have been determined (1 no declared exports, 1 not cached, 0 flagged uncacheable, 0 from cache, 0 additional calculations due to dependencies)
<t> store provided exports into cache: 0.0236 ms
LOG from webpack.InnerGraphPlugin
<t> infer dependency usage: 0.224 ms
LOG from webpack.Compilation
<t> finish modules: 0.8164 ms
<t> report dependency errors and warnings: 0.3196 ms
<t> optimize dependencies: 0.5998 ms
<t> create chunks: 0.4162 ms
<t> optimize: 1.0861 ms
2 modules hashed (1 variants per module in average)
<t> module hashing: 0.4286 ms
100% code generated (2 generated, 0 from cache)
<t> code generation: 2.4334 ms
<t> runtime requirements: 1.3449 ms
<t> hashing: initialize hash: 0.0024 ms
<t> hashing: sort chunks: 0.0163 ms
<t> hashing: hash runtime modules: 0.6556 ms
<t> hashing: hash chunks: 0.533 ms
<t> hashing: hash digest: 0.017 ms
<t> hashing: process full hash modules: 0.0013 ms
<t> hashing: 1.2543 ms
100% code generated (4 generated, 0 from cache)
<t> record hash: 0.0096 ms
<t> module assets: 0.0106 ms
<t> create chunk assets: 0.7846 ms
<t> process assets: 1.0981 ms
LOG from webpack.SideEffectsFlagPlugin
<t> update dependencies: 0.0024 ms
LOG from webpack.FlagDependencyUsagePlugin
<t> initialize exports usage: 0.0105 ms
<t> trace exports usage in graph: 0.5373 ms
LOG from webpack.buildChunkGraph
<t> visitModules: prepare: 0.032 ms
<t> visitModules: visiting: 0.2102 ms
4 queue items processed (2 blocks)
0 chunk groups connected
0 chunk groups processed for merging (0 module sets, 0 forked, 0 + 0 modules forked, 0 + 0 modules merged into fork, 0 resulting modules)
0 chunk group info updated (0 already connected chunk groups reconnected)
<t> visitModules: 0.2607 ms
<t> connectChunkGroups: 0.002 ms
<t> cleanup: 0.0012 ms
LOG from webpack.ModuleConcatenationPlugin
<t> select relevant modules: 0.0681 ms
<t> sort relevant modules: 0.0012 ms
<t> find modules to concatenate: 0.0017 ms
<t> sort concat configurations: 0.0009 ms
<t> create concatenated modules: 0.0071 ms
+ 3 hidden lines
LOG from webpack.FileSystemInfo
2 new snapshots created
0% root snapshot uncached (0 / 0)
0% children snapshot uncached (0 / 0)
0 entries tested
File info in cache: 2 timestamps 2 hashes 2 timestamp hash combinations
File timestamp hash combination snapshot optimization: 0% (0/2) entries shared via 0 shared snapshots (0 times referenced)
Directory info in cache: 0 timestamps 0 hashes 0 timestamp hash combinations
Managed items info in cache: 0 items
Child mini-css-extract-plugin C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\css-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\postcss-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[2]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\libs\shared\assets\fontawesome-pro-5.15.3-web\css\v4-shims.min.css compiled (49876f4f626c8cf1d50e)
asset MaterialIcons-Regular.194d1b9ef54d0014b3c4.ttf 311 KiB ({396}) [cached] [from: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\material-design-icons-iconfont\dist\fonts\MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf] (auxiliary name: child)
asset MaterialIcons-Regular.aef30bd507a35c7688c7.woff 144 KiB ({396}) [cached] [from: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\material-design-icons-iconfont\dist\fonts\MaterialIcons-Regular.woff] (auxiliary name: child)
asset MaterialIcons-Regular.c4dac66977e8a757a3ca.eot 128 KiB ({396}) [cached] [from: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\material-design-icons-iconfont\dist\fonts\MaterialIcons-Regular.eot] (auxiliary name: child)
asset MaterialIcons-Regular.1f0f6cdb23348c639cc5.woff2 112 KiB ({396}) [cached] [from: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\material-design-icons-iconfont\dist\fonts\MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2] (auxiliary name: child)
Entrypoint child = 4 auxiliary assets
chunk {396} (runtime: child) (child) 734 KiB (javascript) 937 bytes (runtime) [entry] [rendered]
runtime modules 937 bytes 4 modules
dependent modules 1.57 KiB [dependent] 1 module
./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[2]!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[0]!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[1]!./libs/client/ui/src/lib/styles/global/styles.scss [109] 732 KiB {396} [built] [code generated]
Statement (VariableDeclaration) with side effects in source code at 3:0-84
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module uses module.id
entry !!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\css-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\postcss-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[2]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\resolve-url-loader\index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[0]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\sass-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\libs\client\ui\src\lib\styles\global\styles.scss child
used as library export
LOG from webpack.Compiler
<t> make hook: 41166.3818 ms
<t> finish make hook: 0.0102 ms
<t> finish compilation: 0.1623 ms
<t> seal compilation: 3.2496 ms
<t> afterCompile hook: 0.0139 ms
LOG from webpack.FlagDependencyExportsPlugin
<t> restore cached provided exports: 0.0139 ms
<t> figure out provided exports: 0.0267 ms
50% of exports of modules have been determined (1 no declared exports, 1 not cached, 0 flagged uncacheable, 0 from cache, 0 additional calculations due to dependencies)
<t> store provided exports into cache: 0.0127 ms
LOG from webpack.InnerGraphPlugin
<t> infer dependency usage: 0.0199 ms
LOG from webpack.Compilation
<t> finish modules: 0.1351 ms
<t> report dependency errors and warnings: 0.0212 ms
<t> optimize dependencies: 0.085 ms
<t> create chunks: 0.08 ms
<t> optimize: 0.426 ms
2 modules hashed (1 variants per module in average)
<t> module hashing: 0.2209 ms
100% code generated (2 generated, 0 from cache)
<t> code generation: 0.4729 ms
<t> runtime requirements: 0.2175 ms
<t> hashing: initialize hash: 0.0009 ms
<t> hashing: sort chunks: 0.008 ms
<t> hashing: hash runtime modules: 0.2029 ms
<t> hashing: hash chunks: 0.2383 ms
<t> hashing: hash digest: 0.0124 ms
<t> hashing: process full hash modules: 0.0007 ms
<t> hashing: 0.4798 ms
100% code generated (4 generated, 0 from cache)
<t> record hash: 0.0035 ms
<t> module assets: 0.1353 ms
<t> create chunk assets: 0.2285 ms
<t> process assets: 0.7567 ms
LOG from webpack.SideEffectsFlagPlugin
<t> update dependencies: 0.0028 ms
LOG from webpack.FlagDependencyUsagePlugin
<t> initialize exports usage: 0.0032 ms
<t> trace exports usage in graph: 0.0565 ms
LOG from webpack.buildChunkGraph
<t> visitModules: prepare: 0.0076 ms
<t> visitModules: visiting: 0.0138 ms
4 queue items processed (2 blocks)
0 chunk groups connected
0 chunk groups processed for merging (0 module sets, 0 forked, 0 + 0 modules forked, 0 + 0 modules merged into fork, 0 resulting modules)
0 chunk group info updated (0 already connected chunk groups reconnected)
<t> visitModules: 0.0262 ms
<t> connectChunkGroups: 0.0013 ms
<t> cleanup: 0.0008 ms
LOG from webpack.ModuleConcatenationPlugin
<t> select relevant modules: 0.0074 ms
<t> sort relevant modules: 0.0005 ms
<t> find modules to concatenate: 0.0007 ms
<t> sort concat configurations: 0.0013 ms
<t> create concatenated modules: 0.0015 ms
+ 3 hidden lines
LOG from webpack.FileSystemInfo
2 new snapshots created
0% root snapshot uncached (0 / 0)
0% children snapshot uncached (0 / 0)
0 entries tested
File info in cache: 974 timestamps 315 hashes 315 timestamp hash combinations
File timestamp hash combination snapshot optimization: 0% (0/315) entries shared via 0 shared snapshots (0 times referenced)
Directory info in cache: 0 timestamps 0 hashes 0 timestamp hash combinations
Missing items snapshot optimization: 0% (0/664) entries shared via 0 shared snapshots (0 times referenced)
Managed items info in cache: 0 items
Child mini-css-extract-plugin C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\css-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\postcss-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[2]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\resolve-url-loader\index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[0]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\sass-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\libs\client\ui\src\lib\styles\global\styles.scss compiled (8ae9dd3eacf74d1b3070)
Entrypoint child =
chunk {396} (runtime: child) (child) 3.86 KiB (javascript) 937 bytes (runtime) [entry] [rendered]
runtime modules 937 bytes 4 modules
dependent modules 1.57 KiB [dependent] 1 module
./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[2]!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[0]!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[1]!./libs/shared/assets/fonts/Lato/lato.scss [226] 2.29 KiB {396} [built] [code generated]
Statement (VariableDeclaration) with side effects in source code at 3:0-84
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module uses module.id
entry !!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\css-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\postcss-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[2]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\resolve-url-loader\index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[0]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\sass-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\libs\shared\assets\fonts\Lato\lato.scss child
used as library export
LOG from webpack.Compiler
<t> make hook: 34522.3492 ms
<t> finish make hook: 0.0076 ms
<t> finish compilation: 0.207 ms
<t> seal compilation: 4.3199 ms
<t> afterCompile hook: 0.0134 ms
LOG from webpack.FlagDependencyExportsPlugin
<t> restore cached provided exports: 0.0274 ms
<t> figure out provided exports: 0.0306 ms
50% of exports of modules have been determined (1 no declared exports, 1 not cached, 0 flagged uncacheable, 0 from cache, 0 additional calculations due to dependencies)
<t> store provided exports into cache: 0.0235 ms
LOG from webpack.InnerGraphPlugin
<t> infer dependency usage: 0.0284 ms
LOG from webpack.Compilation
<t> finish modules: 0.1561 ms
<t> report dependency errors and warnings: 0.0443 ms
<t> optimize dependencies: 0.1102 ms
<t> create chunks: 0.1192 ms
<t> optimize: 0.3505 ms
2 modules hashed (1 variants per module in average)
<t> module hashing: 0.1243 ms
100% code generated (2 generated, 0 from cache)
<t> code generation: 0.4013 ms
<t> runtime requirements: 1.6789 ms
<t> hashing: initialize hash: 0.0011 ms
<t> hashing: sort chunks: 0.009 ms
<t> hashing: hash runtime modules: 0.1335 ms
<t> hashing: hash chunks: 0.5278 ms
<t> hashing: hash digest: 0.0118 ms
<t> hashing: process full hash modules: 0.0007 ms
<t> hashing: 0.6997 ms
100% code generated (4 generated, 0 from cache)
<t> record hash: 0.0058 ms
<t> module assets: 0.0141 ms
<t> create chunk assets: 0.4312 ms
<t> process assets: 0.1877 ms
LOG from webpack.SideEffectsFlagPlugin
<t> update dependencies: 0.0051 ms
LOG from webpack.FlagDependencyUsagePlugin
<t> initialize exports usage: 0.0051 ms
<t> trace exports usage in graph: 0.0778 ms
LOG from webpack.buildChunkGraph
<t> visitModules: prepare: 0.0184 ms
<t> visitModules: visiting: 0.0288 ms
4 queue items processed (2 blocks)
0 chunk groups connected
0 chunk groups processed for merging (0 module sets, 0 forked, 0 + 0 modules forked, 0 + 0 modules merged into fork, 0 resulting modules)
0 chunk group info updated (0 already connected chunk groups reconnected)
<t> visitModules: 0.0523 ms
<t> connectChunkGroups: 0.0012 ms
<t> cleanup: 0.0038 ms
LOG from webpack.ModuleConcatenationPlugin
<t> select relevant modules: 0.0076 ms
<t> sort relevant modules: 0.0005 ms
<t> find modules to concatenate: 0.0008 ms
<t> sort concat configurations: 0.0003 ms
<t> create concatenated modules: 0.0014 ms
+ 3 hidden lines
LOG from webpack.FileSystemInfo
2 new snapshots created
0% root snapshot uncached (0 / 0)
0% children snapshot uncached (0 / 0)
0 entries tested
File info in cache: 8 timestamps 8 hashes 8 timestamp hash combinations
File timestamp hash combination snapshot optimization: 0% (0/8) entries shared via 0 shared snapshots (0 times referenced)
Directory info in cache: 0 timestamps 0 hashes 0 timestamp hash combinations
Managed items info in cache: 0 items
Child mini-css-extract-plugin C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\css-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\postcss-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[2]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\resolve-url-loader\index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[0]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\sass-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\libs\shared\assets\fonts\Lato\lato.scss compiled (4c251920588255481720)
Entrypoint child =
chunk {396} (runtime: child) (child) 2.41 KiB (javascript) 937 bytes (runtime) [entry] [rendered]
runtime modules 937 bytes 4 modules
dependent modules 1.57 KiB [dependent] 1 module
./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[2]!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[0]!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[1]!./libs/shared/assets/fonts/Montserrat/montserrat.scss [509] 867 bytes {396} [built] [code generated]
Statement (VariableDeclaration) with side effects in source code at 3:0-84
ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module uses module.id
entry !!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\css-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\postcss-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[2]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\resolve-url-loader\index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[0]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\sass-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\libs\shared\assets\fonts\Montserrat\montserrat.scss child
used as library export
LOG from webpack.Compiler
<t> make hook: 38637.614 ms
<t> finish make hook: 0.0145 ms
<t> finish compilation: 0.1763 ms
<t> seal compilation: 4.1538 ms
<t> afterCompile hook: 0.0166 ms
LOG from webpack.FlagDependencyExportsPlugin
<t> restore cached provided exports: 0.0167 ms
<t> figure out provided exports: 0.0422 ms
50% of exports of modules have been determined (1 no declared exports, 1 not cached, 0 flagged uncacheable, 0 from cache, 0 additional calculations due to dependencies)
<t> store provided exports into cache: 0.0162 ms
LOG from webpack.InnerGraphPlugin
<t> infer dependency usage: 0.0246 ms
LOG from webpack.Compilation
<t> finish modules: 0.1424 ms
<t> report dependency errors and warnings: 0.0262 ms
<t> optimize dependencies: 1.362 ms
<t> create chunks: 0.1979 ms
<t> optimize: 0.5672 ms
2 modules hashed (1 variants per module in average)
<t> module hashing: 0.152 ms
100% code generated (2 generated, 0 from cache)
<t> code generation: 0.4773 ms
<t> runtime requirements: 0.2949 ms
<t> hashing: initialize hash: 0.0012 ms
<t> hashing: sort chunks: 0.0077 ms
<t> hashing: hash runtime modules: 0.2333 ms
<t> hashing: hash chunks: 0.2325 ms
<t> hashing: hash digest: 0.0123 ms
<t> hashing: process full hash modules: 0.0008 ms
<t> hashing: 0.504 ms
100% code generated (4 generated, 0 from cache)
<t> record hash: 0.0044 ms
<t> module assets: 0.0114 ms
<t> create chunk assets: 0.2533 ms
<t> process assets: 0.1825 ms
LOG from webpack.SideEffectsFlagPlugin
<t> update dependencies: 0.0028 ms
LOG from webpack.FlagDependencyUsagePlugin
<t> initialize exports usage: 0.0018 ms
<t> trace exports usage in graph: 1.3274 ms
LOG from webpack.buildChunkGraph
<t> visitModules: prepare: 0.0156 ms
<t> visitModules: visiting: 0.0301 ms
4 queue items processed (2 blocks)
0 chunk groups connected
0 chunk groups processed for merging (0 module sets, 0 forked, 0 + 0 modules forked, 0 + 0 modules merged into fork, 0 resulting modules)
0 chunk group info updated (0 already connected chunk groups reconnected)
<t> visitModules: 0.0604 ms
<t> connectChunkGroups: 0.0014 ms
<t> cleanup: 0.0009 ms
LOG from webpack.ModuleConcatenationPlugin
<t> select relevant modules: 0.0148 ms
<t> sort relevant modules: 0.0006 ms
<t> find modules to concatenate: 0.001 ms
<t> sort concat configurations: 0.0003 ms
<t> create concatenated modules: 0.0055 ms
+ 3 hidden lines
LOG from webpack.FileSystemInfo
2 new snapshots created
0% root snapshot uncached (0 / 0)
0% children snapshot uncached (0 / 0)
0 entries tested
File info in cache: 2 timestamps 2 hashes 2 timestamp hash combinations
File timestamp hash combination snapshot optimization: 0% (0/2) entries shared via 0 shared snapshots (0 times referenced)
Directory info in cache: 0 timestamps 0 hashes 0 timestamp hash combinations
Managed items info in cache: 0 items
Child mini-css-extract-plugin C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\css-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\postcss-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[0].oneOf[1].use[2]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\resolve-url-loader\index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[0]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\sass-loader\dist\cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[4].rules[1].use[1]!C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\libs\shared\assets\fonts\Montserrat\montserrat.scss compiled (f6488b95737aa8417699)
LOG from webpack.Compiler
<t> make hook: 134648.0623 ms
<t> finish make hook: 0.0903 ms
<t> finish compilation: 385.5754 ms
<t> seal compilation: 4406153.2833 ms
<t> afterCompile hook: 0.182 ms
<t> emitAssets: 197.5605 ms
<t> emitRecords: 0.1039 ms
<t> done hook: 2.6536 ms
<t> beginIdle: 995378.05 ms
LOG from webpack.FlagDependencyExportsPlugin
<t> restore cached provided exports: 20.432 ms
<t> figure out provided exports: 185.2857 ms
92% of exports of modules have been determined (490 no declared exports, 5652 not cached, 2 flagged uncacheable, 0 from cache, 433 additional calculations due to dependencies)
<t> store provided exports into cache: 23.3667 ms
LOG from webpack.InnerGraphPlugin
<t> infer dependency usage: 94.8492 ms
LOG from webpack.Compilation
<t> finish modules: 258.5075 ms
<t> report dependency errors and warnings: 127.0386 ms
<t> optimize dependencies: 1210519.9758 ms
<t> create chunks: 437340.9601 ms
<t> optimize: 740597.5044 ms
1815 modules hashed (0.3 variants per module in average)
<t> module hashing: 1092861.3375 ms
100% code generated (1815 generated, 0 from cache)
<t> code generation: 745790.07 ms
<t> runtime requirements: 13.7604 ms
<t> hashing: initialize hash: 0.0078 ms
<t> hashing: hash child compilations: 0.0132 ms
<t> hashing: hash warnings: 0.0664 ms
<t> hashing: sort chunks: 0.1174 ms
<t> hashing: hash runtime modules: 11.3079 ms
<t> hashing: hash chunks: 11.3404 ms
<t> hashing: hash digest: 0.0453 ms
<t> hashing: process full hash modules: 0.0013 ms
<t> hashing: 30.7153 ms
100% code generated (16 generated, 0 from cache)
<t> record hash: 0.1211 ms
<t> module assets: 2.1787 ms
<t> create chunk assets: 26.8791 ms
<t> process assets: 178935.0691 ms
LOG from webpack.SideEffectsFlagPlugin
<t> update dependencies: 653278.7303 ms
LOG from webpack.FlagDependencyUsagePlugin
<t> initialize exports usage: 9.2907 ms
<t> trace exports usage in graph: 557229.5498 ms
LOG from webpack.buildChunkGraph
<t> visitModules: prepare: 412347.0411 ms
<t> visitModules: visiting: 19331.3667 ms
<t> visitModules: calculating available modules: 0.8635 ms
<t> visitModules: merging available modules: 0.365 ms
<t> visitModules: check modules for revisit: 0.1819 ms
<t> visitModules: visiting: 2817.5766 ms
<t> visitModules: calculating available modules: 1.3107 ms
<t> visitModules: merging available modules: 0.6361 ms
<t> visitModules: check modules for revisit: 0.0088 ms
<t> visitModules: visiting: 2794.8884 ms
<t> visitModules: calculating available modules: 0.9804 ms
<t> visitModules: merging available modules: 5.0778 ms
<t> visitModules: check modules for revisit: 0.3036 ms
<t> visitModules: visiting: 0.4363 ms
<t> visitModules: visiting: 0.6546 ms
20763 queue items processed (9469 blocks)
135 chunk groups connected
103 chunk groups processed for merging (135 module sets, 25 forked, 27332 + 0 modules forked, 30248 + 0 modules merged into fork, 23097 resulting modules)
101 chunk group info updated (0 already connected chunk groups reconnected)
<t> visitModules: 437303.386 ms
<t> connectChunkGroups: 0.6187 ms
<t> cleanup: 0.2696 ms
LOG from webpack.SplitChunksPlugin
<t> prepare: 0.0865 ms
<t> modules: 76.0577 ms
<t> queue: 22.2709 ms
<t> maxSize: 0.074 ms
LOG from webpack.ModuleConcatenationPlugin
<t> select relevant modules: 23.7449 ms
<t> sort relevant modules: 2.9657 ms
<t> find modules to concatenate: 537607.2245 ms
<t> sort concat configurations: 0.3893 ms
<t> create concatenated modules: 293.2954 ms
+ 3 hidden lines
LOG from webpack.FileSystemInfo
6127 new snapshots created
0% root snapshot uncached (0 / 0)
0% children snapshot uncached (0 / 0)
0 entries tested
File info in cache: 5553 timestamps 5553 hashes 5553 timestamp hash combinations
File timestamp hash combination snapshot optimization: 36% (9667/26595) entries shared via 550 shared snapshots (1151 times referenced)
Directory info in cache: 1 timestamps 0 hashes 0 timestamp hash combinations
Directory timestamp snapshot optimization: 0% (0/1) entries shared via 0 shared snapshots (0 times referenced)
Managed items info in cache: 151 items
Managed items snapshot optimization: 28% (3967/14283) entries shared via 29 shared snapshots (1212 times referenced)
Managed files snapshot optimization: 71% (26361/36890) entries shared via 52 shared snapshots (2078 times referenced)
Managed contexts snapshot optimization: 0% (0/1) entries shared via 0 shared snapshots (0 times referenced)
WARNING in C:/Users/philipp.john/Projects/redngapps/libs/client-newclient/src/app/feature/patient/patient.acquisitionModal/patient.acquisitionModal.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 10.00 kB was not met by 2.36 kB with a total of 12.36 kB.
WARNING in C:/Users/philipp.john/Projects/redngapps/libs/client/datenerfassung-editors/feature/src/lib/ebm-editor/ebm-editor.component.scss exceeded maximum budget. Budget 10.00 kB was not met by 2.62 kB with a total of 12.62 kB.
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\core\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\browser\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\core\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\browser\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\core\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\browser\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\hub\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\browser\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\hub\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\browser\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\minimal\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\browser\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\utils\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\browser\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\utils\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\browser\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\utils\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\browser\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\utils\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\@sentry\browser\node_modules\tslib\tslib.es6.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\asn1.js\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\asn1.js\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\diffie-hellman\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\diffie-hellman\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\elliptic\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\elliptic\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\elliptic\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\elliptic\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\elliptic\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\elliptic\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\elliptic\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\elliptic\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\elliptic\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\hash-base\node_modules\safe-buffer\index.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\browserify-sign\node_modules\safe-buffer\index.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\miller-rabin\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\public-encrypt\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\public-encrypt\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
WARNING in [DedupeModuleResolvePlugin]: C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\public-encrypt\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js -> C:\Users\philipp.john\Projects\redngapps\node_modules\create-ecdh\node_modules\bn.js\lib\bn.js
2022-05-19 09:56:56: webpack 5.50.0 compiled in 4588623 ms (825990bb2576b0985e92)
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Build at: 2022-05-19T08:14:19.305Z - Hash: 825990bb2576b0985e92 - Time: 5631073ms
> NX SUCCESS Running target "build" succeeded
nx report:
> NX Report complete - copy this into the issue template
Node : 16.13.2
OS : darwin x64
npm : 8.1.2
nx : 12.10.1
@nrwl/angular : 12.10.1
@nrwl/cli : 12.10.1
@nrwl/cypress : 12.10.1
@nrwl/devkit : 12.10.1
@nrwl/eslint-plugin-nx : 12.10.1
@nrwl/express : Not Found
@nrwl/jest : 12.10.1
@nrwl/linter : 12.10.1
@nrwl/nest : Not Found
@nrwl/next : Not Found
@nrwl/node : Not Found
@nrwl/nx-cloud : Not Found
@nrwl/react : Not Found
@nrwl/schematics : Not Found
@nrwl/tao : 12.10.1
@nrwl/web : Not Found
@nrwl/workspace : 12.10.1
@nrwl/storybook : 12.10.1
@nrwl/gatsby : Not Found
typescript : 4.3.5
The client’s project.json:
"root": "apps/client",
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"options": {
"lintFilePatterns": ["apps/client/src/**/*.ts", "apps/client/src/**/*.html"]
"tags": ["app", "scope:client"]
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created a year ago
- Comments:10 (3 by maintainers)
Top GitHub Comments
I’d reiterate what @deefactorial recommended here https://github.com/nrwl/nx/issues/10339#issuecomment-1132302988. The issue is most likely related to circular dependencies. The
ESLint rule is a pretty handy and important one to keep your workspace in a good health.Thank you for your answer @deefactorial. We are actively working on this task to re-enable the nx-enforce-module-boundaries. This is one point we want to eliminate as a reason for the bad build performance.