How can I dynamically overlay an HTML table that aligns directly and scales with the image?
See original GitHub issueThis is an amazing library, thanks very much for all the work. I have a large dzi image (height: 13947, width: 64545) that displays perfectly. I’d like to dynamically overlay the image with an HTML table (made up of 300x300px cells with different colors and opacities) that scales with the image, and I just can’t figure out how to do it.
I’ve tried scaling the table with “transform” using the width of my containing div and the image width, but the transform doesn’t seem to make a difference. The image and the table remain at vastly different scales. I’ve tried several of the techniques for creating overlays, but am stuck. Any help would be appreciated!
Here is my image:
Here is my test code:
<button id="toggle-overlay">Toggle overlay</button>
<div id="osd" style="width: 98vw; height: 55vw; "></div>
$(document).ready( function() { // $(document).on( "ready", handler ), deprecated as of jQuery 1.8 and removed in jQuery 3.0, use anonymous function
var Format="jpeg", TileSize=300, Height=13947, Width=64545;
var options = { /*debugMode: true,*/
id: 'osd',
prefixUrl: 'openseadragon/images/',
tileSources: 'dz/lgtst.dzi',
homeFillsViewer: false,
defaultZoomLevel: 0,
showNavigator: true,
navigatorAutoFade: false,
crossOriginPolicy: "Anonymous" // see, fix for CORS issue
var viewer = OpenSeadragon( options );
function constructTable( width, height, rows, cols, tilesize ) {
var table = document.createElement("table"); // html table = width; = height;
for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++ ) {
var row = document.createElement("tr");
for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
var cell = document.createElement("td");
cell.width = tilesize;
cell.height = tilesize; = "rgba(255,0,0,0.4)";
cell.innerHTML = "<p>C" + c + "</p><br\>" + "<p>R" + r + "</p>";
return table;
var cols = Math.ceil( Width / TileSize );
var rows = Math.ceil( Height / TileSize );
var osdTable = constructTable( Width, Height, rows, cols, TileSize ); = "osd-runtime-table";
var targetScale = $("#osd").width() / Width; = "scale(" + targetScale + ")";
var overlay = false;
$("#toggle-overlay").click( function() {
if (overlay) {
viewer.removeOverlay( osdTable );
} else {
element: osdTable,
location: viewer.viewport.imageToViewportRectangle( new OpenSeadragon.Rect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) )
//placement: OpenSeadragon.Placement.TOP_LEFT
overlay = !overlay;
Here is the image with the overlay toggled on:
For a 13947x64545px image, each red box at 300x300px should be tiny at this scale, but visually, things are way off. I’m not sure I’m adding the overlay to the viewer with location
properly and I’m just not getting how to make the image and the overlay on the same scale - any help appreciated!
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- Created 5 years ago
- Comments:7 (2 by maintainers)
Top GitHub Comments
Very good, Ian, thanks for the great suggestion, I will look into using SVG, thanks!
@timisonyourside Here is the code pin
Html Canvas line scales along with the image
Steps to analyse the above code-pin Step1: on Mouse press draw the line on openseadragon image. Step2: Zoom-in and Zoom-out .the line remain in the same position.