Plotly and cufflinks are not working with jupyter notebook
See original GitHub issueHello,
I have used plotyly in my jupyter notebook before today and it worked just fine. But now, it is no longer working
Here is the code which I ran to launch plotly and cufflinks in my jupyter notebook:
import plotly.plotly as py
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
import cufflinks as cf
And when I tried to run this code:
train['Fare'].iplot(kind = 'hist', bins = 30)
it gave this error:
Aw, snap! We don't have an account for ''. Want to try again? You can authenticate with your email address or username. Sign in is not case sensitive.
Don't have an account?
PlotlyError: Because you didn't supply a 'file_id' in the call, we're assuming you're trying to snag a figure from a url. You supplied the url, '', we expected it to start with ''.
Run help on this function for more information.
I have tried every possible way I know to fix this. Any other useful suggestion will be appreciated.
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 6 years ago
- Reactions:4
- Comments:16 (6 by maintainers)
step 1 : Create an account on Plotly Step 2 : Generate an API, which is under settings Step 3: Please insert your username and api key and run the following code import plotly’ ‘, api_key=’ ')
my same problem was solved by cf.go_offline() instead of cf.go_offline