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Slow performance with plotly chart builder

See original GitHub issue

Hello all, I need to use plotly as the backend of a microservice who generates charts dynamically. Unfortunately, after a little benchmarking, I found that the framework is very slow (around 5 secs to generate a chart from 500 lines dataset).

Here is the script I use to generate a scatter matrix:

import sys
import os
import traceback
import json
import time
input = json.loads('{\"file\":\"/tmp/data.tsv",\"color\":\"club_country\",\"dimensions\":[\"nolo\",\"tolo\",\"yolo\"]}')
def action():
    def run():
        import as px
        from pandas import read_csv
        color = None if input['color'] == "" else input['color']
        first = time.time()
        d = read_csv(input['file'], sep='\t')
        second = time.time()
        fig = px.scatter_matrix(d, dimensions=input['dimensions'], color=color)
        third = time.time()
        j = fig.to_json()
        fourth = time.time()
        print('read: ' + str(second - first))
        print('plot: ' + str(third - second))
        print('json: ' + str(fourth - third))
        return j
    import time
    for i in range(0, 3):
        start = time.time()
        result = run()
        end = time.time()
        print('iteration: ' + str(i) + '\ntime: ' + str(end - start))
    return result
result = None
    result = { 'outcome': action() }
except Exception as e:
    result = { 'error': str(e) }
resultDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
resultFile = open(resultDir + '/result.json', 'w')
json.dump(result, resultFile)

from the dataset:

and this is the report with timing:


  1. Is there any tweak I can implement to improve performances?
  2. Do you plan to focus on speed for the following releases?

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Comments:7 (2 by maintainers)

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jvddcommented, Jun 6, 2022

Hey @ievgennaida,

I ran your code snippet on my PC, and it finished in 2.866 seconds. The largest chunk (> 90%) of that time is bcs of the px.scatter.

I also tried for my use-case (scattering a lot of points; in the following test example there are 2 million points). However, when comparing against plotly.grah_objects, I observe that px.scatter is 100x slower than its plotly.graph_objects equivalent.


When further line-profiling px.scatter for this simple use-case (i.e., plotting 1 large sequence), I observed that most of the time is used because of a groupby operation. As far as I know such operation is not required for creating a scatter plot of 1D array?

If you would wonder why I am interested in this; for plotly-resampler I am looking to create a registration method that adds scalability (under the hood) to the interface (see However, it seems that is significantly slower than plotly its graph_objects interface. I would love to hear some more adivce on how to consume the functionality efficiently for very large scatter / line plots?

Profiling of px.scatter:

x = np.arange(2_000_000)

%lprun -f px._core.make_figure px.scatter(x)  # line-profile the make_figure function

Profiling result

plotly==5.8.0 python==3.8.10

Timer unit: 1e-06 s

Total time: 18.0257 s
File: /home/jeroen/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/plotly/express/
Function: make_figure at line 1943

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
  1943                                           def make_figure(args, constructor, trace_patch=None, layout_patch=None):
  1944         1         75.0     75.0      0.0      trace_patch = trace_patch or {}
  1945         1          6.0      6.0      0.0      layout_patch = layout_patch or {}
  1946         1       1691.0   1691.0      0.0      apply_default_cascade(args)
  1948         1    1035154.0 1035154.0      5.7      args = build_dataframe(args, constructor)
  1949         1        602.0    602.0      0.0      if constructor in [go.Treemap, go.Sunburst, go.Icicle] and args["path"] is not None:
  1950                                                   args = process_dataframe_hierarchy(args)
  1951         1          8.0      8.0      0.0      if constructor == "timeline":
  1952                                                   constructor = go.Bar
  1953                                                   args = process_dataframe_timeline(args)
  1955         2       3157.0   1578.5      0.0      trace_specs, grouped_mappings, sizeref, show_colorbar = infer_config(
  1956         1          8.0      8.0      0.0          args, constructor, trace_patch, layout_patch
  1957                                               )
  1958         1         24.0     24.0      0.0      grouper = [x.grouper or one_group for x in grouped_mappings] or [one_group]
  1959         1    3078711.0 3078711.0     17.1      grouped = args["data_frame"].groupby(grouper, sort=False)
  1961         1   10608398.0 10608398.0     58.9      orders, sorted_group_names = get_orderings(args, grouper, grouped)
  1963         1          6.0      6.0      0.0      col_labels = []
  1964         1          3.0      3.0      0.0      row_labels = []
  1965         1          4.0      4.0      0.0      nrows = ncols = 1
  1966         6         26.0      4.3      0.0      for m in grouped_mappings:
  1967         5         23.0      4.6      0.0          if m.grouper not in orders:
  1968         4         22.0      5.5      0.0              m.val_map[""] = m.sequence[0]
  1969                                                   else:
  1970         1          4.0      4.0      0.0              sorted_values = orders[m.grouper]
  1971         1          5.0      5.0      0.0              if m.facet == "col":
  1972                                                           prefix = get_label(args, args["facet_col"]) + "="
  1973                                                           col_labels = [prefix + str(s) for s in sorted_values]
  1974                                                           ncols = len(col_labels)
  1975         1          4.0      4.0      0.0              if m.facet == "row":
  1976                                                           prefix = get_label(args, args["facet_row"]) + "="
  1977                                                           row_labels = [prefix + str(s) for s in sorted_values]
  1978                                                           nrows = len(row_labels)
  1979         2          9.0      4.5      0.0              for val in sorted_values:
  1980         1          5.0      5.0      0.0                  if val not in m.val_map:  # always False if it's an IdentityMap
  1981         1         10.0     10.0      0.0                      m.val_map[val] = m.sequence[len(m.val_map) % len(m.sequence)]
  1983         1       1749.0   1749.0      0.0      subplot_type = _subplot_type_for_trace_type(constructor().type)
  1985         1         14.0     14.0      0.0      trace_names_by_frame = {}
  1986         1         13.0     13.0      0.0      frames = OrderedDict()
  1987         1          8.0      8.0      0.0      trendline_rows = []
  1988         1          8.0      8.0      0.0      trace_name_labels = None
  1989         1         14.0     14.0      0.0      facet_col_wrap = args.get("facet_col_wrap", 0)
  1990         2         19.0      9.5      0.0      for group_name in sorted_group_names:
  1991         1    2456203.0 2456203.0     13.6          group = grouped.get_group(group_name if len(group_name) > 1 else group_name[0])
  1992         1         20.0     20.0      0.0          mapping_labels = OrderedDict()
  1993         1          9.0      9.0      0.0          trace_name_labels = OrderedDict()
  1994         1          8.0      8.0      0.0          frame_name = ""
  1995         6         55.0      9.2      0.0          for col, val, m in zip(grouper, group_name, grouped_mappings):
  1996         5         31.0      6.2      0.0              if col != one_group:
  1997         1         45.0     45.0      0.0                  key = get_label(args, col)
  1998         1         25.0     25.0      0.0                  if not isinstance(m.val_map, IdentityMap):
  1999         1         15.0     15.0      0.0                      mapping_labels[key] = str(val)
  2000         1          5.0      5.0      0.0                      if m.show_in_trace_name:
  2001         1          4.0      4.0      0.0                          trace_name_labels[key] = str(val)
  2002         1          4.0      4.0      0.0                  if m.variable == "animation_frame":
  2003                                                               frame_name = val
  2004         1         19.0     19.0      0.0          trace_name = ", ".join(trace_name_labels.values())
  2005         1         10.0     10.0      0.0          if frame_name not in trace_names_by_frame:
  2006         1         11.0     11.0      0.0              trace_names_by_frame[frame_name] = set()
  2007         1          4.0      4.0      0.0          trace_names = trace_names_by_frame[frame_name]
  2009         2         13.0      6.5      0.0          for trace_spec in trace_specs:
  2010                                                       # Create the trace
  2011         1        653.0    653.0      0.0              trace = trace_spec.constructor(name=trace_name)
  2012         2         23.0     11.5      0.0              if trace_spec.constructor not in [
  2013         1        286.0    286.0      0.0                  go.Parcats,
  2014         1        213.0    213.0      0.0                  go.Parcoords,
  2015         1        167.0    167.0      0.0                  go.Choropleth,
  2016         1         64.0     64.0      0.0                  go.Choroplethmapbox,
  2017         1         70.0     70.0      0.0                  go.Densitymapbox,
  2018         1         92.0     92.0      0.0                  go.Histogram2d,
  2019         1        170.0    170.0      0.0                  go.Sunburst,
  2020         1        142.0    142.0      0.0                  go.Treemap,
  2021         1        147.0    147.0      0.0                  go.Icicle,
  2022                                                       ]:
  2023         2       2045.0   1022.5      0.0                  trace.update(
  2024         1          4.0      4.0      0.0                      legendgroup=trace_name,
  2025         1          7.0      7.0      0.0                      showlegend=(trace_name != "" and trace_name not in trace_names),
  2026                                                           )
  2027         1        789.0    789.0      0.0              if trace_spec.constructor in [go.Bar, go.Violin, go.Box, go.Histogram]:
  2028                                                           trace.update(alignmentgroup=True, offsetgroup=trace_name)
  2029         1          5.0      5.0      0.0              trace_names.add(trace_name)
  2031                                                       # Init subplot row/col
  2032         1         12.0     12.0      0.0              trace._subplot_row = 1
  2033         1          5.0      5.0      0.0              trace._subplot_col = 1
  2035         6         57.0      9.5      0.0              for i, m in enumerate(grouped_mappings):
  2036         5         44.0      8.8      0.0                  val = group_name[i]
  2037         5         41.0      8.2      0.0                  try:
  2038         5       5480.0   1096.0      0.0                      m.updater(trace, m.val_map[val])  # covers most cases
  2039                                                           except ValueError:
  2040                                                               # this catches some odd cases like marginals
  2041                                                               if (
  2042                                                                   trace_spec != trace_specs[0]
  2043                                                                   and (
  2044                                                                       trace_spec.constructor in [go.Violin, go.Box]
  2045                                                                       and m.variable in ["symbol", "pattern", "dash"]
  2046                                                                   )
  2047                                                                   or (
  2048                                                                       trace_spec.constructor in [go.Histogram]
  2049                                                                       and m.variable in ["symbol", "dash"]
  2050                                                                   )
  2051                                                               ):
  2052                                                                   pass
  2053                                                               elif (
  2054                                                                   trace_spec != trace_specs[0]
  2055                                                                   and trace_spec.constructor in [go.Histogram]
  2056                                                                   and m.variable == "color"
  2057                                                               ):
  2058                                                                   trace.update(marker=dict(color=m.val_map[val]))
  2059                                                               elif (
  2060                                                                   trace_spec.constructor in [go.Choropleth, go.Choroplethmapbox]
  2061                                                                   and m.variable == "color"
  2062                                                               ):
  2063                                                                   trace.update(
  2064                                                                       z=[1] * len(group),
  2065                                                                       colorscale=[m.val_map[val]] * 2,
  2066                                                                       showscale=False,
  2067                                                                       showlegend=True,
  2068                                                                   )
  2069                                                               else:
  2070                                                                   raise
  2072                                                           # Find row for trace, handling facet_row and marginal_x
  2073         5         79.0     15.8      0.0                  if m.facet == "row":
  2074         1          7.0      7.0      0.0                      row = m.val_map[val]
  2075                                                           else:
  2076         4         74.0     18.5      0.0                      if (
  2077         4         54.0     13.5      0.0                          args.get("marginal_x") is not None  # there is a marginal
  2078                                                                   and trace_spec.marginal != "x"  # and we're not it
  2079                                                               ):
  2080                                                                   row = 2
  2081                                                               else:
  2082         4         39.0      9.8      0.0                          row = 1
  2084                                                           # Find col for trace, handling facet_col and marginal_y
  2085         5         84.0     16.8      0.0                  if m.facet == "col":
  2086         1          9.0      9.0      0.0                      col = m.val_map[val]
  2087         1          9.0      9.0      0.0                      if facet_col_wrap:  # assumes no facet_row, no marginals
  2088                                                                   row = 1 + ((col - 1) // facet_col_wrap)
  2089                                                                   col = 1 + ((col - 1) % facet_col_wrap)
  2090                                                           else:
  2091         4         55.0     13.8      0.0                      if trace_spec.marginal == "y":
  2092                                                                   col = 2
  2093                                                               else:
  2094         4         55.0     13.8      0.0                          col = 1
  2096         5         69.0     13.8      0.0                  if row > 1:
  2097                                                               trace._subplot_row = row
  2099         5         60.0     12.0      0.0                  if col > 1:
  2100                                                               trace._subplot_col = col
  2101         1         13.0     13.0      0.0              if (
  2102         1        291.0    291.0      0.0                  trace_specs[0].constructor == go.Histogram2dContour
  2103                                                           and trace_spec.constructor == go.Box
  2104                                                           and trace.line.color
  2105                                                       ):
  2106                                                           trace.update(marker=dict(color=trace.line.color))
  2108         1         11.0     11.0      0.0              if "ecdfmode" in args:
  2109                                                           base = args["x"] if args["orientation"] == "v" else args["y"]
  2110                                                           var = args["x"] if args["orientation"] == "h" else args["y"]
  2111                                                           ascending = args.get("ecdfmode", "standard") != "reversed"
  2112                                                           group = group.sort_values(by=base, ascending=ascending)
  2113                                                           group_sum = group[var].sum()  # compute here before next line mutates
  2114                                                           group[var] = group[var].cumsum()
  2115                                                           if not ascending:
  2116                                                               group = group.sort_values(by=base, ascending=True)
  2118                                                           if args.get("ecdfmode", "standard") == "complementary":
  2119                                                               group[var] = group_sum - group[var]
  2121                                                           if args["ecdfnorm"] == "probability":
  2122                                                               group[var] = group[var] / group_sum
  2123                                                           elif args["ecdfnorm"] == "percent":
  2124                                                               group[var] = 100.0 * group[var] / group_sum
  2126         2      10811.0   5405.5      0.1              patch, fit_results = make_trace_kwargs(
  2127         1         13.0     13.0      0.0                  args, trace_spec, group, mapping_labels.copy(), sizeref
  2128                                                       )
  2129         1      35173.0  35173.0      0.2              trace.update(patch)
  2130         1         10.0     10.0      0.0              if fit_results is not None:
  2131                                                           trendline_rows.append(mapping_labels.copy())
  2132                                                           trendline_rows[-1]["px_fit_results"] = fit_results
  2133         1          9.0      9.0      0.0              if frame_name not in frames:
  2134         1         24.0     24.0      0.0                  frames[frame_name] = dict(data=[], name=frame_name)
  2135         1         13.0     13.0      0.0              frames[frame_name]["data"].append(trace)
  2136         1         24.0     24.0      0.0      frame_list = [f for f in frames.values()]
  2137         1         11.0     11.0      0.0      if len(frame_list) > 1:
  2138                                                   frame_list = sorted(
  2139                                                       frame_list, key=lambda f: orders[args["animation_frame"]].index(f["name"])
  2140                                                   )
  2142         1          7.0      7.0      0.0      if show_colorbar:
  2143                                                   colorvar = "z" if constructor in [go.Histogram2d, go.Densitymapbox] else "color"
  2144                                                   range_color = args["range_color"] or [None, None]
  2146                                                   colorscale_validator = ColorscaleValidator("colorscale", "make_figure")
  2147                                                   layout_patch["coloraxis1"] = dict(
  2148                                                       colorscale=colorscale_validator.validate_coerce(
  2149                                                           args["color_continuous_scale"]
  2150                                                       ),
  2151                                                       cmid=args["color_continuous_midpoint"],
  2152                                                       cmin=range_color[0],
  2153                                                       cmax=range_color[1],
  2154                                                       colorbar=dict(
  2155                                                           title_text=get_decorated_label(args, args[colorvar], colorvar)
  2156                                                       ),
  2157                                                   )
  2158         3         25.0      8.3      0.0      for v in ["height", "width"]:
  2159         2         17.0      8.5      0.0          if args[v]:
  2160                                                       layout_patch[v] = args[v]
  2161         1         10.0     10.0      0.0      layout_patch["legend"] = dict(tracegroupgap=0)
  2162         1          7.0      7.0      0.0      if trace_name_labels:
  2163         1         22.0     22.0      0.0          layout_patch["legend"]["title_text"] = ", ".join(trace_name_labels)
  2164         1         43.0     43.0      0.0      if args["title"]:
  2165                                                   layout_patch["title_text"] = args["title"]
  2166         1        617.0    617.0      0.0      elif args["template"].layout.margin.t is None:
  2167         1         12.0     12.0      0.0          layout_patch["margin"] = {"t": 60}
  2168         2         14.0      7.0      0.0      if (
  2169         1          7.0      7.0      0.0          "size" in args
  2170         1          8.0      8.0      0.0          and args["size"]
  2171                                                   and args["template"].layout.legend.itemsizing is None
  2172                                               ):
  2173                                                   layout_patch["legend"]["itemsizing"] = "constant"
  2175         1         10.0     10.0      0.0      if facet_col_wrap:
  2176                                                   nrows = math.ceil(ncols / facet_col_wrap)
  2177                                                   ncols = min(ncols, facet_col_wrap)
  2179         1         11.0     11.0      0.0      if args.get("marginal_x") is not None:
  2180                                                   nrows += 1
  2182         1          8.0      8.0      0.0      if args.get("marginal_y") is not None:
  2183                                                   ncols += 1
  2185         2      76233.0  38116.5      0.4      fig = init_figure(
  2186         1          8.0      8.0      0.0          args, subplot_type, frame_list, nrows, ncols, col_labels, row_labels
  2187                                               )
  2189                                               # Position traces in subplots
  2190         2         18.0      9.0      0.0      for frame in frame_list:
  2191         2         14.0      7.0      0.0          for trace in frame["data"]:
  2192         1        338.0    338.0      0.0              if isinstance(trace, go.Splom):
  2193                                                           # Special case that is not compatible with make_subplots
  2194                                                           continue
  2196         2       2027.0   1013.5      0.0              _set_trace_grid_reference(
  2197         1         11.0     11.0      0.0                  trace,
  2198         1         79.0     79.0      0.0                  fig.layout,
  2199         1         13.0     13.0      0.0                  fig._grid_ref,
  2200         1         16.0     16.0      0.0                  nrows - trace._subplot_row + 1,
  2201         1         11.0     11.0      0.0                  trace._subplot_col,
  2202                                                       )
  2204                                               # Add traces, layout and frames to figure
  2205         1     493599.0 493599.0      2.7      fig.add_traces(frame_list[0]["data"] if len(frame_list) > 0 else [])
  2206         1      18070.0  18070.0      0.1      fig.update_layout(layout_patch)
  2207         1         24.0     24.0      0.0      if "template" in args and args["template"] is not None:
  2208         1     167201.0 167201.0      0.9          fig.update_layout(template=args["template"], overwrite=True)
  2209         1        150.0    150.0      0.0      fig.frames = frame_list if len(frames) > 1 else []
  2211         1         11.0     11.0      0.0      if args.get("trendline") and args.get("trendline_scope", "trace") == "overall":
  2212                                                   trendline_spec = make_trendline_spec(args, constructor)
  2213                                                   trendline_trace = trendline_spec.constructor(
  2214                                                       name="Overall Trendline", legendgroup="Overall Trendline", showlegend=False
  2215                                                   )
  2216                                                   if "line" not in trendline_spec.trace_patch:  # no color override
  2217                                                       for m in grouped_mappings:
  2218                                                           if m.variable == "color":
  2219                                                               next_color = m.sequence[len(m.val_map) % len(m.sequence)]
  2220                                                               trendline_spec.trace_patch["line"] = dict(color=next_color)
  2221                                                   patch, fit_results = make_trace_kwargs(
  2222                                                       args, trendline_spec, args["data_frame"], {}, sizeref
  2223                                                   )
  2224                                                   trendline_trace.update(patch)
  2225                                                   fig.add_trace(
  2226                                                       trendline_trace, row="all", col="all", exclude_empty_subplots=True
  2227                                                   )
  2228                                                   fig.update_traces(selector=-1, showlegend=True)
  2229                                                   if fit_results is not None:
  2230                                                       trendline_rows.append(dict(px_fit_results=fit_results))
  2232         1       2555.0   2555.0      0.0      fig._px_trendlines = pd.DataFrame(trendline_rows)
  2234         1      20715.0  20715.0      0.1      configure_axes(args, constructor, fig, orders)
  2235         1         14.0     14.0      0.0      configure_animation_controls(args, constructor, fig)
  2236         1          3.0      3.0      0.0      return fig
alpha-insitecommented, Jul 31, 2022

this think is horrendously slow w/ financial data of more than few years

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