VS Code Crashes: Assertion Failed!
See original GitHub issueSystem Details
To help diagnose your issue, the following details are helpful:
- OS: Windows 10 1809, Build 17763.503
- VS Code: 1.34
- PowerShell Extension: 1.12.1
- Output from
VSCode version: 1.34.0 a622c65b2c713c890fcf4fbf07cf34049d5fe758 x64
VSCode extensions:
andrzejzwierzchowski.al-code-outline@1.0.6 DotJoshJohnson.xml@2.4.0 file-icons.file-icons@1.0.17 heaths.vscode-guid@1.4.7 mikeburgh.xml-format@1.0.2 ms-dynamics-smb.al@3.0.126610 ms-vscode.cpptools@0.23.1 ms-vscode.powershell@1.12.1 ms-vsts.team@1.149.2 PKief.material-icon-theme@3.8.0 vsciot-vscode.vscode-arduino@0.2.25 waldo.crs-al-language-extension@1.1.3
PSES version:
PowerShell version:
Name Value
PSVersion 5.1.17763.503 PSEdition Desktop PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…} BuildVersion 10.0.17763.503 CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000 WSManStackVersion 3.0 PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3 SerializationVersion
Issue Description
I am experiencing a problem with the PowerShell Extension in VS Code. When I Restart VS Code while keeping a .ps1 file open in Editor the whole VSCode crashes.
Expected Behaviour
It shouldn’t crash
Actual Behaviour
- I get an Assertion error
- The VS Code crashes
This happens repeatedly, I can only fix this by disabling the Extension or renaming the ps1 file so it isn’t opened.
Attached Logs
All Logs from today logs.zip
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 4 years ago
- Comments:8
@SydneyhSmith VS-Code is closed because of the crashing and I simply click on the VSC Icon. The “Reopen”-Button has the same behaviour
@rjmholt uninstalling or disabeling the PowerShell Extension lets me start VSCode normally. But I want to use the Extension, so that is not an Option
I don’t know if #35117 is the same issue, I don’t use any zooming. Simply having a ps1-file still open when last closing VSCode generates this Problem ~80% of the time. I also have 4 colleagues who have the same issues.
Vs code Daily builds doesn’t have this problem
Den tor 13 juni 2019 22:17 skrev Sydney Smith notifications@github.com: