Pre-commit shallow cloning strategy fails to grab the tag (git itself does)
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As a user of ansible-lint reported that the hook reported its own version incorrectly as 0.1dev1
I had to research what happens. This allowed me to find #2354 and #1593 which reported the same kind of issue across different python projects using setuptools-scm.
I did look at the cloning logic of pre-commit tool which attempts to perform a shallow cloning first and only if this fails tries to make a full one. I manually repeated the steps and discovered that its operation does not created any local tags, so not surprise that any project using setuptools-scm would have wrong versioning:
Test using pre-commit internal cloning strategy
git init --template= ansible-lint
cd ansible-lint
git remote add origin
git -c protocol.version=2 fetch origin v6.8.7 --depth=1
git checkout FETCH_HEAD
git -c protocol.version=2 submodule update --init --recursive --depth=1
# done, now testing if we have any tags:
git tag --points-at HEAD
# ... ooops, no tag.
Test using official git shallow cloning:
git clone --depth=1 --branch v6.8.7
cd ansible-lint
git tag --points-at HEAD
# So it worked fine as tag is present!
As seen, is not the shallow-cloning that is the source of the problem but the absence of the tag . When using a single git command to clone, this is added, but with the more complex logic of pre-commit, this is not added.
I guess that this issue could be avoided by including the tag addition in pre-commit internal shallow cloning strategy.
pre-commit --version
- repo:
rev: v6.8.7
- id: ansible-lint
~/.cache/pre-commit/pre-commit.log (if present)
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- State:
- Created 10 months ago
- Comments:9 (4 by maintainers)
feel free to send a patch – but everything else seems to work fine without needing the actual tag metadata
clone --branch
doesn’t work becauserev
can be things other than named refs / branchesOh, I haven’t thought about it, that should work. Although, it wouldn’t be the same and may break expectations of some tools that would attempt to read something from that tag’s description.