Error with Lambda Function.
See original GitHub issueI have this error with the latest version:
[ERROR] KeyError: 'title'Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/task/", line 239, in lambda_handler return on_intent(event)
File "/var/task/", line 254, in on_intent return search(event)
File "/var/task/", line 931, in search next_url, title = get_url_and_title(id)
File "/var/task/", line 733, in get_url_and_title return get_url_and_title_pytube(id)
File "/var/task/", line 808, in get_url_and_title_pytube return first_stream.url, first_stream.player_config_args['title'] | [ERROR] KeyError: 'title' Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/task/", line 239, in lambda_handler return on_intent(event)
File "/var/task/", line 254, in on_intent return search(event)
File "/var/task/", line 931, in search next_url, title = get_url_and_title(id)
File "/var/task/", line 733, in get_url_and_title return get_url_and_title_pytube(id)
File "/var/task/", line 808, in get_url_and_title_pytube return first_stream.url, first_stream.player_config_args['title']
-- | --
With version 9.6.4 i don’t have any error but this:
2020-11-13T13:25:05.681+01:00Copia[INFO] 2020-11-13T12:25:05.681Z b90655af-e085-4495-96de-7feec91222ba Getting pytube url for | [INFO] 2020-11-13T12:25:05.681Z b90655af-e085-4495-96de-7feec91222ba Getting pytube url for
-- | --
| 2020-11-13T13:25:06.581+01:00Copia[INFO] 2020-11-13T12:25:06.581Z b90655af-e085-4495-96de-7feec91222ba Unable to get URL for gNgTXNrD82o | [INFO] 2020-11-13T12:25:06.581Z b90655af-e085-4495-96de-7feec91222ba Unable to get URL for gNgTXNrD82o
The Lambda File:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from os import environ
from urllib.error import HTTPError # python3
from urllib2 import HTTPError # python2
import logging
from random import shuffle, randrange
import requests
import re
import json
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import tz
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from strings import *
strings = strings_en
logger = logging.getLogger()
# --------------- Helpers that build all of the responses ----------------------
def build_speechlet_response(title, output, reprompt_text, should_end_session):
return {
'outputSpeech': {
'type': 'PlainText',
'text': output
'card': {
'type': 'Simple',
'title': title,
'content': output
'reprompt': {
'outputSpeech': {
'type': 'PlainText',
'text': reprompt_text
'shouldEndSession': should_end_session
def build_cardless_speechlet_response(output, reprompt_text, should_end_session, speech_type='PlainText'):
text_or_ssml = 'text'
if speech_type == 'SSML':
text_or_ssml = 'ssml'
return {
'outputSpeech': {
'type': speech_type,
text_or_ssml: output
'reprompt': {
'outputSpeech': {
'type': 'PlainText',
'text': reprompt_text
'shouldEndSession': should_end_session
def build_audio_or_video_response(title, output, should_end_session, url, token, offsetInMilliseconds=0):
if video_or_audio == [True, 'video']:
return build_video_response(title, output, url)
return build_audio_speechlet_response(title, output, should_end_session, url, token, offsetInMilliseconds=0)
def build_audio_speechlet_response(title, output, should_end_session, url, token, offsetInMilliseconds=0):
return {
'outputSpeech': {
'type': 'PlainText',
'text': output
'card': {
'type': 'Simple',
'title': title,
'content': output
'directives': [{
'type': 'AudioPlayer.Play',
'playBehavior': 'REPLACE_ALL',
'audioItem': {
'stream': {
'token': str(token),
'url': url,
'offsetInMilliseconds': offsetInMilliseconds
'shouldEndSession': should_end_session
def build_cardless_audio_speechlet_response(output, should_end_session, url, token, offsetInMilliseconds=0):
return {
'outputSpeech': {
'type': 'PlainText',
'text': output
'directives': [{
'type': 'AudioPlayer.Play',
'playBehavior': 'REPLACE_ALL',
'audioItem': {
'stream': {
'token': str(token),
'url': url,
'offsetInMilliseconds': offsetInMilliseconds
'shouldEndSession': should_end_session
def build_audio_enqueue_response(should_end_session, url, previous_token, next_token, playBehavior='ENQUEUE'):
to_return = {
'directives': [{
'type': 'AudioPlayer.Play',
'playBehavior': playBehavior,
'audioItem': {
'stream': {
'token': str(next_token),
'url': url,
'offsetInMilliseconds': 0
'shouldEndSession': should_end_session
if playBehavior == 'ENQUEUE':
to_return['directives'][0]['audioItem']['stream']['expectedPreviousToken'] = str(previous_token)
return to_return
def build_cancel_speechlet_response(title, output, should_end_session):
return {
'outputSpeech': {
'type': 'PlainText',
'text': output
'card': {
'type': 'Simple',
'title': title,
'content': output
'directives': [{
'type': 'AudioPlayer.ClearQueue',
'clearBehavior': "CLEAR_ALL"
'shouldEndSession': should_end_session
def build_stop_speechlet_response(output, should_end_session):
return {
'outputSpeech': {
'type': 'PlainText',
'text': output
'directives': [{
'type': 'AudioPlayer.Stop'
'shouldEndSession': should_end_session
def build_short_speechlet_response(output, should_end_session):
return {
'outputSpeech': {
'type': 'PlainText',
'text': output
'shouldEndSession': should_end_session
def build_response(speechlet_response, sessionAttributes={}):
return {
'version': '1.0',
'sessionAttributes': sessionAttributes,
'response': speechlet_response
def build_video_response(title, output, url):
return {
'outputSpeech': {
'type': 'PlainText',
'text': output
'directives': [{
'type': 'VideoApp.Launch',
'videoItem': {
'source': url,
'metadata': {
'title': title,
# --------------- Main handler ------------------
def lambda_handler(event, context):
if 'expires' in environ and int(datetime.strftime(, '%Y%m%d')) > int(environ['expires']):
return skill_expired()
global strings
if event['request']['locale'][0:2] == 'fr':
strings = strings_fr
elif event['request']['locale'][0:2] == 'it':
strings = strings_it
elif event['request']['locale'][0:2] == 'de':
strings = strings_de
elif event['request']['locale'][0:2] == 'es':
strings = strings_es
elif event['request']['locale'][0:2] == 'ja':
strings = strings_ja
elif event['request']['locale'][0:2] == 'pt':
strings = strings_pt
strings = strings_en
for key in strings_en:
if key not in strings:
strings[key] = strings_en[key]
global video_or_audio
video_or_audio = [False, 'audio']
if 'VideoApp' in event['context']['System']['device']['supportedInterfaces']:
video_or_audio[0] = True
if event['request']['type'] == "IntentRequest":
if event['request']['intent']['name'] == 'PlayOneIntent':
video_or_audio[1] = 'video'
if event['request']['type'] == "LaunchRequest":
return get_welcome_response(event)
elif event['request']['type'] == "IntentRequest":
return on_intent(event)
elif event['request']['type'] == "SessionEndedRequest":"on_session_ended")
elif event['request']['type'].startswith('AudioPlayer'):
return handle_playback(event)
# --------------- Events ------------------
def on_intent(event):
intent_name = event['request']['intent']['name']
# Dispatch to your skill's intent handlers
search_intents = ["SearchIntent", "PlayOneIntent", "PlaylistIntent", "SearchMyPlaylistsIntent", "ShuffleMyPlaylistsIntent", "ChannelIntent", "ShuffleIntent", "ShufflePlaylistIntent", "ShuffleChannelIntent", "PlayMyLatestVideoIntent"]
if intent_name in search_intents:
return search(event)
elif intent_name == 'NextPlaylistIntent':
return next_playlist(event)
elif intent_name == 'SkipForwardIntent':
return skip_by(event, 1)
elif intent_name == 'SkipBackwardIntent':
return skip_by(event, -1)
elif intent_name == 'SkipToIntent':
return skip_to(event)
elif intent_name == 'SayTimestampIntent':
return say_timestamp(event)
elif intent_name == 'AutoplayOffIntent':
return change_mode(event, 'a', 0)
elif intent_name == 'AutoplayOnIntent':
return change_mode(event, 'a', 1)
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.YesIntent":
return yes_intent(event)
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.NoIntent":
return do_nothing()
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.HelpIntent":
return get_help()
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.CancelIntent":
return do_nothing()
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.PreviousIntent":
return skip_action(event, -1)
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.NextIntent":
return skip_action(event, 1)
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent":
return change_mode(event, 's', 1)
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent":
return change_mode(event, 's', 0)
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.ResumeIntent":
return resume(event)
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.RepeatIntent" or intent_name == "NowPlayingIntent":
return say_video_title(event)
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.LoopOnIntent":
return change_mode(event, 'l', 1)
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.LoopOffIntent":
return change_mode(event, 'l', 0)
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.StartOverIntent":
return start_over(event)
elif intent_name == "AMAZON.StopIntent" or intent_name == "AMAZON.PauseIntent":
return stop()
elif intent_name == "PlayMoreLikeThisIntent":
return play_more_like_this(event)
raise ValueError("Invalid intent")
def handle_playback(event):
request = event['request']
if request['type'] == 'AudioPlayer.PlaybackStarted':
return started(event)
elif request['type'] == 'AudioPlayer.PlaybackFinished':
return finished(event)
elif request['type'] == 'AudioPlayer.PlaybackStopped':
return stopped(event)
elif request['type'] == 'AudioPlayer.PlaybackNearlyFinished':
return nearly_finished(event)
elif request['type'] == 'AudioPlayer.PlaybackFailed':
return failed(event)
# --------------- Functions that control the skill's behavior ------------------
def get_headers(event):
if 'apiAccessToken' in event['context']['System']:
apiAccessToken = event['context']['System']['apiAccessToken']
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer '+apiAccessToken,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
return headers
else:'apiAccessToken not found')
return False
def create_list(event, list_title, list_items=[]):
headers = get_headers(event)
if not headers:
return False
data = {
"name": list_title,
"state": "active"
url = event['context']['System']['apiEndpoint'] + '/v2/householdlists/'
r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
if r.status_code == 201:'List created')
listId = r.json()['listId']
for list_item in reversed(list_items):
post_list_item(event, listId, headers, list_item)
return True
elif r.status_code == 409:'List already exists')
return True
elif r.status_code == 403:'List permissions not granted')
return False
return True
def get_list_id(event, list_title):
headers = get_headers(event)
if headers:
url = event['context']['System']['apiEndpoint'] + '/v2/householdlists/'
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
lists = r.json()['lists']
return None
for list in lists:
if list['name'] == list_title and list['state'] == 'active':
return list['listId']
return None
def read_list_item(event, listId):
items = get_list(event, listId)
if items is not None and len(items) > 0:
return items[0]['id'], items[0]['value'], items[0]['version']
return None, None, None
def update_list_item(event, listId, itemId, itemValue, itemVersion, itemStatus='completed'):
headers = get_headers(event)
if headers:
data = {
"value": itemValue,
"status": itemStatus,
"version": itemVersion
url = event['context']['System']['apiEndpoint'] + '/v2/householdlists/'+listId+'/items/'+itemId
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
def create_list_item(event, listId, title):
headers = get_headers(event)
if headers:
timestamp = event['request']['timestamp']
utc = datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
from_zone = tz.tzutc()
timezone = get_time_zone(event)
if type(timezone) == list:
timezone = 'Europe/London'
if event['request']['locale'] in locales:
timezone = locales[event['request']['locale']]
to_zone = tz.gettz(timezone)
utc = utc.replace(tzinfo=from_zone)
local = utc.astimezone(to_zone)
the_date = local.strftime('%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S')
text = the_date+' '+title
post_list_item(event, listId, headers, text)
def post_list_item(event, listId, headers, text):
data = {
"value": text,
"status": "active"
url = event['context']['System']['apiEndpoint'] + '/v2/householdlists/'+listId+'/items/'
r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
def get_list(event, listId):
headers = get_headers(event)
if headers:
url = event['context']['System']['apiEndpoint'] + '/v2/householdlists/'+listId+'/active/'
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if 'items' in r.json():
return r.json()['items']
return None
def trim_list(event, listId):
items = get_list(event, listId)
if items is not None:
maxLength = 90
for item in items[maxLength:]:
itemId = item['id']
delete_list_item(event, listId, itemId)
def delete_list_item(event, listId, itemId):
headers = get_headers(event)
if headers:
url = event['context']['System']['apiEndpoint'] + '/v2/householdlists/'+listId+'/items/'+itemId
r = requests.delete(url, headers=headers)
def add_to_list(event, title):
listId = get_list_id(event, 'YouTube')
if listId is not None:
create_list_item(event, listId, title)'Created item')
trim_list(event, listId)
def check_favorite_videos(event, query, do_shuffle='0'):'checking for faves')
listId = get_list_id(event, 'YouTube Favorites')
if listId is None:'No Youtube Favorites list found')
return [], strings['video'], None
items = get_list(event, listId)
for item in items:
val = item['value']'checking '+val)
name, url = val.split('|')
if query.lower() == name.lower().strip():'match found')
videos, string_to_return, playlist_title = get_videos_from_url(url.strip())
if do_shuffle == '1':
return videos[0:50], string_to_return, playlist_title
return [], strings['video'], None
def get_videos_from_url(url):
t ='\/watch\?v=.*&list=([^&]+)', url, re.I)
if t:'match on t1')
playlist_id = t.groups()[0]
videos = get_videos_from_playlist(playlist_id)
return videos, strings['playlist'], get_title(playlist_id, 'playlists')
t ='\/playlist\?list=([^&]+)', url, re.I)
if t:'match on t2')
playlist_id = t.groups()[0]
videos = get_videos_from_playlist(playlist_id)
return videos, strings['playlist'], get_title(playlist_id, 'playlists')
t ='\/watch\?v=([^&]+)', url, re.I)
if t:'match on t3')
video_id = t.groups()[0]
return [video_id], strings['video'], None
t ='\/([^&]+)', url, re.I)
if t:'match on t4')
video_id = t.groups()[0]
return [video_id], strings['video'], None
t ='\/channel\/([^&]+)', url, re.I)
if t:'match on t5')
channel_id = t.groups()[0]
videos, errorMessage = video_search(channelId=channel_id)
return videos, strings['channel'], get_title(channel_id, 'channels')
t ='\/user\/([^&]+)', url, re.I)
if t:'match on t6')
username = t.groups()[0]
channel_info = youtube_channel_search(username)
if 'items' in channel_info and len(channel_info['items']) > 0 and 'id' in channel_info['items'][0]:
channel_id = channel_info['items'][0]['id']
videos, errorMessage = video_search(channelId=channel_id)
return videos, strings['channel'], get_title(channel_id, 'channels')
return [], strings['video'], None
def get_welcome_response(event):
list_created = create_list(event, 'YouTube')
list_created = create_list(event, 'YouTube Favorites', ['Add shortcuts to your favorite videos or playlists like this:', 'that song I like |', 'super awesome playlist |'])
speech_output = strings['welcome1']
reprompt_text = strings['welcome2']
should_end_session = False
speech_output = '<speak>' + speech_output + '</speak>'
return build_response(build_cardless_speechlet_response(speech_output, reprompt_text, should_end_session, 'SSML'))
def get_help():
speech_output = strings['help']
card_title = 'Youtube Help'
should_end_session = False
return build_response(build_speechlet_response(card_title, speech_output, None, should_end_session))
def illegal_action():
speech_output = strings['illegal']
should_end_session = True
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session))
def do_nothing():
return build_response({})
def youtube_search(query, search_type, maxResults, relatedToVideoId=None, channel_id=None, order=None, pageToken=None):
if 'DEVELOPER_KEY' not in environ:
return {'error': {'code': 400}}
params = {}
for kv in ([['q', query], ['type', search_type], ['maxResults', maxResults],
['relatedToVideoId', relatedToVideoId], ['channelId', channel_id], ['order', order], ['pageToken', pageToken],
['part', 'id,snippet'], ['key', environ['DEVELOPER_KEY']]]):
k = kv[0]
v = kv[1]
params[k] = v
youtube_search_url = ''
if 'youtube_search_url' in environ:
youtube_search_url = environ['youtube_search_url']
r = requests.get(youtube_search_url, params=params)
return r.json()
def youtube_playlist_search(channel_id, pageToken=None):
params = {}
for kv in ([['maxResults', 50], ['channelId', channel_id], ['pageToken', pageToken],
['part', 'snippet'], ['key', environ['DEVELOPER_KEY']]]):
k = kv[0]
v = kv[1]
params[k] = v
youtube_search_url = ''
if 'youtube_playlist_search_url' in environ:
youtube_search_url = environ['youtube_playlist_search_url']
r = requests.get(youtube_search_url, params=params)
return r.json()
def youtube_playlist_items_search(playlist_id, pageToken=None):
params = {}
for kv in ([['maxResults', 50], ['playlistId', playlist_id], ['pageToken', pageToken],
['part', 'snippet'], ['key', environ['DEVELOPER_KEY']]]):
k = kv[0]
v = kv[1]
params[k] = v
youtube_search_url = ''
if 'youtube_playlist_items_search_url' in environ:
youtube_search_url = environ['youtube_playlist_items_search_url']
r = requests.get(youtube_search_url, params=params)
return r.json()
def youtube_channel_search(username):
params = {}
for kv in ([['maxResults', 50], ['forUsername', username], ['part', 'id'], ['key', environ['DEVELOPER_KEY']]]):
k = kv[0]
v = kv[1]
params[k] = v
youtube_search_url = ''
if 'youtube_channel_search_url' in environ:
youtube_search_url = environ['youtube_channel_search_url']
r = requests.get(youtube_search_url, params=params)
return r.json()
def video_search(query=None, relatedToVideoId=None, channelId=None):
search_response = youtube_search(query, 'video', 50, relatedToVideoId, channelId)
return False, strings['youtubeerror']
if 'error' in search_response:
if search_response['error']['code'] == 403:
return False, strings['error403']
return False, strings['apikeyerror']
videos = []
for search_result in search_response.get('items', []):
if 'videoId' in search_result['id']:
return videos, ""
def playlist_search(query, sr, do_shuffle='0'):
playlist_id = ''
errorMessage = ''
search_response = youtube_search(query, 'playlist', 10)
if sr > len(search_response.get('items')):
return False, '', sr, strings['nomoreplaylists']
if len(search_response.get('items')) == 0:
return False, '', sr, strings['noplaylistresults']
for playlist in range(sr, len(search_response.get('items'))):
if 'playlistId' in search_response.get('items')[playlist]['id']:
playlist_id = search_response.get('items')[playlist]['id']['playlistId']
sr = playlist'Playlist info:'+playlist_id)
playlist_title = search_response.get('items')[sr]['snippet']['title']
videos = get_videos_from_playlist(playlist_id)
if do_shuffle == '1':
return videos[0:50], playlist_title, sr, errorMessage
def get_videos_from_playlist(playlist_id):
videos = []
data = {'nextPageToken': ''}
while 'nextPageToken' in data and len(videos) < 100:
next_page_token = data['nextPageToken']
data = youtube_playlist_items_search(playlist_id, next_page_token)
for item in data['items']:
return videos
def my_playlists_search(query, sr, do_shuffle='0'):
channel_id = None
playlist_id = None
if 'MY_CHANNEL_ID' in environ:
channel_id = environ['MY_CHANNEL_ID']
search_response = youtube_search(query, 'playlist', 10, channel_id=channel_id)
if len(search_response.get('items')) == 0:
search_response = youtube_playlist_search(channel_id)
for playlist in search_response.get('items'):
title = playlist['snippet']['title']
playlist['ratio'] = fuzz.ratio(query.lower(), title.lower())
playlist['id'] = {'playlistId': playlist['id']}
search_response['items'] = sorted(search_response['items'], key=lambda k: k['ratio'], reverse=True)
for playlist in range(sr, len(search_response.get('items'))):
if 'playlistId' in search_response.get('items')[playlist]['id']:
playlist_id = search_response.get('items')[playlist]['id']['playlistId']
if playlist_id is None:
return [], None, 0
sr = playlist'Playlist info:'+playlist_id)
playlist_title = search_response.get('items')[sr]['snippet']['title']
videos = []
data = {'nextPageToken': ''}
while 'nextPageToken' in data and len(videos) < 200:
next_page_token = data['nextPageToken']
data = youtube_playlist_items_search(playlist_id, next_page_token)
for item in data['items']:
if do_shuffle == '1':
return videos[0:50], playlist_title, sr
def my_latest_video():
channel_id = None
if 'MY_CHANNEL_ID' in environ:
channel_id = environ['MY_CHANNEL_ID']
if channel_id is None:
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(strings['nochannelid'], True))
search_response = youtube_search(None, 'video', 50, channel_id=channel_id, order='date')
videos = []
for search_result in search_response.get('items', []):
if 'videoId' in search_result['id']:
return videos
def channel_search(query, sr, do_shuffle='0'):
search_response = youtube_search(query, 'channel', 10)
channel_id = search_response.get('items')[sr]['id']['channelId']
playlist_title = search_response.get('items')[sr]['snippet']['title']
data = {'nextPageToken': ''}
videos = []
while 'nextPageToken' in data and len(videos) < 200:
next_page_token = data['nextPageToken']
search_response = youtube_search(query, 'video', 50, channel_id=channel_id, pageToken=next_page_token)
for item in search_response.get('items'):
if do_shuffle == '1':
return videos[0:50], playlist_title
def get_url_and_title(id):
if 'youtube_dl' in environ and (environ['youtube_dl'].lower() == 'true' or 'http' in environ['youtube_dl']):
return get_url_and_title_youtube_dl(id)
return get_url_and_title_pytube(id)
def get_url_and_title_youtube_dl(id, retry=True):
if 'youtube_dl' in environ and 'http' in environ['youtube_dl']:
params = {'id': id}
r = requests.get(environ['youtube_dl'], params=params)
info = r.json()
import youtube_dl'Getting youtube-dl url for'+id)
youtube_dl_properties = {}
if 'proxy_enabled' in environ and 'proxy' in environ and environ['proxy_enabled'].lower() == 'true':
youtube_dl_properties['proxy'] = environ['proxy']
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(youtube_dl_properties) as ydl:
yt_url = ''+id
info = ydl.extract_info(yt_url, download=False)
except Exception as e:
if 'unavailable' in e.__str__() or 'not available' in e.__str__():' is unavailable')
return None, None'youtube_dl error')
if 'youtube_dl_error_mirror' in environ and 'http' in environ['youtube_dl_error_mirror']:'Trying mirror: '+environ['youtube_dl_error_mirror'])
params = {'id': id, 'function_name': environ['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME']}
r = requests.get(environ['youtube_dl_error_mirror'], params=params)
info = r.json()
elif retry:'trying pytube')
return get_url_and_title_pytube(id, False)
return False, False
if info['is_live'] is True:
video_or_audio[1] = 'video'
return info['url'], info['title']
for f in info['formats']:
if video_or_audio[1] == 'audio' and f['vcodec'] == 'none' and f['ext'] == 'm4a':
return f['url'], info['title']
if video_or_audio[1] == 'video' and f['vcodec'] != 'none' and f['acodec'] != 'none':
return f['url'], info['title']'Unable to get URL for '+id)
return None, None
def get_url_and_title_pytube(id, retry=True):
if 'pytube' in environ and 'http' in environ['pytube']:
return get_url_and_title_pytube_server(id)
from pytube import YouTube
from pytube.exceptions import LiveStreamError, VideoUnavailable
proxy_list = {}
if 'proxy_enabled' in environ and 'proxy' in environ and environ['proxy_enabled'] == 'true':
proxy_list = {'https': environ['proxy']}'Getting pytube url for'+id)
yt = YouTube(''+id, proxies=proxy_list)
except LiveStreamError:' is a live video')
return get_live_video_url_and_title(id)
except VideoUnavailable:' is unavailable')
return None, None
except HTTPError as e:'HTTPError code '+str(e.code))
if retry:
return get_url_and_title_youtube_dl(id, False)
return False, False
except:'Unable to get URL for '+id)
return None, None
if video_or_audio[1] == 'video':
first_stream = yt.streams.filter(progressive=True).first()
first_stream = yt.streams.filter(only_audio=True, subtype='mp4').first()
return first_stream.url, first_stream.player_config_args['title']
def get_url_and_title_pytube_server(id):
params = {'id': id, 'video': video_or_audio[1]}
r = requests.get(environ['pytube'], params=params)
info = r.json()
if info['is_live'] is True:' is a live video')
return get_live_video_url_and_title(id)
if info['url'] is not None:
return info['url'], info['title']'Unable to get URL for '+id)
return False, False
def get_live_video_url_and_title(id):'Live video?')
title = 'live video'
u = ''+id
r = requests.get(u)
a ='https:[%\_\-\\\/\.a-z0-9]+m3u8', r.text, re.I)
url ='\\/', '/')
t ='<title>(.+) - youtube</title>', r.text, re.I)
if t:
title = t.groups()[0]
video_or_audio[1] = 'video'
return url, title
except:'Unable to get m3u8')
return None, None
def yes_intent(event):
session = event['session']
sessionAttributes = session.get('attributes')
if not sessionAttributes or 'intent' not in sessionAttributes or 'sr' not in sessionAttributes:
return build_response(build_cardless_speechlet_response(strings['gonewrong'], None, True))
intent = sessionAttributes['intent']
session['attributes']['sr'] = sessionAttributes['sr'] + 1
return search(event)
def next_playlist(event):
intent = event['request']['intent']
session = event['session']
if 'token' not in event['context']['AudioPlayer']:
speech_output = strings['nothingplaying']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, True))
current_token = event['context']['AudioPlayer']['token']
playlist = convert_token_to_dict(current_token)
if 'sr' not in playlist or 'query' not in playlist:
return build_response(build_cardless_speechlet_response(strings['gonewrong'], None, True))
if 'attributes' not in session:
session['attributes'] = {}
session['attributes']['sr'] = int(playlist['sr']) + 1
session['attributes']['query'] = playlist['query']
return search(event)
def search(event):
session = event['session']
intent = event['request']['intent']
startTime =
query = ''
if 'slots' in intent and 'query' in intent['slots']:
query = intent['slots']['query']['value']
if environ['AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME'] == 'YouTubeTest':
query = 'gangnam style''Looking for: ' + query)
should_end_session = True
intent_name = intent['name']
playlist_title = None
sessionAttributes = session.get('attributes')
if not sessionAttributes:
sessionAttributes = {'sr': 0, 'intent': intent}
if 'query' in sessionAttributes:
query = sessionAttributes['query'].replace('_', ' ')
sr = sessionAttributes['sr']
playlist = {}
playlist['s'] = '0'
playlist['sr'] = sr
playlist['a'] = '1'
playlist['i'] = intent_name.replace('Intent', '')
if intent_name == "PlayOneIntent":
playlist['a'] = '0'
playlist['query'] = query.replace(' ', '_')
if intent_name == "ShuffleIntent" or intent_name == "ShufflePlaylistIntent" or intent_name == "ShuffleChannelIntent" or intent_name == "ShuffleMyPlaylistsIntent":
playlist['s'] = '1'
playlist['l'] = '0'
videos, playlist_channel_video, playlist_title = check_favorite_videos(event, query, playlist['s'])
if videos == []:
if intent_name == "PlaylistIntent" or intent_name == "ShufflePlaylistIntent" or intent_name == "NextPlaylistIntent":
videos, playlist_title, playlist['sr'], errorMessage = playlist_search(query, sr, playlist['s'])
playlist_channel_video = strings['playlist']
elif intent_name == "SearchMyPlaylistsIntent" or intent_name == "ShuffleMyPlaylistsIntent":
videos, playlist_title, playlist['sr'] = my_playlists_search(query, sr, playlist['s'])
playlist_channel_video = strings['playlist']
elif intent_name == "ChannelIntent" or intent_name == "ShuffleChannelIntent":
videos, playlist_title = channel_search(query, sr, playlist['s'])
playlist_channel_video = strings['channel']
elif intent_name == "PlayMyLatestVideoIntent":
videos = my_latest_video()
playlist_channel_video = strings['video']
videos, errorMessage = video_search(query)
playlist_channel_video = strings['video']
if videos is False:
return build_response(build_cardless_speechlet_response(errorMessage, None, True))
if videos == []:
return build_response(build_cardless_speechlet_response(strings['novideo'], None, True))
if len(videos) == 1:
video_or_audio[1] = 'video'
next_url = None
for i, id in enumerate(videos):
if playlist_channel_video != strings['video'] and ( - startTime).total_seconds() > 8:
return build_response(build_cardless_speechlet_response(playlist_channel_video+" "+playlist_title+" " + strings['notworked'], None, False), sessionAttributes)
playlist['v'+str(i)] = id
if next_url is None:
playlist['p'] = i
next_url, title = get_url_and_title(id)
if next_url is False:
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(strings['throttled'], True))
next_token = convert_dict_to_token(playlist)
if playlist_title is None:
speech_output = strings['playing'] + ' ' + title
speech_output = strings['playing'] + ' ' + playlist_title
card_title = "Youtube"
return build_response(build_audio_or_video_response(card_title, speech_output, should_end_session, next_url, next_token))
def stop():
should_end_session = True
speech_output = strings['pausing']
return build_response(build_stop_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session))
def nearly_finished(event):
should_end_session = True
current_token = event['request']['token']
skip = 1
next_url, next_token, title = get_next_url_and_token(current_token, skip)
if title is None:
playlist = convert_token_to_dict(next_token)
if playlist['i'] != 'ShuffleMyPlaylists':
return do_nothing()
videos, playlist_title, playlist['sr'] = my_playlists_search(playlist['query'], int(playlist['sr']), playlist['s'])
for i, id in enumerate(videos):
playlist['v'+str(i)] = id
if next_url is None:
playlist['p'] = i
next_url, title = get_url_and_title(id)
next_token = convert_dict_to_token(playlist)
if next_url is False:
return do_nothing()
return build_response(build_audio_enqueue_response(should_end_session, next_url, current_token, next_token))
def play_more_like_this(event):
should_end_session = True
if 'AudioPlayer' not in event['context'] or 'token' not in event['context']['AudioPlayer']:
speech_output = strings['nothingplaying']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, True))
current_token = event['context']['AudioPlayer']['token']
playlist = convert_token_to_dict(current_token)
now_playing = playlist['p']
now_playing_id = playlist['v'+now_playing]
videos, errorMessage = video_search(None, now_playing_id)
if videos is False:
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(errorMessage, True))
next_url = None
for i, id in enumerate(videos):
playlist['v'+str(i)] = id
if next_url is None:
playlist['p'] = i
next_url, title = get_url_and_title(id)
if next_url is False:
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(strings['throttled'], True))
next_token = convert_dict_to_token(playlist)
speech_output = strings['playing']+' '+title
return build_response(build_cardless_audio_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session, next_url, next_token))
def skip_action(event, skip):"event:")"context:")['context'])
should_end_session = True
current_token = event['context']['AudioPlayer']['token']
next_url, next_token, title = get_next_url_and_token(current_token, skip)
if title is None:
playlist = convert_token_to_dict(next_token)
if playlist['i'] != 'ShuffleMyPlaylists':
speech_output = strings['nomoreitems']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session))
videos, playlist_title, playlist['sr'] = my_playlists_search(playlist['query'], int(playlist['sr']), playlist['s'])
for i, id in enumerate(videos):
playlist['v'+str(i)] = id
if next_url is None:
playlist['p'] = i
next_url, title = get_url_and_title(id)
next_token = convert_dict_to_token(playlist)
if next_url is False:
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(strings['throttled'], True))
speech_output = strings['playing']+' '+title
return build_response(build_cardless_audio_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session, next_url, next_token))
def skip_by(event, direction):
intent = event['request']['intent']
if 'token' not in event['context']['AudioPlayer']:
speech_output = strings['nothingplaying']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, True))
if 'slots' not in intent:
speech_output = strings['sorryskipby']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, True))
if 'hours' in intent['slots'] and 'value' in intent['slots']['hours']:
hours = int(intent['slots']['hours']['value'])
hours = 0
hours = 0
if 'minutes' in intent['slots'] and 'value' in intent['slots']['minutes']:
minutes = int(intent['slots']['minutes']['value'])
minutes = 0
minutes = 0
if 'seconds' in intent['slots'] and 'value' in intent['slots']['seconds']:
seconds = int(intent['slots']['seconds']['value'])
seconds = 0
seconds = 0
if hours == 0 and minutes == 0 and seconds == 0:
speech_output = strings['sorryskipby']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, True))
current_offsetInMilliseconds = event['context']['AudioPlayer']['offsetInMilliseconds']
skip_by_offsetInMilliseconds = direction * (hours * 3600000 + minutes * 60000 + seconds * 1000)
return resume(event, current_offsetInMilliseconds+skip_by_offsetInMilliseconds)
def skip_to(event):
intent = event['request']['intent']
if 'token' not in event['context']['AudioPlayer']:
speech_output = strings['nothingplaying']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, True))
if 'slots' not in intent:
speech_output = strings['sorryskipto']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, True))
if 'hours' in intent['slots'] and 'value' in intent['slots']['hours']:
hours = int(intent['slots']['hours']['value'])
hours = 0
hours = 0
if 'minutes' in intent['slots'] and 'value' in intent['slots']['minutes']:
minutes = int(intent['slots']['minutes']['value'])
minutes = 0
minutes = 0
if 'seconds' in intent['slots'] and 'value' in intent['slots']['seconds']:
seconds = int(intent['slots']['seconds']['value'])
seconds = 0
seconds = 0
if hours == 0 and minutes == 0 and seconds == 0:
speech_output = strings['sorryskipto']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, True))
offsetInMilliseconds = hours * 3600000 + minutes * 60000 + seconds * 1000
return resume(event, offsetInMilliseconds)
def resume(event, offsetInMilliseconds=None):
if 'token' not in event['context']['AudioPlayer']:
return get_welcome_response(event)
current_token = event['context']['AudioPlayer']['token']
should_end_session = True
speech_output = strings['ok']
if offsetInMilliseconds is None:
speech_output = strings['resuming']
offsetInMilliseconds = event['context']['AudioPlayer']['offsetInMilliseconds']
next_url, next_token, title = get_next_url_and_token(current_token, 0)
if title is None:
speech_output = strings['noresume']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session))
return build_response(build_cardless_audio_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session, next_url, current_token, offsetInMilliseconds))
def change_mode(event, mode, value):
if 'token' not in event['context']['AudioPlayer']:
speech_output = strings['nothingplaying']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, True))
current_token = event['context']['AudioPlayer']['token']
should_end_session = True
playlist = convert_token_to_dict(current_token)
playlist[mode] = str(value)
current_token = convert_dict_to_token(playlist)
speech_output = strings['ok']
offsetInMilliseconds = event['context']['AudioPlayer']['offsetInMilliseconds']
next_url, next_token, title = get_next_url_and_token(current_token, 0)
return build_response(build_cardless_audio_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session, next_url, current_token, offsetInMilliseconds))
def start_over(event):
current_token = event['context']['AudioPlayer']['token']
should_end_session = True
next_url, next_token, title = get_next_url_and_token(current_token, 0)
if title is None:
speech_output = strings['novideo']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session))
speech_output = strings['playing']+" " + title
return build_response(build_cardless_audio_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session, next_url, next_token))
def say_video_title(event):
should_end_session = True
if 'token' in event['context']['AudioPlayer']:
current_token = event['context']['AudioPlayer']['token']
next_url, next_token, title = get_next_url_and_token(current_token, 0)
if title is None:
speech_output = strings['notitle']
speech_output = strings['nowplaying']+" "+title
speech_output = strings['nothingplaying']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session))
def say_timestamp(event):
should_end_session = True
if 'offsetInMilliseconds' in event['context']['AudioPlayer']:
current_offsetInMilliseconds = int(event['context']['AudioPlayer']['offsetInMilliseconds'])
hours = current_offsetInMilliseconds / 3600000
minutes = (current_offsetInMilliseconds - hours*3600000) / 60000
seconds = (current_offsetInMilliseconds - hours*3600000 - minutes*60000) / 1000
speech_output = strings['currentposition']
if hours >= 2:
speech_output += ' ' + str(hours) + ' ' + strings['hours'] + ', '
elif hours == 1:
speech_output += ' ' + str(hours) + ' ' + strings['hour'] + ', '
if minutes == 1:
speech_output += ' ' + str(minutes) + ' ' + strings['minute'] + ', '
speech_output += ' ' + str(minutes) + ' ' + strings['minutes'] + ', '
if seconds == 1:
speech_output += ' ' + str(seconds) + ' ' + strings['second'] + ', '
speech_output += ' ' + str(seconds) + ' ' + strings['seconds'] + ', '
speech_output = strings['nothingplaying']
return build_response(build_short_speechlet_response(speech_output, should_end_session))
def convert_token_to_dict(token):
pi = token.split('&')
playlist = {}
for i in pi:
key = i.split('=')[0]
val = i.split('=')[1]
playlist[key] = val
return playlist
def convert_dict_to_token(playlist):
token = "&".join(["=".join([key, str(val)]) for key, val in playlist.items()])
return token
def get_next_url_and_token(current_token, skip):
should_end_session = True
speech_output = ''
playlist = convert_token_to_dict(current_token)
next_url = None
title = None
shuffle_mode = int(playlist['s'])
loop_mode = int(playlist['l'])
next_playing = int(playlist['p'])
autoplay = int(playlist['a'])
if not autoplay and skip != 0:
return None, convert_dict_to_token(playlist), None
number_of_videos = sum('v' in i for i in playlist.keys())
if shuffle_mode and skip != 0:
for i in range(int(next_playing), number_of_videos-1):
playlist['v'+str(i)] = playlist['v'+str(i+1)]
number_of_videos = sum('v' in i for i in playlist.keys())
if number_of_videos == 0:
return None, convert_dict_to_token(playlist), None
while next_url is None:
next_playing = next_playing + skip
if shuffle_mode and skip != 0:
next_playing = randrange(number_of_videos)
if next_playing < 0:
if loop_mode:
next_playing = number_of_videos - 1
next_playing = 0
if next_playing >= number_of_videos and loop_mode:
next_playing = 0
next_key = 'v'+str(next_playing)
if next_key not in playlist:
next_id = playlist[next_key]
next_url, title = get_url_and_title(next_id)
if skip == 0:
playlist['p'] = str(next_playing)
next_token = convert_dict_to_token(playlist)
return next_url, next_token, title
def get_time_zone(event):
deviceId = event['context']['System']['device']['deviceId']
apiAccessToken = event['context']['System']['apiAccessToken']
apiEndpoint = event['context']['System']['apiEndpoint']
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer '+apiAccessToken}
url = apiEndpoint + '/v2/devices/'+deviceId+'/settings/System.timeZone'
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
return r.json()
return []
def stopped(event):
offsetInMilliseconds = event['request']['offsetInMilliseconds']"Stopped at %s" % offsetInMilliseconds)
def started(event):"Started")
current_token = event['context']['AudioPlayer']['token']
playlist = convert_token_to_dict(current_token)
now_playing = playlist['p']
id = playlist['v'+now_playing]
title = get_title(id)
if title:
add_to_list(event, title)
def get_title(id, type_='videos'):
params = {'part': 'snippet', 'id': id, 'key': environ['DEVELOPER_KEY']}
youtube_search_url = ''+type_
r = requests.get(youtube_search_url, params=params)
return r.json()['items'][0]['snippet']['title']
return None
def finished(event):'finished')
token = event['request']['token']
def failed(event):"Playback failed")
if 'error' in event['request']:['request']['error'])
should_end_session = True
playBehavior = 'REPLACE_ALL'
current_token = event['request']['token']
skip = 1
next_url, next_token, title = get_next_url_and_token(current_token, skip)
if title is None:
return do_nothing()
return build_response(build_audio_enqueue_response(should_end_session, next_url, current_token, next_token, playBehavior))
def skill_expired():
speech_output = '<speak><voice name="Brian"><prosody rate="medium">'
speech_output += 'Hi there, this is the developer. Unfortunately your patreon subscription has expired. '
speech_output += 'If you would like to continue using this skill, please go to to renew your subscription. '
speech_output += '</prosody></voice></speak> '
return build_response(build_cardless_speechlet_response(speech_output, '', True, 'SSML'))
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- State:
- Created 3 years ago
- Comments:8
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I’m going to close this issue for now since there’s not much more I’ll be able to help with since we resolved the pytube issue. If you run into another error with pytube, feel free to open a new issue
Ok thanks a lot again 😃