Conda env does not activate at start even if activate=true
See original GitHub issueI’m unable to get my conda env to activate by default with --miniconda activate=True and need to manually enter source activate neuro
upon starting the singularity container with singularity shell
. I’d like to run the container from a bash/slurm script and it will not allow me to activate the env.
@satra was helping to look into this and this does work on a docker image based on ubuntu
Apparently the line sed -i '$isource activate neuro' $ND_ENTRYPOINT
is not executing
Neurodocker command:
singularity run neurodocker.simg generate singularity --base centos:7 --pkg-manager yum --user neuro --miniconda create_env=neuro activate=True conda_install="numpy pandas scipy scikit-learn matplotlib seaborn networkx ipython joblib nibabel datalad jupyter numba" pip_install="nibabel ply neurosynth nilearn pliers kmapper dyneusr pyns umap-learn librosa pydra tensorflow pysoundfile resampy" --install emacs vim --run "python -m pip install git+" > Singularity
Build Spec:
# Generated by: Neurodocker version 0.7.0+0.gdc97516.dirty
# Latest release: Neurodocker version 0.7.0
# Timestamp: 2020/05/22 20:04:12 UTC
# Thank you for using Neurodocker. If you discover any issues
# or ways to improve this software, please submit an issue or
# pull request on our GitHub repository:
Bootstrap: docker
From: centos:7
su - root
export ND_ENTRYPOINT="/neurodocker/"
yum install -y -q \
bzip2 \
ca-certificates \
curl \
localedef \
yum clean packages
rm -rf /var/cache/yum/*
localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
chmod 777 /opt && chmod a+s /opt
mkdir -p /neurodocker
if [ ! -f "$ND_ENTRYPOINT" ]; then
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' >> "$ND_ENTRYPOINT"
echo 'set -e' >> "$ND_ENTRYPOINT"
echo 'export USER="${USER:=`whoami`}"' >> "$ND_ENTRYPOINT"
echo 'if [ -n "$1" ]; then "$@"; else /usr/bin/env bash; fi' >> "$ND_ENTRYPOINT";
chmod -R 777 /neurodocker && chmod a+s /neurodocker
test "$(getent passwd neuro)" || useradd --no-user-group --create-home --shell /bin/bash neuro
su - neuro
export PATH="/opt/miniconda-latest/bin:$PATH"
echo "Downloading Miniconda installer ..."
curl -fsSL --retry 5 -o "$conda_installer"
bash "$conda_installer" -b -p /opt/miniconda-latest
rm -f "$conda_installer"
conda update -yq -nbase conda
conda config --system --prepend channels conda-forge
conda config --system --set auto_update_conda false
conda config --system --set show_channel_urls true
sync && conda clean -y --all && sync
conda create -y -q --name neuro
conda install -y -q --name neuro \
"numpy" \
"pandas" \
"scipy" \
"scikit-learn" \
"matplotlib" \
"seaborn" \
"networkx" \
"ipython" \
"joblib" \
"nibabel" \
"datalad" \
"jupyter" \
sync && conda clean -y --all && sync
bash -c "source activate neuro
pip install --no-cache-dir \
"nibabel" \
"ply" \
"neurosynth" \
"nilearn" \
"pliers" \
"kmapper" \
"dyneusr" \
"pyns" \
"umap-learn" \
"librosa" \
"pydra" \
"tensorflow" \
"pysoundfile" \
rm -rf ~/.cache/pip/*
sed -i '$isource activate neuro' $ND_ENTRYPOINT
yum install -y None \
emacs \
yum clean packages
rm -rf /var/cache/yum/*
python -m pip install git+
echo '{
\n "pkg_manager": "yum",
\n "instructions": [
\n [
\n "base",
\n "centos:7"
\n ],
\n [
\n "user",
\n "root"
\n ],
\n [
\n "_header",
\n {
\n "version": "generic",
\n "method": "custom"
\n }
\n ],
\n [
\n "user",
\n "neuro"
\n ],
\n [
\n "miniconda",
\n {
\n "create_env": "neuro",
\n "activate": true,
\n "conda_install": [
\n "numpy",
\n "pandas",
\n "scipy",
\n "scikit-learn",
\n "matplotlib",
\n "seaborn",
\n "networkx",
\n "ipython",
\n "joblib",
\n "nibabel",
\n "datalad",
\n "jupyter",
\n "numba"
\n ],
\n "pip_install": [
\n "nibabel",
\n "ply",
\n "neurosynth",
\n "nilearn",
\n "pliers",
\n "kmapper",
\n "dyneusr",
\n "pyns",
\n "umap-learn",
\n "librosa",
\n "pydra",
\n "tensorflow",
\n "pysoundfile",
\n "resampy"
\n ]
\n }
\n ],
\n [
\n "install",
\n [
\n "emacs",
\n "vim"
\n ]
\n ],
\n [
\n "run",
\n "python -m pip install git+"
\n ]
\n ]
\n}' > /neurodocker/neurodocker_specs.json
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export ND_ENTRYPOINT="/neurodocker/"
export CONDA_DIR="/opt/miniconda-latest"
export PATH="/opt/miniconda-latest/bin:$PATH"
/neurodocker/ "$@"
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 3 years ago
- Comments:7 (5 by maintainers)
@djarecka - i don’t think so. i do not have time right now to work on this.
@kaczmarj - thanks, I’ll give a try