Behavior of 6-Station Controller
See original GitHub issueHome Assistant 2021.3.4 I have installed Orbit BHyve Integration, written by Seb Ruiz, version: 2.0.6
Hardware: Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart Indoor/Outdoor 6-Station Controller Orbit 21005 B-hyve Bluetooth Hose Faucet Timer Orbit 21006 B-hyve Wi-Fi Hub
Integration: Have performed the Integration via HACS, installed fine. Have added a simple Dashboard to manually control and check functionality.
Success: Can control the Faucet Timer and works as expected, turns on and off within the dashboard. Can control the 3 programs [ Active/Inactive ] on the 6-station controller and works as expected within the dashboard.
Describe the bug, if it’s not my setup Failure: Failure to control any of the stations on the 6-station controller. They turn on for about 2 seconds and then turn off without touching the control on the dashboard, the valves do not open. This may very well be something I have not set correctly, or something I have set incorrectly.
Expected behaviour Would expect the same Behavior as the Faucet Timer
BHyve devices Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart Indoor/Outdoor 6-Station Controller Orbit 21005 B-hyve Bluetooth Hose Faucet Timer Orbit 21006 B-hyve Wi-Fi Hub
2021-03-23 16:10:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.bhyve] Devices: [{"last_connected_at": "2021-03-22T07:05:29.623Z", "address": "REDACTED", "timezone": {"dst_offset": 3600, "raw_offset": -28800, "timezone_id": "America/Los_Angeles", "timezone_name": "Pacific Daylight Time"}, "zip_code": "95608", "full_location": "REDACTED", "firmware_version": "0030", "name": "Hub", "type": "bridge", "battery": null, "image_url": "", "updated_at": "2021-03-22T07:05:29.623Z", "reference": "4467552002d9", "mac_address": "4467552002d9", "mesh_id": "5ad4c6174f0c72d7d6255be2", "status": {"watering_status": null, "next_start_time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00-07:00", "next_start_programs": []}, "wifi_version": 0, "id": "5ad4c6174f0c72d7d6255be0", "num_stations": 0, "device_gateway_host": "", "user_id": "59a0b7594f0ce371519d4dc9", "device_gateway_topic": "devices-5", "hardware_version": "BH1-0001", "is_connected": true, "location": "REDACTED", "created_at": "2018-04-16T15:49:43.770Z"}, {"last_connected_at": "2021-03-22T16:55:14.734Z", "address": "REDACTED", "water_sense_mode": "off", "scheduled_modes": {}, "timezone": {"dst_offset": 3600, "raw_offset": -28800, "timezone_id": "America/Los_Angeles", "timezone_name": "Pacific Daylight Time"}, "full_location": "REDACTED", "weather_forecast_location_id": "5a3026684f0cd78da02ba7d4", "firmware_version": "0032", "name": "Main", "type": "sprinkler_timer", "manual_preset_runtime_sec": 0, "image_url": "", "restricted_frequency": null, "weather_delay_thresholds": {"precip_prob": 71, "precip_in": 0.125, "wind_speed_mph": 20, "freeze_temp_f": 34}, "updated_at": "2021-03-23T21:24:05.276Z", "reference": "446755005fb4", "mac_address": "446755005fb4", "weather_station_id": "5a30263c4f0caaed3d54dd88", "status": {"run_mode": "auto", "next_start_programs": ["c"], "rain_delay_overridden_at": "2020-09-09T16:59:20.934Z", "watering_status": null, "rain_delay": 0, "flow_sensor": null, "next_start_time": "2021-03-23T20:00:00-07:00", "rain_delay_started_at": "2021-03-19T23:38:23-07:00"}, "wifi_version": "1.4.0", "id": "5adcd2e24f0c72d7d625f691", "num_stations": 6, "notes": "", "zones": [{"station": 1, "sun_shade": "partial_shade", "name": "Grass Back Yard", "num_sprinklers": 0, "catch_cup_volumes": [], "catch_cup_run_time": 0, "smart_watering_enabled": false}, {"station": 2, "sun_shade": "partial_shade", "name": "Grape Vines, Redwood", "num_sprinklers": 0, "catch_cup_volumes": [], "catch_cup_run_time": 0, "smart_watering_enabled": false}, {"station": 3, "sun_shade": "partial_shade", "name": "Citrus Tree", "image_url": "", "num_sprinklers": 0, "catch_cup_volumes": [], "catch_cup_run_time": 0, "smart_watering_enabled": false}, {"station": 4, "sun_shade": "partial_shade", "name": "Front Trees", "image_url": "", "num_sprinklers": 0, "catch_cup_volumes": [], "catch_cup_run_time": 0, "smart_watering_enabled": false}, {"station": 5, "sun_shade": "partial_shade", "name": "Front Grass", "image_url": "", "num_sprinklers": 0, "catch_cup_volumes": [], "catch_cup_run_time": 0, "smart_watering_enabled": false}, {"station": 6, "sun_shade": "partial_shade", "name": "Front Hedge", "num_sprinklers": 0, "catch_cup_volumes": [], "catch_cup_run_time": 0, "smart_watering_enabled": false}], "device_gateway_host": null, "user_id": "59a0b7594f0ce371519d4dc9", "google_home_status": null, "device_gateway_topic": "devices-5", "hardware_version": "wt25-0001", "is_connected": true, "location": "REDACTED", "created_at": "2018-04-22T18:22:26.302Z", "suggested_start_time": null, "et_id": "5644ff06ad27a7777ff6a622"}, {"last_connected_at": "2021-03-22T07:05:29.625Z", "address": "REDACTED", "water_sense_mode": "auto", "timezone": {"dst_offset": 3600, "raw_offset": -28800, "timezone_id": "America/Los_Angeles", "timezone_name": "Pacific Daylight Time"}, "full_location": "REDACTED", "weather_forecast_location_id": "5a3026684f0cd78da02ba7d4", "firmware_version": "0041", "name": "Smart Hose Timer", "type": "sprinkler_timer", "manual_preset_runtime_sec": 600, 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"is_connected": true, "location": "REDACTED", "created_at": "2021-03-21T21:32:36.040Z", "suggested_start_time": null, "et_id": "5644ff06ad27a7777ff6a622"}]
2021-03-23 16:10:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.bhyve] Programs: [{"name": "Citrus Trees", "program_start_date": null, "frequency": {"type": "days", "days": [0, 2, 3, 5], "interval": 1}, "program_end_date": null, "is_basic_program": false, "updated_at": "2021-03-23T19:56:01.984Z", "updated_via": "wifi", "start_times": ["09:00"], "id": "5c19530d4f0c88ec9ed4bb57", "budget": 100, "is_smart_program": false, "device_id": "5adcd2e24f0c72d7d625f691", "program": "a", "run_times": [{"run_time": 74, "station": 3}, {"run_time": 3, "station": 6}], "enabled": true, "created_at": "2018-12-18T20:05:33.214Z"}, {"name": "Grass", "program_start_date": null, "frequency": {"type": "odd"}, "program_end_date": null, "updated_at": "2021-03-23T19:56:01.987Z", "updated_via": null, "start_times": ["08:00"], "id": "5c19632d4f0c88ec9ed72cf5", "budget": 100, "is_smart_program": false, "device_id": "5adcd2e24f0c72d7d625f691", "program": null, "run_times": [{"run_time": 8, "station": 1}], "enabled": false, "created_at": "2018-12-18T21:14:21.746Z"}, {"post_delay": 0, "name": "Vines", "program_start_date": null, "frequency": {"type": "days", "days": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]}, "program_end_date": null, "group_id": "5ec9d1244f0c01c8ad0195f4", "updated_at": "2021-03-23T19:56:01.989Z", "pre_delay": 0, "updated_via": "wifi", "start_times": ["10:00", "20:00"], "id": "5c1964804f0c88ec9ed7661c", "budget": 100, "group_run_times": [{"device_id": "5adcd2e24f0c72d7d625f691", "run_times": [{"run_time": 40, "station": 2}]}], "is_smart_program": false, "device_id": "5adcd2e24f0c72d7d625f691", "program": null, "run_times": [{"run_time": 40, "station": 2}], "enabled": false, "created_at": "2018-12-18T21:20:00.016Z"}, {"name": "Vines 2", "frequency": {"type": "days", "days": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]}, "updated_at": "2021-03-23T19:56:01.991Z", "updated_via": "wifi", "start_times": ["21:00"], "id": "5ef17e7c4f0c226b41a69232", "budget": 100, "is_smart_program": false, "device_id": "5adcd2e24f0c72d7d625f691", "program": null, "run_times": [{"run_time": 40, "station": 2}], "enabled": false, "created_at": "2020-06-23T04:01:00.433Z"}, {"name": "Front Trees", "frequency": {"type": "days", "days": [0, 2, 4]}, "updated_at": "2021-03-23T19:56:01.993Z", "updated_via": "wifi", "start_times": ["20:00"], "id": "5f0477c14f0c226b41a9993e", "budget": 100, "is_smart_program": false, "device_id": "5adcd2e24f0c72d7d625f691", "program": "c", "run_times": [{"run_time": 14, "station": 4}], "enabled": true, "created_at": "2020-07-07T13:25:21.961Z"}, {"name": "Temp frog", "frequency": {"type": "even"}, "is_basic_program": false, "updated_at": "2021-03-23T19:56:01.994Z", "updated_via": "wifi", "start_times": ["14:00"], "id": "603d67304f0c8f4b44d60cf0", "budget": 100, "is_smart_program": false, "device_id": "5adcd2e24f0c72d7d625f691", "program": "b", "run_times": [{"run_time": 3, "station": 6}], "enabled": true, "created_at": "2021-03-01T22:14:08.573Z"}, {"update_via": "wifi", "name": "Garden", "frequency": {"type": "odd"}, "is_basic_program": false, "updated_at": "2021-03-23T20:56:19.499Z", "updated_via": "wifi", "start_times": ["14:38"], "id": "6057bcd24f0c161d5a0a1e75", "budget": 100, "device_id": "6057bb744f0c9e0599a0aed2", "program": "a", "run_times": [{"run_time": 10, "station": 1}], "enabled": true, "created_at": "2021-03-21T21:38:26.360Z"}]
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 2 years ago
- Comments:7 (4 by maintainers)
Top GitHub Comments
Hey Sebr: Just back to HA and B-Hyve. You have found the difference. between the faucet controller and the station controller. Thx so much.
What Works: Your suggestion/direction on a Service. That work 😃 ! On the Faucet Controller: A simple Button within the HA UI to control the Switch works fine.
UI for the Faucet [This Works]:
What Does Not Work: On the 6-Station Controller: A simple Button within the UI to control the Switch DOES not work. This is where I was running into problems. One works, the other does not.
UI for the 6-Station Controller [This Fails]:
So all is great if you use a “Service” and not the “Button-Switch”. I hope this helps others…
Thanks @JimTheJet. I will change the behaviour of the integration to default to the 5 minute runtime if there is no manual preset, as well as write a warning to the logs. Hopefully this avoids problems for other users too.