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Native file inputs currently work with <sl-form>, but it would be nice to have a more intuitive file input component. Perhaps something that shows each file as a clearable tag after the user makes a selection. Not sure on the UI, but features should include:

  • accept prop
  • multiple prop
  • Drag and drop files
  • Pasting files
  • A standard file input control
  • A button variation
  • Dropzone with file list

Please vote for this feature using 👍 or 👎

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Reactions:61
  • Comments:9 (4 by maintainers)

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claviskacommented, May 18, 2022

At first glance, this looks really good and well thought out. Unfortunately, it was submitted the first day of my vacation so I won’t be able to give it a proper review until I get back next week. However, separate PRs would be better so we can keep each one focused and get them merged faster.

Thanks for contributing this, and apologies for the delay. I can’t wait to get home and review it!

mkitzmanncommented, May 12, 2022

Our team (@kaiszybiak, @preethivenkatesh-sdase, @janborkensteinm, @mkitzmann) prepared a proposal for file input components. We are looking forward to your feedback and would like to discuss the next steps.

We suggest to build 4 separate components:

  • Dropzone
  • FileList
  • FileListItem
  • FileInput

These components could be used individually or composed together (see animation below). We have created drafts for the properties, events, slots, CSS Custom Properties and CSS Parts. In the next step, we would suggest to open individual issues for each component, so the requirements for each one can be discussed separately.


Dropzones are areas into which files can be dragged and dropped to upload a file.

It might be worth looking into if we could utilize an existing library here like There has also been some similar work done in Adobe Spectrum Web Components.



Name Description Reflects Type Default
accept A string that defines the file types the file input should accept. Defaults to ‘*’ string '*'
disabled Disables the dropzone. boolean false
multiple Indicates whether the form control accepts one or more values boolean false
noButton If true, hides button to open the native file selection dialog boolean false
noDrag If true, disables drag ‘n’ drop boolean false
maxFileSize An optional maximum size of a file that will be considered valid. number | undefined -
maxFiles An optional maximum amount of files that will be considered valid. number | undefined -
label An optional overwrite for the upload label string | undefined -
buttonLabel An optional overwrite for the preview button label string | undefined -
lang The locale to render the component in. string -


Name React Event Description Event Detail
sl-drag-leave onSlDragLeave Emitted when dragged files have been moved out of the dropzone area without having been dropped. -
sl-drag-over onSlDragOver Emitted when files have been dragged over the dropzone area, but not yet dropped. -
sl-drop onSlDrop Emitted when dragged files have been dropped on the dropzone area. -
sl-change onSlChange Emitted when files have been uploaded via the dropzone or file dialog. -
sl-drop-accepted onSlDropAccepted Emitted when dragged files have been dropped on the dropzone area and were accepted. -
sl-drop-rejected onSlDropRejected Emitted when dragged files have been dropped on the dropzone area but were rejected. -
sl-file-dialog-open onSlFileDialogOpen Emitted when native file dialog is prompted. -
sl-file-dialog-cancel onSlFileDialogCancel Emitted when native file dialog is closed without selection. -


Name Description
content The dropzone’s content. Alternatively, you can use the icon slot and label prop.
icon The dropzone’s icon.

CSS Custom Properties

Name Description Default
--border-radius The border radius for dropzone edges.
--border-width The width of dropzone borders.

CSS Parts

Name Description
base The component’s internal wrapper.
content The preview slot’s container.


This component imports the following dependencies.

  • <sl-button>
  • <sl-icon>
  • <sl-spinner>


A file list provides a list of files and is composed of FileListItem components.

File List


Name React Event Description Event Detail
sl-remove onSlRemove Emitted when a menu item is removed. { item: SlFileListItem }


Name Description
(default) The menu’s content, including menu items, menu labels, and dividers.

CSS Parts

Name Description
base The component’s internal wrapper.


File list items represent an uploaded file and provides information about file type, file size etc.


Name Description Reflects Type Default
loading Draws the item in a loading state. boolean false
progressValue The current progress, 0 to 100. Only respects is loading prop is true. number 0
indeterminate When true, percentage is ignored, the label is hidden, and the progress bar is drawn in an indeterminate state. Only respects is loading prop is true. boolean false
progressLabel A custom label for the progress bar’s aria label. Only respects is loading prop is true. string ''
lang The locale to render the component in. string -
warning Draws the item in a warning state. boolean false
value A unique value to store in the menu item. This can be used as a way to identify menu items when selected. string ''
size The size of the file in bytes as a read-only 64-bit integer. string ''
type The MIME type of the file as a read-only string or an empty string if the type couldn’t be determined. string ''


Name Description
(default) The menu item’s label.
icon The menu item’s icon.
warning-icon The menu item’s warning icon.
remove-icon The menu item’s remove icon.

CSS Parts

Name Description
base The component’s internal wrapper.
label The menu item label.


This component imports the following dependencies.

  • <sl-button>
  • <sl-icon>
  • <sl-progress-bar>
  • <sl-spinner>


File inputs can be used to upload one or more files from the local file system.

This could be a separate component or extend the default input component. Its properties should align with the native file input, so it can be used in forms (

File Input


Name Description Reflects Type Default
accept A string that defines the file types the file input should accept. Defaults to ‘*’. Only works if input type is ‘file’ string '*'
multiple Indicates whether the form control accepts one or more values. Only works if input type is ‘file’ boolean false
maxFileSize An optional maximum size of a file that will be considered valid. number | undefined -
maxFiles An optional maximum amount of files that will be considered valid. number | undefined -
size The input’s size. 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' 'medium'
name The input’s name attribute. string -
filled Draws a filled input. boolean false
warning Draws the input in a warning state. boolean false
pill Draws a pill-style input with rounded edges. boolean false
label The input’s label. Alternatively, you can use the label slot. string ''
warningLabel The input’s warning label. Alternatively, you can use the warning-label slot. string ''
buttonLabel The input’s button label. Alternatively, you can use the button-label slot. string ''
The input’s help text. Alternatively, you can use the help-text slot. string ''
placeholder The input’s placeholder text. string -
lang The locale to render the component in. string -
disabled Disables the input. boolean false
required Makes the input a required field. boolean false
invalid This will be true when the control is in an invalid state. Validity is determined by props such as, required, maxFileSize, maxFiles, and accept using the browser’s constraint validation API. boolean false


Name React Event Description Event Detail
sl-change onSlChange Emitted when an alteration to the control’s value is committed by the user. -
sl-clear onSlClear Emitted when the clear button is activated. -
sl-input onSlInput Emitted when the control receives input and its value changes. -
sl-focus onSlFocus Emitted when the control gains focus. -
sl-blur onSlBlur Emitted when the control loses focus. -
sl-remove onSlRemove Emitted when file tag is removed. -
sl-file-dialog-open onSlFileDialogOpen Emitted when native file dialog is prompted. -
sl-file-dialog-cancel onSlFileDialogCancel Emitted when native file dialog is closed without selection. -


Name Description
label The file input’s label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.
button The file input’s button. Alternatively, you can use the buttonLabel prop.
warning-label The file input’s warning label. Alternatively, you can use the warningLabel prop.
preview-tag The tag representing an uploaded file.
prefix Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the input.
suffix Used to append an icon or similar element to the input.
help-text Help text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the help-text prop.

CSS Parts

Name Description
form-control The form control that wraps the label, input, and help-text.
form-control-label The label’s wrapper.
form-control-input The input’s wrapper.
form-control-help-text The help text’s wrapper.
base The component’s internal wrapper.
preview-tag The component’s preview tag wrapper.
button The file dialog button.
input The input control.
prefix The input prefix container.
suffix The input suffix container.


This component imports the following dependencies.

  • <sl-button>
  • <sl-icon>
  • <sl-spinner>
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