How to load exact pretrained model for the ready-to-use recipe?
See original GitHub issueHi!
I’ve been trying for a while to load the pretrained CRDNN model trained on the librispeech ( to the exact training recipe ( with which it was trained upon.
The reason I want to load it to the recipe is to have a full control over the forward loop as I need to change it a bit for my research.
So I made some tweaks to to make it work, mainly:
- Inherit from pretrained interface, i.e
class ASR(Pretrained):
Instead of
class ASR(sb.Brain):
- Load the pretrained model:
brain = ASR.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/asr-crdnn-rnnlm-librispeech",
However, the module names seem to not match. When I print with brain.mods.keys()
I get:
odict_keys(['normalizer', 'encoder', 'decoder', 'lm_model'])
If I try to run the model, I start getting AttributeErrors, because in forward() function of the model I cannot access directly layer names. You can see that layer names don’t match those above odic_keys at all.
def compute_forward(self, batch, stage):
"""Forward computations from the waveform batches to the output probabilities."""
batch =
wavs, wav_lens = batch.signal
tokens_bos, _ = batch.tokens_bos
wavs, wav_lens =,
# Add augmentation if specified
if stage == sb.Stage.TRAIN:
if hasattr(self.modules, "env_corrupt"):
wavs_noise = self.modules.env_corrupt(wavs, wav_lens)
wavs =[wavs, wavs_noise], dim=0)
wav_lens =[wav_lens, wav_lens])
tokens_bos =[tokens_bos, tokens_bos], dim=0)
if hasattr(self.hparams, "augmentation"):
wavs = self.hparams.augmentation(wavs, wav_lens)
# Forward pass
feats = self.hparams.compute_features(wavs)
feats = self.modules.normalize(feats, wav_lens)
x = self.modules.enc(feats.detach())
e_in = self.modules.emb(tokens_bos) # y_in bos + tokens
h, _ = self.modules.dec(e_in, x, wav_lens)
# Output layer for seq2seq log-probabilities
logits = self.modules.seq_lin(h)
p_seq = self.hparams.log_softmax(logits)
# Compute outputs
if stage == sb.Stage.TRAIN:
current_epoch = self.hparams.epoch_counter.current
if current_epoch <= self.hparams.number_of_ctc_epochs:
# Output layer for ctc log-probabilities
logits = self.modules.ctc_lin(x)
p_ctc = self.hparams.log_softmax(logits)
return p_ctc, p_seq, wav_lens
return p_seq, wav_lens
if stage == sb.Stage.VALID:
p_tokens, scores = self.hparams.valid_search(x, wav_lens)
p_tokens, scores = self.hparams.test_search(x, wav_lens)
return p_seq, wav_lens, p_tokens
For example:
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'normalize'
Is equivalent to seem to have a lot of differences thus I am not sure if the training file in the Librispeech folder matches the Huggingface model.
It seems however that Hugginface and Librispeech recipes don’t match??? Was the model on Hugginface trained with different architecture or hparams file? How can I make the above work?
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- Created a year ago
- Comments:15
Say no more:
We have a Pretrainer that can load any arbitrary .ckpt as long as the YAML definition corresponding to this model is given :_)
Alright, it works now. I was running it from the wrong folder…
I will recreate this checkpoint loading in my experiments and will let you know if everything works! Thanks.