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Does it work with p5.js?

See original GitHub issue

Hi! When I try to capture my little p5.js project, the animation doesn’t work. Did I set up everything correctly or does it just not work in p5.js? Thanks!

let t = 0;
let n = 20;
let canvas;
let buttonStartRec;
let buttonStopRec;

let capturer = new CCapture({
  format: 'webm',
  name: 'test'

function setup() {

  canvas = createCanvas(500, 500);

  buttonStartRec = createButton('start');

  buttonStopRec = createButton('stop');


function draw() {
  background(10, 30, 35, 150);
  translate(width / 2, height / 2);


  stroke(255, 100);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    stroke(255, 10 + 15 * i);
    line(x11(t + i), y11(t + i), x12(t + i), y12(t + i));

  t = t + 0.28;


function x11(t) {
  return cos(t / 15) * 220;

function y11(t) {
  return sin(t / 15) * 100;

function x12(t) {
  return sin(t / 10) * 200;

function y12(t) {
  return cos(t / 10) * 250 + sin(t / 10) * 150;

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  • State:open
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Comments:13 (2 by maintainers)

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pbeshaicommented, Oct 28, 2018

I just put together a brief blog on how I used CCapture.js with p5.js.

Hope this helps!

AntoineBathcommented, May 31, 2018

Hi Kubi1992, most likely you have it working by now, but for reference. I’m using Chrome. first to have the capturer.start working without freezing your drawing I had to separate them into 2 different functions: //launch the render function function scene(){ ready = true; render(); capturer.start(); } function render(){ animation(); } To add to piebro comment you need to do var container = select('#defaultCanvas0'); capturer.capture(container.elt); otherwise I was getting t.toBlob is not a function Finally I can only use once I did capturer.stop() here is my code, it is still under construction but it took me 1 week to be able to get the ccapture working 😆

//program variables var howto; //text explaining how to use the tool //font var fontName; //name of the font file var changeFont; //button to validate the name of the file var userFont = false; //control to see if a font file was loaded var fontSize = 45; //color var subPaint; //color of the subtitles var choosePaint; //button to validate the color //subtitle location var startX; //where the text start on x axis var startY; //where the text start on y axis var local; //button to validate x and y var rightMarge; var bottomMarge; var xline; var yline; var interCharacterGap = 35;

//subtitle frame //TBD

//fps and wpm for the video that will be subbed var fps; //video frame per second var fpm; //frame per minute var wpm; //word per minute var fpw; //frame per word var fpl; //frame per letter var writeLetter = 0; //used to count frame to write a new letter var vspeed; //button video speed validation

//subtitles var subs; //subtitles var w = []; //array of words var l = []; //array of letters var lw; //avg of letters per word
var submit; //button to submit the subtitles var written = []; //array receiving letters of the subtitle 1 by 1 var lValue; var letterNumber = 0; //increased by 1 after each draw loop

//animation var preview; //to preview on the canvas var ready = false; //used to lauch the subtitle rendering var duration; // video duration in secondes var timing = 0; //time in seconde

//CCapture variables var canvas; //used to create the canvas and child it var containing; //select the canvas var capturer = null; // used to generate the png of the animation

//user settings functions

//font file need to be placed in the same folder as project function userFontName() { userFont = true; fontName = document.getElementById(“fontName”); fontRegular = loadFont(fontName.value); console.log(fontName.value); }

//user can choose the color of the subtitles text function paint() { var col = document.getElementById(‘paint’); subPaint = “'#” + col.value + “'”; console.log("Font Color: " + subPaint); }

//user can select where the subtitles appear in the canvas (canvas top left = 0 pixel X, 0 pixel Y) function localization(){ var idx = document.getElementById(‘startX’); startX = Number(idx.value); var idy = document.getElementById(‘startY’); startY = Number(idy.value); console.log("location x: " + startX,"location y: " + startY); }

//user indicate the speed of the video, and how many word are said per minute (English avg is 140 wpm) function videoSpeed(){ var frame = document.getElementById(‘fps’); fps = Number(frame.value); frameRate(fps); var word = document.getElementById(‘wpm’); wpm = Number(word.value); console.log(“FPS: " + fps,”, Word per minute: " + wpm); //transform fps to fpm fpm = fps * 60; //calculate frame per word fpw = Math.floor(Number(fpm / wpm)); console.log("frame per word: " + fpw);

//User can set 2 subtitles bacground to do a frame, if none then set value to 0,0,0,0 for transparent //TBD

//User subtitles, divided into letters and set to canvas size !!! need to be modified to fit subtitle backgrounds function newText() { rightMarge = width - fontSize2.5; bottomMarge = height - (fontSize + 10); background(‘rgba(255,255,255,0)’); fill(‘#ff8800’);//color of background 1 noStroke(); rect(670,830,1200,240); //orange rectangle subtittle background 1 fill(‘#2f2e2e’);//color of background 2 noStroke(); rect(680,840,1180,220); //grey rectangle subtittle background 2 l = []; written = []; w = subs.value.split(’ ‘); l = subs.value.split(’'); lw = Number(Math.ceil(l.length/w.length)); fpl = Math.ceil(fpm/(wpmlw)); duration = Math.ceil(Number(l.length*fpl)); xline = startX; yline = startY; for (var i=0; i<=l.length; i++){
if (l[i] == “\n”){ // check if the character is cariage return yline = yline + fontSize; xline = startX + interCharacterGap; lValue = l[i]; written[i] = new Typing(lValue, xline, yline); }else if (xline >= rightMarge) { //check if the letters are reaching right side of the page yline = yline + fontSize; xline = startX + interCharacterGap; lValue = l[i]; written[i] = new Typing(lValue, xline, yline); }else if (yline >= bottomMarge) { //check if the letters are reaching the bottom of the page yline = startY; xline = xline + interCharacterGap; lValue = l[i]; console.log(“y back to start”); written[i] = new Typing(lValue, xline, yline); }else {
xline = xline + interCharacterGap; yline = yline; lValue = l[i]; written[i] = new Typing(lValue, xline, yline); } //console.log(written.length); } }

//function to have the characters positions function Typing(symbol, x, y) { this.sym = symbol; this.x = x; this.y = y; }

//launch the render function function scene(){ ready = true; render(); capturer.start(); }

function render(){ animation(); }

function animation() { if(ready){ if (timing < duration+3) { if(writeLetter >= fpl) { writeLetter = 0; console.log(“reset writeLetter”); var j=letterNumber; letterNumber ++; timing = letterNumber*fpl; console.log(timing,duration); if(letterNumber > l.length) { console.log(‘false’); ready = false; capturer.stop(); console.log(‘stp’);; console.log(‘save’); clear();
} else { if(written[j+1].y - written[j].y < 0) { fill(‘#ff8800’);//color of background 1 noStroke(); rect(670,830,1200,240); //orange rectangle subtittle background 1 fill(‘#2f2e2e’);//color of background 2 noStroke(); rect(680,840,1180,220); //grey rectangle subtittle background 2 console.log(“clean square”); fill(subPaint); textFont(fontRegular, fontSize); text(written[j].sym, written[j].x, written[j].y); console.log(written[j]); } else { fill(subPaint); textFont(fontRegular, fontSize); text(written[j].sym, written[j].x, written[j].y); console.log(written[j]); } } } else { writeLetter ++; } containing = select(‘#defaultCanvas0’); capturer.capture(containing.elt); requestAnimationFrame(animation); } else { capturer.stop(); console.log(‘stp’);; console.log(‘save’); clear(); } }


//initial situation function setup() { canvas = createCanvas(1920,1080); canvas.parent(‘canvas’);

capturer = new CCapture({
	framerate: fps,
	format: 'png',
	autoSaveTime: 30
}  );


//User settings
howto = document.getElementById("howto");

howto.innerHTML += How to: First paste your subtitles in the text box, 1 line = 1 subtitle line then click on "Submit" ; howto.innerHTML += Place the font file in the same folder than SubGen.html on your computer, and write the name of the file in the text box and click on "Change Font" ; howto.innerHTML += Choose a color in hex value, click on "Choose Color" to validate ; howto.innerHTML += Enter the x and y location, where the subtitles should start and click on "Location" ;

changeFont = select(‘#changeFont’); changeFont.mousePressed(userFontName);

choosePaint = select(‘#col’); choosePaint.mousePressed(paint);

local = select(‘#local’); local.mousePressed(localization);

vspeed = select(‘#vspeed’); vspeed.mousePressed(videoSpeed);

subs = document.getElementById(“subtitles”); = “200px”; = “400px”;

submit = select(“#submit”); submit.mousePressed(newText);

preview = select(“#preview”); preview.mousePressed(scene); }

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