From swagger editor able to get the JWT auth token, but from application which enabled swagger-ui using springfox is not working
See original GitHub issueTested my auth server from swagger editor and is working fine. I’m able to get the token and authorization is happening without any issues. But, when I tried to integrate it with my web service where swagger UI is enabled using springfox dependencies is not working.
Success form swagger editor
Failed from application
Noticed that in the failed case, swagger UI is sending only a single POST request, but swagger editor had an OPTIONS & POST request to get the token.
Suspected CROS filter initially, so I took my swagger json and tested in swagger editor and it worked. My auth server and resource server with application is also working fine when tested via curl.
Sample auth server and resource server is this:-
And swagger configuration is below
public class SwaggerConfigNew {
private String clientId;
private String clientSecret;
private String authLink;
public Docket api() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2).select()
.directModelSubstitute(org.joda.time.LocalDate.class, java.sql.Date.class)
.directModelSubstitute(org.joda.time.DateTime.class, java.util.Date.class)
private OAuth securitySchema() {
List<AuthorizationScope> authorizationScopeList = newArrayList();
authorizationScopeList.add(new AuthorizationScope("read", "read all"));
authorizationScopeList.add(new AuthorizationScope("trust", "trust all"));
authorizationScopeList.add(new AuthorizationScope("write", "access all"));
List<GrantType> grantTypes = newArrayList();
GrantType creGrant = new ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant(authLink + "/oauth/token");
return new OAuth("oauth2schema", authorizationScopeList, grantTypes);
UiConfiguration uiConfig() {
return new UiConfiguration("validatorUrl", // url
"none", // docExpansion => none | list
"alpha", // apiSorter => alpha
"schema", // defaultModelRendering => schema
UiConfiguration.Constants.DEFAULT_SUBMIT_METHODS, false, // enableJsonEditor => true | false
true, // showRequestHeaders => true | false
60000L); // requestTimeout => in milliseconds, defaults to null (uses jquery xh timeout)
public SecurityConfiguration securityInfo() {
return new SecurityConfiguration(clientId, clientSecret, "", "", "", ApiKeyVehicle.HEADER, "", " ");
private SecurityContext securityContext() {
return SecurityContext.builder().securityReferences(defaultAuth()).forPaths(PathSelectors.ant("/user/**"))
private List<SecurityReference> defaultAuth() {
final AuthorizationScope[] authorizationScopes = new AuthorizationScope[3];
authorizationScopes[0] = new AuthorizationScope("read", "read all");
authorizationScopes[1] = new AuthorizationScope("trust", "trust all");
authorizationScopes[2] = new AuthorizationScope("write", "write all");
return Collections.singletonList(new SecurityReference("oauth2schema", authorizationScopes));
// @Bean
public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() {
return new WebMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
I’m using springfox 2.7.0
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 6 years ago
- Comments:15 (5 by maintainers)
@dilipkrish Thank you very much. Now it sends an auth header bearer token, when I try to access an endpoint with swagger! 😃
You could use THE swagger-ui