Server side build error
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Current behavior While launching my SSR build I got errors like “Zone task already loaded” or “Cannot find module ‘.’”. I found that I get this errors only if I use ngx-charts-line-chart component. I also use ngx-charts-pie-chart, ngx-charts-bar-horizontal, ngx-charts-bar-vertical-2d and no errors appear.
Webpack config `const path = require(‘path’); const webpack = require(‘webpack’);
module.exports = { entry: { server: ‘./server.ts’ }, resolve: { extensions: [‘.js’, ‘.ts’] }, target: ‘node’, // this makes sure we include node_modules and other 3rd party libraries externals: [/(node_modules|update__modules..*.js)/], output: { path: path.join(__dirname, ‘dist’), filename: ‘[name].js’ }, module: { rules: [{ test: /.(ts|js)$/, loader: ‘regexp-replace-loader’, options: { match: { pattern: ‘\[(Mouse|Keyboard|Focus)?Event\]’, flags: ‘g’ }, replaceWith: ‘[]’ } }, { test: /.ts$/, loader: ‘ts-loader’ }, { test: /.scss$/, use: [{ loader: “style-loader” }, { loader: “css-loader” }, { loader: “sass-loader” }] }] }, plugins: [ // Temporary Fix for issue: // for ‘WARNING Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression’ new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin( /(.+)?angular(\|/)core(.+)?/, path.join(__dirname, ‘src’), // location of your src {} // a map of your routes ), new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin( /(.+)?express(\|/)(.+)?/, path.join(__dirname, ‘src’), {} ) ] }; `
Current dependencies
"dependencies": { "@angular/animations": "5.2.6", "@angular/common": "5.2.6", "@angular/compiler": "5.2.6", "@angular/core": "5.2.6", "@angular/forms": "5.2.6", "@angular/http": "5.2.6", "@angular/platform-browser": "5.2.6", "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "5.2.6", "@angular/platform-server": "^5.2.4", "@angular/router": "5.2.6", "@ng-select/ng-select": "^1.1.1", "@nguniversal/express-engine": "^5.0.0-beta.5", "@nguniversal/module-map-ngfactory-loader": "^5.0.0-beta.5", "@ngx-progressbar/core": "3.0.1", "@ngx-progressbar/http-client": "3.0.1", "@ngx-share/core": "^5.0.1", "@ngx-translate/core": "^9.1.1", "@ngx-translate/http-loader": "^3.0.1", "@swimlane/ngx-charts": "^7.4.0", "angular2-jwt": "0.2.3", "angular2-text-mask": "8.0.3", "bootstrap": "3.3.7", "core-js": "2.4.1", "d3": "^5.4.0", "dom-to-image": "^2.6.0", "file-saver": "1.3.3", "font-awesome": "4.7.0", "intl": "1.1.0", "js-base64": "^2.4.3", "jwt-decode": "2.2.0", "lodash": "^4.17.4", "moment": "^2.21.0", "ng-inline-svg": "6.0.0", "ng-pick-datetime": "5.2.1", "ng-pick-datetime-moment": "^1.0.5", "ng-semantic": "1.1.13", "ng-sidebar": "6.0.1", "ng2-bootstrap-modal": "", "ng2-cookies": "1.0.12", "ng2-dnd": "4.2.0", "ng2-flatpickr": "0.4.0", "ng2-img-cropper": "0.9.0", "ng2-nouislider": "1.7.4", "ng2-order-pipe": "0.1.5", "ng2-toastr": "4.1.2", "ngx-dropdown": "0.0.22", "ngx-hellojs": "0.0.4", "ngx-infinite-scroll": "0.5.1", "ngx-mask": "2.1.17", "ngx-modal": "0.0.29", "ngx-pagination": "3.0.1", "ngx-scrollbar": "1.5.5", "ngx-sharebuttons": "4.0.4", "ngx-siema": "2.0.1", "nouislider": "9.0.0", "rxjs": "^5.5.6", "svgxuse": "1.2.6", "ts-loader": "^3.5.0", "web-animations-js": "2.3.1", "zone.js": "0.8.4" }, "devDependencies": { "@angular/cli": "^1.6.8", "@angular/compiler-cli": "5.2.6", "@angular/language-service": "5.2.6", "@biesbjerg/ngx-translate-extract": "^2.3.4", "@compodoc/compodoc": "^1.1.1", "@types/jasmine": "~2.5.53", "@types/jasminewd2": "~2.0.2", "@types/node": "^6.0.98", "codelyzer": "~3.0.1", "husky": "^0.14.3", "jasmine-core": "~2.6.2", "jasmine-spec-reporter": "~4.1.0", "karma": "~1.7.0", "karma-chrome-launcher": "~2.1.1", "karma-cli": "~1.0.1", "karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter": "1.2.1", "karma-jasmine": "^1.1.1", "karma-jasmine-html-reporter": "0.2.2", "lint-staged": "^7.0.0", "prettier": "^1.11.1", "protractor": "~5.1.2", "regexp-replace-loader": "^1.0.1", "ts-node": "~4.1.0", "tslint": "^5.9.1", "tslint-config-prettier": "^1.10.0", "tslint-misc-rules": "^3.3.2", "typescript": "2.4.2", "webpack-bundle-analyzer": "^2.11.1" }
Working chart example
<ngx-charts-bar-vertical-2d #verticalBarChart [legend]="true" [results]="data" [xAxis]="true" [yAxis]="true" legendTitle=""> </ngx-charts-bar-vertical-2d>
Chart that cause an error
<ngx-charts-line-chart #lineChart [legend]="true" [results]="data" [xAxis]="true" [yAxis]="true" legendTitle=""> </ngx-charts-line-chart>
Environment: IDE: Webstorm 2018 / VisualCode Node 9.2.1 npm 6.0.0
ngx-charts version: ngx-charts: 7.4.0/8.0.0 (the same behavior) d3: 4.10.0/5.4.0 angular: 5.0.0/5.2.* angular/cli 1.6.{4,8}/1.7.3/1.7.4/6.00 zone.js: 0.8.{4,14,17,26}
Language: TypeScript 2.4.2
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 5 years ago
- Comments:5 (3 by maintainers)
Top GitHub Comments
Found a fix after being stuck with this error for 3 days: 🙂
In your project root, open these two files: i) ‘node_modules/@swimlane/ngx-charts/release/common/circle-series.component.d.ts’ ii) ‘node_modules/@swimlane/ngx-charts/release/common/circle-series.component.js’
In each file, replace the following line of code
You should be good to go. Just save and build your project.
Additional Note
Afterwards, when you try to build the project you might experience the following error: “Prerendering failed because of error: ReferenceError: MouseEvent is not defined”.
To solve this, install regexp-replace-loader:
Then in ‘./webpack.server.config.js’, update rules as follows:
Future Considerations
This error occurs because of a simple mistake in the source code of the ngx-charts project. It is my askance, kindly, if the core team could replace the lines in the two files above with my proposed fixes, as this would ensure no future errors for developers using Angular Universal.
Happy coding! Cheers! 😎
@tawn33y Thanks a lot for your advises around the issues - it helped me a lot during work on this! 🥇