This is a collection of ideas for further development:
Generate clients for @grpc/grpc-js (see #57)
Provide a “backend” for grpc-web, similar to the grpc-backend
Support Enum / Enum value options (see #37)
~Convenience functions to read service and message options (see #36)~
~Support message options (see #35)~
support validate.proto
- see (already has a test harness)
function validate<T>(message: T, IMessageType<T> type): string | undefined
- make available in @protobuf-ts/runtime or @protobuf-ts/validate
run test-generated specs in web browser too
benchmark code-size for grpc-web and twirp
globalThis on nodejs < 12.0.0: use polyfill or show better error message -
discriminator from “oneofKind” to “oneof” -
grpc web interop-tests:
- (docker; slow setup; difficult testing)
field mask utils
- FieldMask.normalize(mask: FieldMask): FieldMask Converts a FieldMask to its canonical form. In the canonical form of a FieldMask, all field paths are sorted alphabetically and redundant field paths are removed.
- FieldMask.union(firstMask: FieldMask, … otherMasks: FieldMask[]): FieldMask Creates a union of two or more FieldMasks.
- FieldMask.intersection(s: FieldMask, b: FieldMask): FieldMask Calculates the intersection of two FieldMasks.
generate IMessageType<T>.equals(a: T, b: T);
generate json I/O methods
IMessageType<T>.extract(message: T, mask: FieldMask): PartialMessage<T>; Returns a partial message that has only the fields specified in the mask.
IMessageType<T>.diff(a: T, b: T): FieldMask; Creates a field mask with all fields that are different between a and b.
IMessageType<T>.mergeMessage(target: T, source: T, mask: FieldMask): T; convenience for doing extract() and mergePartial()
generate “typeName” discriminator property in interfaces? a symbol?
prevent local field name clashes, see book.proto TestPrimitiveFieldsWithSameJsonName
proto compiler in typescript
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 3 years ago
- Reactions:2
- Comments:8 (7 by maintainers)
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Possibly provide a new package for parsing the currently unspecified text protobuf format.
For what’s it’s worth, isn’t accurate, not even close actually heh.