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Calling function with string arguments returns out of bounds memory error.

See original GitHub issue

Seems like trying to load and call a function that uses pointers to access strings fails to access memory in either an exported or imported memory.

Example code:

            using var engine = new Engine();
            using var module = Module.FromFile(engine, "../../../wasm/bucketing-lib-debug.wasm");
            using var linker = new Linker(engine);
            using var store = new Store(engine);
                Function.FromCallback(store, (int message, int filename, int linenum, int colnum) =>
                    var inst = linker.Instantiate(store, module);
                    var mem = inst.GetMemory(store, "memory");

                    var messageStr = From64Bitstring(mem.ReadString(store, message, 1000));
                    var filenameStr = From64Bitstring(mem.ReadString(store, filename, 1000));
                    var lineNumStr = From64Bitstring(mem.ReadString(store, linenum, 1000));
                    var colNumStr = From64Bitstring(mem.ReadString(store, colnum, 1000));
            var memory = new Memory(store, 10);
            linker.Define("env", "memory", memory);
            var config = "{\"project\":{\"_id\":\"_project\"},\"environment\":{\"_id\":\"environment\"}}\0";
            var user = "{\"user_id\":\"test_id\"}";
            var configaddr = 0;
            var configBytesWritten = memory?.WriteString(store, configaddr, config);
            var useraddr = configaddr + configBytesWritten!;
            var userBytesWritten = memory?.WriteString(store, (int) useraddr, user);
            var instance = linker.Instantiate(store, module);
            //var memory = instance.GetMemory(store, "memory");
            dynamic generateBucketedConfig = instance.GetFunction(store, "generateBucketedConfig")!;

            if (configBytesWritten == null || userBytesWritten == null)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed to write to memory.");

            var config2 = memory.ReadString(store, configaddr, (int) configBytesWritten);
            var user2 = memory.ReadString(store, (int) useraddr, (int) userBytesWritten);

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Config data: " + config2);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("user data: " + user2);
            var span = memory.GetSpan(store);
            var result = generateBucketedConfig?.Invoke(store, (int)configaddr, (int)useraddr);

            Console.WriteLine("generateBucketedConfig result: " + result);

WAT file of relevant function showing param usage via pointers:

(func $src/index/generateBucketedConfig (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
  (local $2 i32)
  (local $3 i32)
  (local $4 i32)
  (local $5 i32)
  global.get $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer
  i32.const 12
  global.set $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer
  call $~stack_check
  global.get $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer
  i64.const 0
  global.get $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer
  i32.const 0 offset=8
  global.get $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer
  global.get $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer
  local.get $0
  local.set $2
  local.get $2
  call $~lib/assemblyscript-json/JSON/_JSON.parse<~lib/string/String>
  local.tee $2
  local.get $2
  i32.const 3
  call $~lib/rt/__instanceof
  if (result i32)
   local.get $2
   i32.const 1184
   i32.const 2960
   i32.const 4
   i32.const 41
   call $~lib/builtins/abort
  local.tee $2
  global.get $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer
  global.get $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer
  local.get $1
  local.set $3
  local.get $3
  call $~lib/assemblyscript-json/JSON/_JSON.parse<~lib/string/String>
  local.tee $3 offset=4
  local.get $3
  i32.const 3
  call $~lib/rt/__instanceof
  if (result i32)
   local.get $3
   i32.const 1184
   i32.const 2960
   i32.const 5
   i32.const 39
   call $~lib/builtins/abort
  local.tee $3 offset=4
  global.get $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer
  i32.const 0
  local.get $2
  call $src/index/BucketedUserConfig#constructor
  local.tee $4 offset=8
  local.get $4
  call $src/index/BucketedUserConfig#stringify
  local.set $5
  global.get $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer
  i32.const 12
  global.set $~lib/memory/__stack_pointer
  local.get $5

Error output:

Config data: {"project":{"_id":"_project"},"environment":{"_id":"environment"}}
user data: {"user_id":"test_id"}
Unhandled exception. Wasmtime.TrapException: wasm trap: out of bounds memory access
wasm backtrace:
    0:  0x36a - <unknown>!~lib/string/String.UTF8.byteLength
    1: 0x69f2 - <unknown>!~lib/string/String.UTF8.encode
    2: 0x1638 - <unknown>!~lib/string/String.UTF8.encode@varargs
    3: 0x6c0e - <unknown>!~lib/assemblyscript-json/util/index/Buffer.fromString
    4: 0x5f16 - <unknown>!~lib/assemblyscript-json/JSON/_JSON.parse<~lib/string/String>
    5: 0x7c4b - <unknown>!src/index/generateBucketedConfig
    6: 0x7f2d - <unknown>!export:src/index/generateBucketedConfig

   at Wasmtime.Function.Invoke(StoreContext context, ReadOnlySpan`1 arguments)
   at Wasmtime.Function.Invoke(IStore store, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute4[T0,T1,T2,T3,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3)
   at Example.Program.runWASM() in /Users/jamiesinn/git/dotnet-server-sdk/Example/Program.cs:line 75
   at Example.Program.Main(String[] args) in /Users/jamiesinn/git/dotnet-server-sdk/Example/Program.cs:line 12
   at Example.Program.<Main>(String[] args)

What are we doing wrong here? or is this an unsupported method of accessing a function?

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments:15 (9 by maintainers)

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JamieSinncommented, Mar 15, 2022

Awesome! Thanks!

We had issues enabling and finding the proper WASI config - it would always complain with not being able to find fd_write.

WASM is a new area for us - and this helps a ton in understanding how to use it!

peterhuenecommented, Mar 14, 2022

By the way, with the above program’s WASI configuration, you should be able to console.log from within the exported function in the AssemblyScript program to verify that it is indeed passing the JSON correctly.

Read more comments on GitHub >

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